Career%20(Life/Work)%20Planning%20Process - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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'Work is undeniably one of the most essential of all human activities. ... metaphor for their own life/work journey (river, sea, roller coaster, dice, etc. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Career%20(Life/Work)%20Planning%20Process

Blueprint for Life/Work Designs 1-888-533-5683
(No Transcript)
The Meaning of WORK
  • Work is undeniably one of the most essential of
    all human activities. For a start, it is the
    basis of economic survival of individuals and
    society. Beyond this, an individuals job
    structures much of her or his time and, one
    hopes, provides a source of personal fulfillment.
    An occupation also shapes ones identity and, in
    the eyes of others, largely determines an
    individuals status or position in society
  • Work, Industry, and Canadian Society, Krahn
    Lowe. 1996

Most of Canadas youth are likely to experience
  • a succession of up to 25 different jobs
  • in a variety of occupations
  • in up to 5 different sectors of the economy
  • a variety of concurrent work roles
  • planned and unplanned gaps of no work
  • they will need to manage numerous transitions
    between work and learning

Resource Benefits for using the Blueprint
  • Canada is shifting to a new and better paradigm
    for Career Development (Life/Work) that will
    address the current needs for the world of work.
  • Learning to design ones Life/Work more
    intentionally has the potential to save billions
    of dollars in both the private and public
  • The Question
  • Can we afford to keep going along the way we are
    when we look at the current transition around
    work statistics ?

Loss of ProductivityReduction in International
  • 64 of workers say they would start over again if
    they could
  • over 50 of workers admitted they ended up in
    their current jobs through chance or the advice
    of others
  • Canadas second quarter GDP in 2002 was 1,138.2
  • a 1 increase in productivity would result in 11
    billion in goods and services

Statistics Canada, CANSIM II, Consolidated
federal, provincial, territorial, and local
government revenue and expenditure, August 2002
Education Funding
  • 64.1 billion was invested by all levels of
    Government on primary, secondary and
    post-secondary education
  • almost 50 of post-secondary students drop out or
    change programs at the end of their first year
  • almost 25 of secondary level students drop out
    of school prior to certified completion
    nationally Poor recognition for school
    relevancy is the most commonly cited reason for
    at risk youth
  • a 1 savings in increased efficiency equates to
    640 million

Statistics Canada, CANSIM II, Consolidated
federal, provincial, territorial, and local
government revenue and expenditure, August 2002
Health Care Funding
  • over 76.9 billion invested by all levels of
  • consider the impact of physical and emotional
    health (lost work days/stress) on citizens and
    families spending 1/2 their conscious in work
    environments they dislike
  • if 1 out of every 100 people availing themselves
    to health care for potential stress related
    illness were happier and healthier in their work
  • 769 million annually could be saved

Statistics Canada, CANSIM II, Consolidated
federal, provincial, territorial, and local
government revenue and expenditure, August 2002
Social Services
  • 113 billion invested by all levels of
  • inability to locate and maintain suitable and
    fulfilling learning and work opportunities is a
    major contributing factor for recipients.
  • a 1 saving on investment equates to 1.13 billion

Statistics Canada, CANSIM II, Consolidated
federal, provincial, territorial, and local
government revenue and expenditure, August 2002
Protection, Prisons and Corrections
  • over 15 billion invested by all levels of
  • a contributing factor of many individuals running
    afoul of the law is the inability to connect with
    life and work roles that appeal to them
  • a 1 reduction in expenditures equates to 150

Statistics Canada, CANSIM II, Consolidated
federal, provincial, territorial, and local
government revenue and expenditure, August 2002
Training Investment Losses
  • on average, it costs approximately 25,000 to
    train someone to full productivity in a job
  • thus, the average cost of 40 people changing jobs
    can directly and indirectly impact employers up
    to 1,000,000.00
  • annually, more than 4000 people change jobs,
    after 1 year or less in any moderate sized
    Canadian city
  • direct and indirect costs could conservatively
    add up to more than 100 million nationally.

Statistics Canada, CANSIM II, Consolidated
federal, provincial, territorial, and local
government revenue and expenditure, August 2002
Employment Insurance
  • Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC) paid a
    total of 9.5 billion in the year ending March
    31,2001 to about 650,000 EI Income Benefits
    Program recipients (who received an average of
    18.5 weeks of payments)
  • if Canadians were more self reliant and effective
    at managing their own work and learning
    opportunities in transition to and from work and
    learning, EI payments would decrease.
  • a 1 improvement would equate to 95 million in

Statistics Canada, CANSIM II, Consolidated
federal, provincial, territorial, and local
government revenue and expenditure, August 2002
Lost Government Revenues
  • over 432 billion was collected by all levels of
    Government in the past year in revenues from
    income tax, property taxes, consumption taxes,
    health premiums, social insurance contributions,
  • if Canadians were more self reliant and effective
    at managing their own work and learning
    opportunities in transition to and from work and
    learning, all levels of government could
    anticipate increased revenues.
  • a 1 improvement has the potential to generate
    4.3 billion to government revenues.

