Outline - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Programs use the underlying network by calling these primitives ... Persistent communication of letters back in the days of the Pony Express. 8/19/09 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Outline

  • Communication Primitives - continued
  • Message passing model
  • Remote procedure calls
  • Theoretical Foundations

Communication Primitives
  • Communication primitives are the high-level
  • Programs use the underlying network by calling
    these primitives
  • Communication primitives play a significant role
    in the effective usage of distributed systems

The Message Passing Model
  • The message passing model provides two basic
    communication primitives
  • Send and receive
  • Send has two logical parameters, a message and
    its destination
  • Receive has two logical parameters, the source
    and a buffer for storing the message

Semantics of Send and Receive Primitives
  • There are several design issues regarding SEND
    and RECEIVE primitives
  • Blocking vs. non-blocking primitives
  • With blocking primitives, the SEND does not
    return control until the message has been sent or
    received and the RECEIVE does not return control
    until a message is copied to the buffer
  • With non-blocking primitives, the SEND returns
    control as the message is copied and the RECEIVE
    signals its intention to receive a message and
    provide a buffer for it

Semantics of Send and Receive Primitives cont.
  • Synchronous vs. asynchronous primitives
  • With synchronous primitives, a SEND primitive is
    blocked until a corresponding RECEIVE primitive
    is executed
  • With asynchronous primitives, a SEND primitive
    does not block even if there is no corresponding
    execution of a RECEIVE primitive
  • Buffered or un-buffered
  • This is largely determined by the other two

General Organization
Asynchronous SEND
  • Persistent communication of letters back in the
    days of the Pony Express.

Semantics of Send and Receive Primitives cont.
Semantics of Send and Receive Primitives cont.
Semantics of Send and Receive Primitives cont.
Problems with Message Passing Model
  • While it is highly flexible, programmers must
    handle the details using such a model
  • Pairing of responses with request messages
  • Data representation
  • Naming (the address of the remote machine or the
  • Taking care of communication and system failures
  • The programs can be time-dependent, making it
    impossible to reproduce errors and debug

Remote Procedure Call
  • RPC is designed to hide all the details from
  • Overcome the difficulties with message-passing
  • It extends the conventional local procedure calls
    to calling procedures on remote computers

Conventional Procedure Call
  1. Parameter passing in a local procedure call the
    stack before the call to read
  2. The stack while the called procedure is active

Client and Server Stubs
  • Principle of RPC between a client and server

Steps of a Remote Procedure Call
  1. Client procedure calls client stub in normal way
  2. Client stub builds message, calls local OS
  3. Client's OS sends message to remote OS
  4. Remote OS gives message to server stub
  5. Server stub unpacks parameters, calls server
  6. Server does work, returns result to the stub
  7. Server stub packs it in message, calls local OS
  8. Server's OS sends message to client's OS
  9. Client's OS gives message to client stub
  10. Stub unpacks result, returns to client

Steps of a Remote Procedure Call cont.
Remote Procedure Call cont.
  • Design issues
  • Structure
  • Mostly based on stub procedures
  • Binding
  • Through a binding server
  • The client specifies the machine and service
  • Parameter and result passing
  • Representation issues
  • By value and by reference

Passing Value Parameters (1)
  • Steps involved in doing remote computation
    through RPC

Passing Value Parameters (2)
  1. Original message on the Pentium
  2. The message after receipt on the SPARC
  3. The message after being inverted. The little
    numbers in boxes indicate the address of each byte

Parameter Specification and Stub Generation
  1. A procedure
  2. The corresponding message.

Remote Procedure Call cont.
  • Design issues continued
  • Error handling, semantics, and correctness
  • At least once semantics
  • Exactly once semantics
  • At most once semantics
  • Correctness conditions
  • Other issues

Error Handling
  • A server in client-server communication
  • Normal case
  • Crash after execution
  • Crash before execution

Asynchronous RPC (1)
  1. The interconnection between client and server in
    a traditional RPC
  2. The interaction using asynchronous RPC

Asynchronous RPC (2)
  • A client and server interacting through two
    asynchronous RPCs

Example DCE RPC
  • Distributed Computing Environment (DCE)
  • By Open Software Foundation (OSF, now called Open
  • DCE is a true middleware system
  • Designed as a layer of abstraction between
    existing operating systems and distributed
  • Provide a number of services
  • Distributed file service, directory service,
    security service, distributed time service
  • Support UNIX, Windows NT
  • A highly representative RPC system

Writing a Client and a Server
Binding a Client to a Server
  • Client-to-server binding in DCE.

Remote Object Invocation
  • Extend RPC principles to objects
  • The key feature of an object is that it
    encapsulates data (called state) and the
    operations on those data (called methods)
  • Methods are made available through an interface
  • The separation between interfaces and the objects
    implementing these interfaces allows us to place
    an interface at one machine, while the object
    itself resides on another machine

Distributed Objects
  • Common organization of a remote object with
    client-side proxy.

