Title: Tracy M' Soska and Sungsoo Hwang
1The Pittsburgh Neighborhood and Community
Information System www.pghnis.pitt.edu Presentatio
n for Pennsylvania Geospatial Policy
Symposium State Capitol Building Harrisburg,
PA October 4, 2007
- Tracy M. Soska and Sungsoo Hwang
- University of Pittsburgh
- University Center for Social and Urban Research
2Pittsburgh Neighborhood and Community Information
System --
- University of Pittsburgh Center for Social and
Urban Research - Carnegie Mellon Center for Economic Development
- City of Pittsburgh
- Pittsburgh Partnership for Neighborhood
Development - 10,000 Friends of Pennsylvania
3Community Information Systems Overview
- Collect integrated information on community
conditions, and provide it to local stakeholders - Use address-level data collected from multiple
data sources on an ongoing basis - Empower community leaders through the regular,
direct use of information on a wide array of
topics and issues
4Pittsburgh Neighborhood Community (PNCIS)
- Supports efforts to reduce blight, promote
neighborhood investment, and improve communities - Collects, maintains, and analyzes
neighborhood-based data - Respects agreements with data providers and data
users - Empowers community leaders and users through
access to information and encourages
5Pittsburgh Neighborhood and Community
Information System (PNCIS)
- Administrative data from the City of Pittsburgh,
Allegheny County, and other sources. - Promote and assist in neighborhood development
and/ or revitalization in the City of Pittsburgh
and its surrounding communities.
6Over 50 Key Measures from a Variety of Data
- Crimes
- Nuisance bars
- Building code violations
- Condemnations
- Demolitions
- Fires
- Delinquent taxes
- Property ownership
- Vacancy
- Land use
- Property unfit for human habitation
- Building permits
- Tax liens
- Property condition
- Demographics
- Street trees
- Utility shutoffs
- Postal change of address
7Administrative Paper Trails
- Anytime there is an
- Application
- Violation
- Permit
- Observation
- Report
- Payment/Non-payment
- Legal Filing
- Utility Shutoff
- there will probably
be a record
8For Community Organizations --Some Questions to
- Why do you need information?
- What data will best relate to your key issues?
- Who has the information that you need?
- How are you going to use the data to make an
9Making an Impact with Information
- Target interventions
- Monitor conditions
- Improve planning
- Evaluate impacts
- Advocate for community conditions
10School Safety
11Quality of Life
- Tagtracker Graffiti reporting tool
- Allows for citizen engagement
- Improves efficiency of system
12Quality of Life
13Policy Development
15Early Warning Indicators
16Information-Based Marketing
- Most new residents of Upper Lawrenceville either
came from within the neighborhood or nearby
17Housing Markets
18Housing Sales
South Side Median Residential Sales Prices,
1995-2003 (nominal prices)
Census tract