Statistics Canada, CANSIM II, Consolidated
federal, provincial, territorial, and local
government revenue and expenditure, August 2002
Costs of Career Indecisiveness
  • These figures suggest the magnitude of potential
    gains (assuming 1 in improvement) if Canadians
    were more self-reliant and better able to manage
    their work and learning opportunities (careers).
    While more difficult to quantify, non-monetary
    issues (such as reduced self-esteem, family
    breakdown, substance abuse, etc.), represent even
    greater costs to Canadian society.

Statistics Canada, CANSIM II, Consolidated
federal, provincial, territorial, and local
government revenue and expenditure, August 2002
(No Transcript)
Overview of the Blueprint Framework
  • 3 Areas of the Blueprint
  • A. Personal Management
  • B. Learning and Work Exploration
  • C. Life / Work Building
  • A total of 11 Competencies fall under the 3

The Big Picture
4-Stage Learning Process Taxonomy (at each of
the four levels)
  • Acquisition
  • Application
  • Personalization
  • Actualization

Stage I Acquisition
  • Student acquires knowledge and understands the
    knowledge acquired. This stage presents the
    student with the information that may later serve
    as the basis for behaviour, learning integration,
    and self-actualization.

Stage II Application
  • Student demonstrates acquisition by putting into
    action knowledge acquired. Moving from the
    dimension of know-ing into the dimension of
    know-how characterizes this stage.

Stage III Personalization
  • Student integrates acquired and applied knowledge
    and re-examines and evaluates that knowledge. At
    this stage, student will either make the learning
    his/her own or reject it. Skill becomes part of
    who he/she is.

Stage IV Actualization
  • At this stage, the student/graduate is
    approaching full potential. Transforming,
    inventing, conceptualizing and creating occur at
    this stage.

Résumé Writing
  • Acquisition ?
  • Application ?
  • Personalization ?
  • Actualization ?
  • Learning different résumé styles
  • Writing a résumé following a specific model
  • Changing résumé to reflect new position
  • Guiding others in writing résumés

Competency 8Level 1 Explore and improve
decision making.
  • 8.1.1 Understand how choices are made.
  • 8.1.2 Explore what can be learned from
  • 8.1.3 Explore what might interfere with attaining
  • 8.1.4 Explore strategies used in solving
  • 8.1.5 Explore alternatives in decision-making
  • 8.1.6 Understand how personal beliefs and
    attitudes influence decision making.
  • 8.1.7 Understand how decisions affect self and

Competency 8Level 1 Explore and improve
decision making.
  • Stage I ACQUISITION (8.1.1-7)
  • 8.1.8 Assess what might interfere with attaining
    ones goals.
  • 8.1.9 Apply problem-solving strategies.
  • 8.1.10 Make decisions and take responsibility for

Competency 8Level 1 Explore and improve
decision making.
  • Stage I ACQUISITION (8.1.1-7)
  • Stage II APPLICATION (8.1.8-10)
  • 8.1.11 Examine ones problem-solving strategies
    and evaluate their impact on the attainment of
    ones goals.
  • 8.1.12 Evaluate the impact of personal decisions
    on self and on others.

Competency 8Level 1 Explore and improve
decision making.
  • Stage I ACQUISITION (8.1.1-7)
  • Stage II APPLICATION (8.1.8-10)
  • Stage III PERSONALIZATION (8.1.11-12)
  • 8.1.13 Engage in a responsible decision-making

Measurable Standards
Competency 8Explore and improve decision making.
  • Level III Engage in life/work decision making.
  • 8.3.8 Explore how being positive about the
    future and its uncertainties may lead to
    creative and interesting possibilities/alternati
  • Possible standard for grade ten students
  • Students will be able to explain HB Gelatts 4
    rules of the road never taken and describe a
    personal metaphor for their own life/work
    journey (river, sea, roller coaster, dice,

Objectives of the Blueprint
  • To help individuals and organizations understand
    that career development is about growing through
    life and work. When intentional, career
    development is about actively creating the life
    one wants to live and the work one wants to do.
  • Describe the career development competencies and
    indicators needed by Canadians in various stages
    of their lives to help individuals plan their
    Life/Work more intentionally.
  • To help organizations promote and measure
    personal growth.
  • Provide a common career development language
    across Canada.

What is the Planning Process for the Blueprint
for Life/Work Designs?
The Blueprint is a national competency framework
designed to help individuals better manage their
lives and work.
By suggesting a comprehensive Planning Process,
the Blueprint also aims to help practitioners and
organizations assess, develop and design
programs, services and products that will help
Canadians develop those competencies in the
various settings in which career development
interventions occur.
Blueprint Planning Process
The Question?
  • The question Can we afford not to commit human
    and financial resources to develop a
    comprehensive Career Development culture ?
  • WE need a concerted effort to
  • recognize that human resources are our single
    greatest resource,
  • to increase our understanding of career
    development and its potential,
  • use human resource research, tools and
    interventions more effectively,
  • and to adopt a process for promoting, developing
    and tracking the benefits of a career
    development culture for Canadians.

The Question?continued The question Can
we afford not to commit human and financial
resources to develop a comprehensive Career
Development culture
  • We need programs and resources based upon
  • clear measurable outcomes,
  • accountability to the individuals, parents,
    businesses, organizations and the governments who
    benefit by fund them.
  • WE need to recognize that
  • Career Development Human Resource Development
    and better Economic Development

Blueprint for Life/Work Designs 1-888-533-5683
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