Discourse Markers - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Discourse Markers


Discourse Markers: 1. Introducing Example. 2. Difference ... But the three women did well enough, having also inherited a rooster. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Discourse Markers

Discourse Markers
University of
Technology Chemnitz PS
Philosophical Faculty
Lecturer Ph.D. M. Weisser
  • Discourse Markers 1. Introducing Example
  • 2. Difference
  • 3. I
    Characteristics of Discourse Markers (DM)
  • 3.1 Exercise 1
  • 3.2 Solution
  • 4. II Characteristics of
    Discourse Markers (DM)
  • 4.1 I Lexical Why an indefinable word
  • 4.2 II Lexical Why an indefinable word
  • 5. Exercise 2
  • 6. Solution
  • 7. Conclusion
  • Yes/No-Units 1. Introduction
  • 2. Examples
  • 3. Exercise
  • 4. Solution
  • 5. Conclusion

1. Introducing Example
  • A I suppose if you got experience in American
    University administration you could still come
    back here?
  • B Mh. Oh yes, certainly. Well theyre desperate
    for people to work in universities cos the
    moneys not good so anyone
  • A Oh really? Well, you know, oh here
  • B So, anybody whos soft enough to enjoy it and
  • A Yes.
  • B -of actually want a job, you know, is welcomed
    with open-
  • A Yes.
  • B -arms.

cf. Stenström,A-B.An Introduction to Spoken
1. Introducing Example
  • A If you got experience in American University
    administration you could still come back here?
  • B Theyre desperate for people to work in
    universities cos the moneys not good so anyone
  • A here
  • B So, anybody whos soft enough to enjoy it and
    want a job is welcomed with open arms.
  • What is the difference?

cf. Stenström,A-B.An Introduction to Spoken
2. Difference
  • Makes still perfect sense
  • BUT
  • Conversation sounds - more artificial
    - unpersonal
    - not that lively
  • ? Signals for receipt of information, agreement
    and involvement are missing.

3. I Characteristics of Discourse Markers (DM)
  • serve to - start an utterance -
    introduce and mark the end of a topic
    - introduce a digression and mark the
    resumption of the old topic
    - signal the end of an utterance
  • ? organize and hold the turn
  • ? mark boundaries in the discourse
  • help the speaker to organize the discourse

Exercise 1 gt Find out the function of
the highlighted DMs lt
  • a) utt49 u and then ltsilgt go ltsilgt via
    Corning ltsilgt to Bath ltsilgt to get the
    other ltsilgt two ltsilgt which is ltsilgt
    sevenutt50 s oh okay so let's see ltsilgt now
    did the boxcars ha- I can't
    remember the problem now did they have to be
    loaded with anything or
  • utt51 u oh yeah boxcar of ltsilgt oranges
  • utt52 s oh okay
  • utt53 u so we have to stop at
    Corning to get oranges
  • utt76 u am I ltsilgt finished utt77 s um
    well let's see I guess uh utt78 u cause they
    had to be ltsilgt tis- ltsilgt by seven a.m.
  • c) utt3 s uh yes I'll need to know what the
    problem is

trains93-corpus, Dialogue d92a-1.2
  • a) Marks the resumption of the old topic
  • b) Signals the end of an utterance
  • c) starts an utterance

II Characteristics of Discourse Markers (DM)
  • lexical - form a rather indefinable word class
  • semantic - multifunctional
  • - optional (leave them out without
    making the utterance incomplete)
  • - show the attitude of the speaker
    towards the linguistic action
  • syntactic - not in the syntactic structure of a
  • - often used with other DMs
  • stylistic - marked as colloquial
  • - unwanted in written texts
  • Sociolinguistic - high-frequently

Laurel J. Brinton 1996 Pragmatic markers in
English Grammaticalization and discourse
functions. Berlin/NY Mouton der Gruyter.
Jucker, Andreas /Ziv, Yael 1998 "Discourse
markers Introduction". Jucker, Andreas/Ziv, Yael
(Hg.) Discourse Markers. Descriptions and
Theory. Amsterdam/Philadelphia Benjamins. 1-12.
I Lexical Why an indefinable word class?
  • multifunctional DMs at the same or other places
    can have different
    meaningsutt102 s so that would be ltsilgt six
    a.m. utt103 u alright ltsilgt and now how what
    time will it be utt104 s okay so then
    it'll take ltsilgt then it'll take ltsilgt three
    hours so it'll be nine a.m.
    utt97 s yes you could send the engine ltsilgt
    from ltsilgt Avon ltsilgt to Corning
    it'll take it four hours to get there utt101
    u okay ? first okay signals that the speaker
    understood the former utterance? second okay
    signals agreement
  • optional you can leave them out and the
    utterance makes still sense

trains93-corpus, Dialogue d93-8.3
II Lexical Why an indefinable word class?
  • Syntactical variety Dms were derived from
    different grammatical categories
  • - conjuntions utt76 u but I have two
    tankers in El-
  • - adverbs utt135 s well that's
    actually go- that's gonna take
    six hours no matter
  • - verbs utt79 s right by seven a.m.
    there probably isn't time to
    ltsilgt get any ltsilgt I mean you could go
    back but no that
    won't it'll take two hours to go back to Corning
    so there won't be
  • - interjections utt3 s uh that means
    ltsilgt uh ltsilgt

trains93-corpus, Dialogue d93-8.3, d92a-1.2
Exercise 2Discourse Marker or not and why
  • But the three women did well enough, having also
    inherited a rooster.Well we can still use the
  • By 'politics' I mean something specific and much
    narrower than.I mean you could go back

trains93-corpus, d92a-1.2
  • did well enough adverb, refers to
    did Well we could DM,
    expresses an objection
  • By 'politics' I mean....
    subject predicate, the latter refers to

    bypoliticsI mean
    you could go back DM, introduces

  • many labels such as - discourse markers
  • -
    discourse connectives
  • -
    discourse operators
  • -
    discourse particles
  • -
    pragmatic connectives
  • -
    sentence connectivesbecause - DMs could have
    so many different meanings - one
    word can belong to many grammatical
  • - no concrete meaning, just
    in context
  • - words have nothing in
    common because of their various
    functions gt hard to find general criteria

