Title: UofL Pony Kids Club
1UofL Pony Kids Club
The UofL Equestrian team invites you to attend
our Second Pony Kids Club Event What The UofL
Pony Kids Club When Election Day November 4,
2008 from 9 am to 3 pm Lunch provided Where
Stoneplace Stables Rose Island Rd. Off Rt. 42,
Louisville Cost 60 including lunch Open to all
riding abilities - Ages 6-13 This is a great
opportunity for your child to experience horses
for the first time or to expand their horse
knowledge. Space is limited so please send in
the bottom form with a 30 deposit to reserve
your childs day of fun! If you have any
questions, please contact Liz Crow
at301-518-9592 Visit our website at
005.htm This clinic is open to clients and
non-clients of Stoneplace Stables
Please fill out the form below and return it with
a 30 dollar deposit to reserve your space at the
UofL Pony Kids Club. Make check payable to the
Equine Riding and Racing Club. Mail to
University of Louisville, College of Business,
Attn Terri Burch, Louisville, K.Y. 40292 Name of
________________________ Age___________ Years of
Riding Experience______________ Client of
Stoneplace Y / N Address________________________
________________________________________________ P
arent Name_________________________ Phone
Number______________________________ Emergency
____________________ Can your child eat pizza if
served for lunch? Y / N