Title: Deep Ocean
1Deep Ocean
Benthos Nektos Chemosymbiotic
communities Deadfall communities
Bathyal, abyssal, hadal No light at all below
1km Low T (3 to -18C) High O2 High P
Not well known deeper than able to dive Limited
areas studied But high diversity Enough
nutrients, O2
Squid, ctenophores, jellies, fish,
sharks Vertically zoned Not well known, same
problem as with studying benthos
Bioluminescence Chemical reaction in
photocell Lures Conspecific ID Predator avoidance
5Hydrothermal vents, seeps
First discovered 1977, Galapagos Now fairly well
studied for deep ocean, new discovery
6Hydrothermal vents, seeps
Warm to hot water Water boiling out of black
smokers 100sC Black smokers Volcanic
activity Metals, sulfides
7Hydrothermal vents, seeps
Tube worms, mussels, giant clams, crabs, shrimp,
eels Chemosymbiosis with sulfur-oxidizing
bacteria Predators Fossil record 450 MY, 150
MY, recent Important for understanding early
life processes
8Whale Carcass Communities
Dead whales ? attract scavengers Temporary
community Can feed organisms for
weeks Organisms leave when whale consumed