Yes/No Units - Introduction
  • Same problem How to classify yes or no?
  • Reply to Yes/No-Questions?
  • utt75 s no I think we have ltsilgt two with the
    first engine ltsilgt
  • with the ltsilgt the we have the
    orange juice in two ltbrthgt
  • oh how many did we need
  • utt76 u uh-
  • utt77 we needed five so well
  • utt78 s oh we needed five in ltsilgt uh
  • utt79 u yeah well
  • utt80 s oh we need one more yes

trains93-corpus, d92a-1.3
  • a) utt1 s hello ltsilgt can I help you
  • utt2 u okay the prob- ltsilgt do I need
    to state the problem
  • utt3 s uh yes I'll need to know what
    the problem is
  • ? Reply to a Yes/No-Question

trains93-corpus, d92a-1.2
  • utt3 all three commodities must be in Bath
    ltsilgt by noon ltsilgt
  • it is now twelve midnight
  • utt4 okay first I need to find out um
  • I need to get an engine and a
    boxcar of bananas
  • utt5 um ltsilgt okay I can take ltsilgt engine
    number two pick up a ltsilgt
  • mm engine number one ltsilgt no I
    can't do that
  • ? Talks to himself, kind of rejection

trains93-corpus, d92a-1.2
  • C12 d'accord, e aujourd'hui y'a pas
  • O14-- ben non
  • ? agreement

Sncf non-uni-unicode, sncf001all.txt
  • M6-- désirez-vous d'autres renseignements ?
  • C5-- e non merci
  • ? refusal

Sncf non-uni-unicode, sncf00all.txt
  • ltturn speaker"W" id""gt
  • Schmatzen Herr Z. wollen Sie mal Pause
    Vorschläge machen Sie sind ja durch Ihre Familie
    sehr stark eingespannt also Atmung richte ich
    mich mal Atmung nach Ihren Vorschlägen
  • lt/turngt
  • ? Expresses acknowledge? as everybody knows

ltdialogue corpus"Verbmobil" id"7G401A"gt
  • ltturn speaker"W" id""gt
  • ich schaue grad mal nach Donnerstag Atmung ja
    das ist Donnerstag ist der Donnerstag nach Buß-
    und Bettag Pause und äh Atmung ich äh
    bestehe also darauf daß Buß- und Bettag
    unbedingt als Feiertag erhalten bleiben Atmung
    muß als guter Christ äh Atmung bin ich da der
    festen "Uberzeugung daß das nicht äh weichen
    darf zugunsten Atmung eines äh Atmung
    sonstigen Urlaubstages Atmung also äh ja
    Pause unmittelbar Pause nach Buß- und Bettag
    siebzehnter und Pause achtzehnter November
    wäre möglich Klicken
  • lt/turngt

ltdialogue corpus"Verbmobil" id"7G401A"gt
  • ltturn speaker"T" id""gt
  • also Schmatzen Pause di... vom dritten bis
    bei mir bis zum vierzehnten würde das würde das
    sehr gut passen Schmatzen Atmung hm
    Schmatzen viell ähm bloß die die Idee war
    eben noch daß wir uns vielleicht noch mal um b...
    gewisse Dinge nicht nicht daß wir alles doppelt
    äh mitnehmen daß wir uns noch mal vorher äh
    Atmung treffen Atmung aber häs wollen wir
    dann mal für die vielleicht für die Reise häs
    siebenten bis bis vierzehnten äh festhalten
    Atmung und daß wir unverständlich uns
    vielleicht äh davor noch mal einen Tag hm
    mu... Pause muß ja nicht ein kompletter Tag
    sein Atmung daß wir uns dann noch mal sehen
  • lt/turngt

ltdialogue corpus"Verbmobil" id"7G444A"gt
ExerciseIn which way is the word yes used?
  • ltturn speaker"G" id""gt Herr W. Atmung
    Rascheln wir müssen ja dann leider diese
    Koordinationsgeschichten machen Atmung
    Schmatzen Atmung für den Atmung Studienplan
    Atmung Schmatzen und das muß Pause heute
    und Pause spätestens bis übermorgen fertig sein
    Atmung ich kann eigentlich Atmung immer
    Atmung zwischen acht Uhr und zwanzig Uhr außer
    Pause morgen bin ich ab sechzehn Uhr nicht
    mehr verfügbar Pause Schmatzen Atmung wie
    sieht es bei Ihnen aus Klicken
  • lt/turngt
  • ltturn speaker"M" id""gtja ich könnte Atmung
    äh Atmung morgen Pause ginge das d... äh
    bei mir das den ganzen Tag eigentlich das ist
    also kein Problem Atmung Schmatzen Atmung
    da können w... das können wir also machen was
    welche Zeit schlagen Sie vor Klicken
  • lt/turngt

ltdialogue corpus"Verbmobil" id"7G427A"gt
  • First yes signals common acknowledge
  • Second yes - starts the turn and the agreement

  • Yes/No- Units are very frequent
  • Yes much more frequent than no
  • Too much funtions to show them all
  • Again hard to find a general definition

The End
  • Thank you for your attention!
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