Title: Streaming Validation Model for SOAP Digital Signature
1Streaming Validation Model for SOAP Digital
- Wei Lu, Kenneth Chiu, Aleksander Slominski,
Dennis Gannon - welu_at_cs.indiana.edu
- Extreme! Lab, Indiana University
- Quick review of XML Signature and SOAP Digital
Signature - Streaming model for SOAP signature validation
- Performance measurement
- Conclusion
- What is XML essentially?
- tree (XML Infoset or XQDM)
- XML 1.0 syntax
- the rules to serialize the tree
- Formal representation (from Tulafale)
- Element sub-tree
- bytes xml_1_0_serialize(e Element)
ltcontract noFE233E date2005/01/01gt ltcust
omergt Tom lt/customergt lt/contractgt
4Various representations
ltcontract noFE233E date2005/01/01gt ltcust
omergt Tom lt/customergt ltdealergt Jerry
lt/dealergt ltpricegt lt/pricegt lt/contractgt
ltcontract date2005/01/01 noFE233E
gt ltcustomergt Tom lt/customergt ltdealer gt Jerry
lt/dealergt ltprice/gt lt/contractgt
5Canonicalization (C14N)
- Purpose
- to build 1-1 relationship between XML data and
its serialized representation. - bytes c14n(e Element)
- A set of encoding rules
- Empty elements are converted to start-end tag
pairs - Normalize white space
- Attribute value delimiters are set to quotation
marks (double quotes) - Lexicographic order is imposed on the namespace
declarations and attributes of each element
6Canonicalization (C14N)
- Why do we need it? Equivalence
- c14n(Element A) c14n(Element B) ? A B
- Digest of a xml element
- bytesdigest hmac(c14n(Elemente))
- hmac(c14n(ElementA)) hmac(c14n(ElementB)) ?
A B - C14N is unavoidable theoretically
7XML Signature SOAP msg signature
- Syntax to associate between the signature and the
XML data - Transform
- Referred data signed data can be different
- XPath, XSLT
- SOAP signature
- Apply the XML Signature syntax in SOAP message.
- Signature element has to be in the SOAP header
8Validation of a XML signature
- Reference validation
- Locating the referred data
- (Apply transformations on the referred data)
- C14N over the result to get canonical form
- Calculate digest from the canonical form
- Signature validation
- C14N over ltSignedInfogt to get canonical form
- Verify the signature value of canonical form
9Motivation for optimization
- Memory requirement (at least)
- 1 DOM 1 Node-set
- 2 canonical octet streams
- Computation requirement (at least)
- Dom building Parsing
- Node-set building
- 2 C14N digest calculating
- Message Based Security is not cheap!
- GT4 set SSL be default security mechanism
- C14N is the bottleneck (Satoshi Shirasuna)
- Quick introduction of XML Signature and SOAP
Digital Signature - Streaming model for SOAP signature validation
- Performance measurement
- Conclusion
11Streaming validation model
- Streaming C14N GHPX
- Embed the C14N processing in the XML parser
- No DOM
- SOAP-specific signature validation SSSV
- Streaming-able Template (most cases)
- Only invocation/result in the body will be
signed, - signature precedes the signed data
- Without transformations (most likely)
- works on SAX events, no explicit XPath Node Set
12Streaming C14N
- C14N conversion rules
- Syntax based rule
- Line-break normalization,attribute value
normalization and empty element conversion - Context based rule
- (Namespace,DTD)
- the lexicographical ordering of the attributes
etc. - Utilize the context of XML parsing
- XML parser has all the needed information.
- Doing C14N conversion as soon as the information
is available. - Canonical octet stream is the byproduct of parsing
13XML Parser with Streaming C14N
- Transition diagram for production rules
- element EmptyElemTag STag content Etag
- EmptyElemTag lt Name (S Attribute) S? /gt
- STag lt Name (S Attribute) S? gt
- Associate transition with C14N action
14C14N Session
- Duration when parser is doing C14N
- Open/close
- Session option DIGEST-ONLY
- Need digest over the canonical stream , instead
of the canonical stream - Calculate the digest incrementally without need
of the holding entire canonical stream, a small
chunk is enough
15Streaming SOAP Signature Validation (SSSV)
Streaming-able template
- Quick introduction of XML Signature and SOAP
Digital Signature - Streaming model for SOAP signature validation
- Performance measurement
- Conclusion
- GHPX vs. Libxml2
- Parsing With SAX API
- Similar!
- Streaming C14N vs. DOM based C14N
- Libxml2 needs two separate stages
- Parsing and DOM tree building(yellow)
- C14N(blue)
- GHPX (red)
- Combines both stages into one pipeline
- DOM based C14N take more time than creating DOM !
18Measurements Performance Evaluation
- GHPX/SSSV vs. XML Security lib
- Performance of signature validation
- Linear to number of elements
- Memory usage
- GHPX memory usage is constant
- Streaming advantage!
19How much we have to pay in minimum?
- Comparing 1) DOM based validation (libxml2) 2)
streaming validation (GHPX) 3) PGP
signature validation
20Conclusion and future work
- DOM and XPath Node set based DOM are expensive
- C14N over the DOM is even more expensive,
- Bad scalability for memory usage
- Parser supports streaming canonicalization
- Specific implementation for common case is good
enough - Planned to support the streaming XPath query
based on streaming C14N. - Planned to merge streaming validation within our
Web service security toolkit
- Extreme! Lab, Indiana University
- www.extreme.indiana.edu