Title: Pathology of Breast Cancer
1Pathology of Breast Cancer
- Dr. Venkatesh M. Shashidhar
- Senior Lecturer in Pathology
- Fiji School of Medicine
2No doubt knowledge is valuable..,But above
it are power, goodness most important Character
3Normal Breast
4Normal Breast lobule (ipx)
- Female breasts are modified sweat glands.
- Lobes and lobules in adipose tissue stroma.
- Lactiferous ducts merge just beneath the nipple
to form a lactiferous sinus. - Majority of cancers arise in the ducts.
- Breast cancer is very rare before age 25
- 1 in 8 women in US develop breast cancer
- Less incidence in Asia
6Histological Types
7 8Breast Carcinoma
9Breast Carcinoma - Schirrous
10Infiltrating Duct Carcinoma
11Infiltrating Duct Carcinoma
12Schirrous Carcinoma
13Medullary CarcinomaSoft, inflammatory cells
14Colloid Carcinoma
15Intraductal in-situ Carcinoma
16Lobular Carcinoma
17Intraduct Carcinoma
18Lymphatic spread in Breast Ca
19Intraduct Carcinoma
20Pagets Disease (Epidermal invasion)
21Risk Factors
- Maternal relative with breast cancer.
- BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes
- Longer reproductive span.
- Obesity.
- Nulliparity.
- Later age at first pregnancy.
- Atypical epithelial hyperplasia.
- Previous breast cancer/Endometrial Ca.
22Estrogen receptor (ER) in nuclei will have a
better prognosis (Tamoxifen)
23C-erb Positivity IPXHigh grade, Aneuploidy
24Immunoperoxidase Positivity
Neg 1 2 3
25Tumor - DNA Analysis
26Thank You
Dr. Venkatesh M. Shashidhar Senior Lecturer in
Pathology Fiji School of Medicine