Title: The chick hatching
1The chick hatching experience
2Welcome Back Class!!!! How was your break?
I would like to share with you what we will be
spending the next few weeks on.
Welcome back class!!!
January 15, 2005
Topics for today Discuss Science Project
We will be hatching chicks!!!! They will be sooo
cute and I cant wait to get started!!!
Lots of FUN!!!!
3While we are working on this project, everyone
will have responsibilities.
We will take turns to rotate the eggs, check the
temperature, and keep the area clean
I volunteer to rotate the eggs!!!
I want to check the temperature!!!!
4You do it just like this..
I want to demonstrate how to rotate the eggs.
5How about Squeaker!!!
All of a sudden the class noticed the eggs moving.
Look class!!! The eggs are starting to hatch.
January 15, 2005
Welcome back class!!!
I like the name Chickie!!!
What should we name them?
Lets all gather around and watch the eggs.
6How long will it take?
Hey look!! They are making head way!!!
I hope they all make it!!!!
7I wonder where the chicks will go when they leave
I think the chicks look really cute!!
The chicks will go to a farm.
8Picture day with the chicks!!!
Ok, everyone gather around and smile!!
9Good bye Chicks!!!
This party is fun, but I will miss the chicks!!
Yeah, me too!!!
10(No Transcript)
11One year later
Welcome Back Class!!!! How was your break?
We are going to hatch chicks again this year, my
class last year really liked it!!
Welcome back class!!!
January 15, 2006
Topics for today Discuss Science Project