Title: Thinking!
2Some introductory thoughts
- We are clearly the most cognitively complex
animals on this planet - We can think about objects that are not present
- We can think about abstract ideas
- We use symbolic and syntactic language
- We plan and string events together
3So, how is thought encoded in the brain?
- Monkeys, dots, motion and V5
- So, individual cortical neurons were detecting
motion and making decisions - Hebbs idea of the cell assembly
- The association cortex is key in thought
- Anything not primary is association (that is most
of the cortex) - Receives input from the thalamus, but from areas
that themselves get input from primary sensory
4Spatial cognition
- Our ability to deal with spatial stimuli may have
helped us evolve consciousness - That and the standing up and big heart thing
- We seem to have specialized sub systems to deal
with different types of information - Modules if you will
5A Purely Geometric Module in Human Spatial
- David R. Brodbeck 1
- Andrea E. Pike 2
- Cory Spracklin 1
- Department of Psychology
- 1-Sir Wilfred Grenfell College, Memorial
University of Newfoundland, Corner Brook, NL - 2-Memorial University of Newfoundland, St.
Johns, NL
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- Cheng (1986) got the ball rolling
- Or the cocoa puff, as the case may be
- Basically, he found that rats would use geometric
information to locate food in a rectangular arena - Most of their errors were to rotations of the
originally baited location
8Cheng (1986)
- He then applied featural information
- walls
- corners
- The rats still made errors, though most of these
were rotational errors - He concluded that the rats were responding to the
geometry of the box.
9Hermer and Spelke (1994)
- Tried the Cheng task with toddlers and adults
- Disoriented the subjects
- Using a cue
- Toddlers are not unlike rats
- Adults are different, seem to follow the cue
- Same in Pike (2001)
- We decided to rotate the object
- A rectangle on a computer monitor
- Subjects (or participants, or whatever..) were
shown a red dot on a black rectangle - The rectangle was spun about the middle
- Dot faded
- Where was the dot?
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14Uncued Test Results
Original Dot Location 31.0 /- 2.77 Reflection Error 18.2 /- 3.43
Reflection Error 17.4 /- 2.88 Rotational Error 33.4 /- 3.94
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17Cued Rectangle Results
Original Dot Location 37.2 /- 3.58 Reflection Error 11.6 /- 3.38
Reflection Error 10.8 /- 2.88 Rotational Error 40.4 /- 3.62
18So what?
- Well, it seems that whenever they can, people
will use geometry in this task - Even if there is a reliable cue
- What if we made geometry useless?
- A square
19Uncued Square
Original Dot Location 23.2 /- 2.57 Reflection Error 24.8 /- 3.46
Reflection Error 23.4 /- 2.99 Rotational Error 28.6 /- 4.00
20Cued Square
Original Dot Location 34.2 /- 2.79 Reflection Error 23.2 /- 3.63
Reflection Error 28.0 /- 3.01 Rotational Error 14.6 /- 3.77
21What does it all mean?
- Evidence of a feature independent geometric
module - People will use features, if forced
- Under certain circumstances
- Rotational errors disappear when geometry is
useless - Errors then become based on the feature
22So, What Does It All Mean?
- Clear evidence (we think) of a feature
independent, geometric module in human spatial
processing - Perhaps if we slowed the rotation we would find
better performance, and fewer rotational errors
in the cued condition - (Rotation was titrated until we found errors
23Future Directions
- Does Length Width follow Webers Law?
- What if the dot was put closer to the centre of
the stimulus? - Touch screen
- Hmmm what about pigeons?
24Thanks to
25So we have a spatial module
- It may be the case that input from this spatial
module, or cell assemblies on top of cell
assemblies comes together in associative areas - These modules can be isolated WITHOUT wet
neurophysiology - So, the dot is here could be considered a
26Putting it together
- In the cortex there are columns, individual
bunches of cells that go across layers of the
cortex that seem to for circuits together - Is this the unit of thought?
- Well, it might have something to do with it
- But still, we put all of our sensory and memorial
thoughts together to form an experience
27We started philosophically, why not end that way
- So, how are all of these things put together into
an experience? - The Binding Problem
- This, and the engram may be the holy grails of
neuroscience and psychology