Title: Graphical Expert System for Analyzing Nuclear Facility Vulnerability
1Graphical Expert System for Analyzing Nuclear
Facility Vulnerability
- David Sulfredge
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- December 3, 2002
2Facility Vulnerability Analysis
- Objectives
- Develop models to predict facility response to
military or terrorist weapons - Determine critical locations for enhanced
protective measures - Predict collateral effects
3Nuclear Facilities are Vital Assets
- Must safeguard U.S. plants
- About 20 of U.S. generating capacity
- Considerable public concern
- Need targeting tool for some facilities
- Defeat energy infrastructure
- Defeat WMD production
- Potential for serious radiological consequences
- ORNL developing Visual Interactive Site Analysis
Code (VISAC) to meet these needs
Integrates the Following Functions in one Code
- Facility Kill Probability
- Facility Collateral Effects Estimates
- Facility Downtime Estimates
- Facility Model Editor
- Event/Fault Tree Editor
Provides VERY FAST what if Analysis for
Various Accident/Incident Scenarios
Core damage probability
Facility kill probability
6 VISAC Weapon Selection
- Equipment sabotage option
- Blast location
- Chosen from model editor
- Chosen from viewer
- Type of blast calculation
- Uniform ray trace mode
- Direct ray trace mode
- Air region mode
7 VISAC Blast Propagation
- Uniform ray tracing
- Directed ray tracing
- Air region method
8 VISAC Downtime Calculation
- DT based on fault tree for facility kill
- Single component failure
- Multiple component failure
- VISAC uses a weighted DT sum
- DTnet (1/ Pkill ) ? Pi DTi
- Compute both serial and parallel repair times to
bound answer -
9 VISAC Geometric Model Viewers
Image from 3-D Viewer, showing an image of the
entire plant
Image from 2-D Viewer, showing a triple
orthographic projection of a turbine building
10Viewing Components by Floor Level
First Floor
Second Floor
Third Floor
11Building Critical Component List by Floor
Title and highlighted critical component point
to each other
12VISAC BRL-CAD Model Editor
Creates Customized Models in BRL-CAD in Minutes
Instead of Days
- Model editor
- Create new models
- Customize existing models
- Move, delete objects
- Creates a BRL-CAD output file
13Construct Facility from VISAC Library
- Buildings chosen from libraries
- Building positions and orientations
- can be varied
- Screen grid available to aid
- building placement
- Ground level and building
- sinkages can be edited
Event/Fault Tree Editor
Creates Customized Event/Fault Trees for use with
Customized Geometric Models
- Tree editor
- Create new tree
- Customize existing trees
- Delete trees
- Add/Edit consequences
- Change failure probability
15VISAC Event Tree Editor
- Edit targets on canvas
- Green arrow
- (Add or delete column)
- Green fork
- (Split the branch)
- Red X
- (Collapse the branch)
- Consequences
- assigned by the user
16 VISAC Fault Tree Editor
- Fault trees can be modified
- New gates added
- New subtrees can be added
- Options to copy and paste
- Add new basic events
17Example VISAC Calculation (1)
- Sabotage Option
- Switchyard (S) 50
- Steam Generator (SG1A) 50
- Overall Kill Probability 75
- Downtime
- Serial repair 7.33 months
- Parallel repair 6.67 months
18Example VISAC Calculation (2)
- Most likely sequence leading to core damage
highlighted in red
19Simple vs. Detailed Model VISAC Damage Maps for a
Generic Two-Loop PWR
Building-level geometry
Detailed plant geometry
20 Conclusions
- VISAC successfully integrates geometric modeling,
damage assessment, and event/fault tree
consequence analysis - VISACs graphical editing routines can customize
library models as needed - VISAC can analyze a wide variety of nuclear
facility vulnerability scenarios - Code development work is continuing