Title: Gender, Legends and Art Ancient Greece: active Goddesses
1Gender, Legends and Art Ancient Greece active
University of Helsinki Department of Art Research
2The Pergamon Zeus Altar and the
GigantomachyErinyes (?) against a giant
- Erinyes ( ?) against a giant,
- The Erinyes were 3 goddesses of vengeance
Tisiphone (avenger of murder), Megaera (the
jealous) and Alecto (constant anger). They were
also called the Daughters of the Night, but were
actally the daughters of Uranus and Gaea. Another
name for them is the Furies
- The Erinyes were 3 goddesses of vengeance
Tisiphone (avenger of murder), Megaera (the
jealous) and Alecto (constant anger). - They were also called the Daughters of the Night,
but were actally the daughters of Uranus and
Gaea. Another name for them is the Furies
3A goddess (?) with a vessel surrounded with
snakes that she uses against a giant as a weapon
4Athena is called also Athena gigantoleteira, i.e.
the slayer of the giants. Athena is the most
impressive warrior
5The giant Klytios -Hecate- and Otos-Aigaion-Artemi
6Kybele , Adrasteia, Kabiros (or Rhea, Klymene
and Iapetos) vs Tithonus