Binding a Client to an Object
Distr_object obj_ref //Declare a systemwide
object referenceobj_ref // Initialize the
reference to a distributed objectobj_ref-gt
do_something() // Implicitly bind and invoke a
method (a) Distr_object obj_ref //Declare a
systemwide object referenceLocal_object
obj_ptr //Declare a pointer to local
objectsobj_ref //Initialize the reference
to a distributed objectobj_ptr
bind(obj_ref) //Explicitly bind and obtain a
pointer to the local proxyobj_ptr -gt
do_something() //Invoke a method on the local
proxy (b)
  1. An example with implicit binding using only
    global references
  2. An example with explicit binding using global and
    local references

Parameter Passing
  • The situation when passing an object by reference
    or by value.

Java RMI
  • Java distributed-object model
  • Aimed for high degree distribution transparency
    but not entirely
  • Java remote method invocation
  • There are differences between local and remote
  • Local objects are passed by value while remote
    objects are passed by reference

Distributed Systems
  • A distributed system is a collection of
    independent computers that appears to its users
    as a single coherent system
  • Independent computers mean that they do not share
    memory or clock
  • The computers communicate with each other by
    exchanging messages over a communication network
  • The messages are delivered after an arbitrary
    transmission delay

Inherent Limitations of a Distributed System
  • Absence of a global clock
  • In a centralized system, time is unambiguous
  • In a distributed system, there exists no system
    wide common clock
  • In other words, the notion of global time does
    not exist
  • Impact of the absence of global time
  • Difficult to reason about temporal order of
  • Makes it harder to collect up-to-date information
    on the state of the entire system

Absence of Global Time
  • When each machine has its own clock, an event
    that occurred after another event may
    nevertheless be assigned an earlier time.

Inherent Limitations of a Distributed System
  • Absence of shared memory
  • An up-to-date state of the entire system is not
    available to any individual process
  • This information, however, is necessary to reason
    about the systems behavior, debugging,
    recovering from failures

Absence of Shared Memory cont.
Physical Clocks
Physical Clocks cont.
  • TAI seconds are of constant length, unlike solar
    seconds. Leap seconds are introduced when
    necessary to keep in phase with the sun.

Clock Synchronization Algorithms
  • The relation between clock time and UTC when
    clocks tick at different rates.

Cristian's Algorithm
  • Getting the current time from a time server.

The Berkeley Algorithm
  1. The time daemon asks all the other machines for
    their clock values
  2. The machines answer
  3. The time daemon tells everyone how to adjust
    their clock

Logical Clocks
  • There are technical issues with the clock
    synchronization approaches
  • Due to unpredictable message transmission delays,
    two processes can observe a global clock value at
    different instants
  • The physical clocks can drift from the physical
    time and thus we cannot have a system of
    perfectly synchronized clocks
  • For many purposes, it is sufficient that all
    machines agree on the same time

Lamports Logical Clocks
  • Logical clocks
  • For a wide of algorithms, what matters is the
    internal consistency of clocks, not whether they
    are close to the real time
  • For these algorithms, the clocks are often called
    logical locks
  • Lamport proposed a scheme to order events in a
    distributed system using logical clocks

Lamports Logical Clocks cont.
  • Definitions
  • Happened before relation
  • Happened before relation (?) captures the causal
    dependencies between events
  • It is defined as follows
  • a ? b, if a and b are events in the same process
    and a occurred before b.
  • a ? b, if a is the event of sending a message m
    in a process and b is the event of receipt of the
    same message m by another process
  • If a ? b and b ? c, then a ? c, i.e., ? is

Lamports Logical Clocks cont.
  • Definitions continued
  • Causally related events
  • Event a causally affects event b if a ? b
  • Concurrent events
  • Two distinct events a and b are said to be
    concurrent (denoted by a b) if a ? b and b ? a
  • For any two events, either a ? b, b ? a, or a b

Lamports Logical Clocks cont.
Lamports Logical Clocks cont.
  • Logical clocks
  • There is a clock at each process Pi in the system
  • Which is a function that assigns a number to any
    event a, called the timestamp of event a at Pi
  • The numbers assigned by the system of the clocks
    have no relation to physical time
  • The logical clocks take monotonically increasing
    values and can be implemented as counters

Lamports Logical Clocks cont.
  • Conditions satisfied by the system of clocks
  • For any two events, if a ? b, then C(a) lt C(b)
  • C1 For any two events a and b in a process Pi,
    if a occurs before b, then
  • Ci(a) lt Ci(b)
  • C2 If a is the event of sending a message m in
    process Pi and b is the event of receiving the
    same message m at process Pj, then
  • Ci(a) lt Cj(b)

Lamports Logical Clocks cont.
  • Implementation rules
  • IR1 Clock Ci is incremented between any two
    successive events in process Pi
  • Ci Ci d ( d gt 0)
  • IR2 If event a is the sending of message m by
    process Pi, then message m is assigned a
    timestamp tm Ci(a). On receiving the same
    message m by process Pj, Cj is set to
  • Cj max(Cj, tm d)

An Example
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