CS 4700: Foundations of Artificial Intelligence - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CS 4700: Foundations of Artificial Intelligence


Related to NP vs. Co-NP questions. 5. Pigeon Hole: A more concise formulation x y (x Pigeons) (y Holes) IN(x,y) x x' y ( IN(x,y) IN(x',y) x=x') x y y' (IN(x,y) IN ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: CS 4700: Foundations of Artificial Intelligence

CS 4700Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
  • Carla P. Gomes
  • gomes_at_cs.cornell.edu
  • Module
  • FOL
  • (Reading RN Chapter 8)

Pros and cons of propositional logic
  • ? Propositional logic is declarative
  • its semantics is based on a truth relation
    between sentences and possible worlds
  • ? Propositional logic allows partial/disjunctive/n
    egated information
  • (unlike most data structures and databases)
  • Propositional logic is compositional
  • meaning of B1,1 ? P1,2 is derived from meaning of
    B1,1 and of P1,2
  • ? Meaning in propositional logic is
  • (unlike natural language, where meaning depends
    on context)
  • ? Propositional logic has very limited expressive
  • (unlike natural language)
  • E.g., cannot say "pits cause breezes in adjacent
  • except by writing one sentence for each square


Pigeon Hole Principle
  • Consider a formula to represent the Pigeon Hole
    principle (n1) pigeons
  • in n holes.
  • Pij pigeon i goes in hole j Pij ? 0,1 i
    1, 2, , n1 j 1, 2, n
  • Each pigeon has to go in a hole
  • Starting with pigeon 1
  • P11 ? P12 ? ? P1n
  • Pn1,1 ? Pn1,2 ? ? Pn1,n
  • .

  • And
  • Two pigeons cannot go in the same hole
  • P11 ? P21 P11 ? P31 P11 ? Pn1,1
  • P11 ? P21 P11 ? P31 P11 ?Pn1,1
  • .
  • Pn1,n ? P2,n Pn1,n ? P3n Pn1,n

Resolution proofs of PH take exponentially many
steps Resolution proofs of inconsistency of PH
require an exponential number of clauses, no
matter in what order we resolve the clauses
(Armin Haken 85). Related to NP vs. Co-NP
Pigeon HoleA more concise formulation
  • ?x ?y (x ? Pigeons) (y ? Holes) IN(x,y)
  • ?x?x?y ( IN(x,y) ?IN(x,y) ? xx)
  • ?x?y?y (IN(x,y) ? IN(x,y) ? yy)

Pigeons P1,P2,, Pn1) Holes H1,H2, , Hn
We have first-order logic with some set notation
First-order logic
  • Whereas propositional logic assumes the world
  • contains facts, first-order logic (like natural
  • language) assumes the world contains
  • Objects people, houses, numbers, colors,
    baseball games, wars,
  • Relations red, round, prime, brother of, bigger
    than, part of, comes between,
  • Functions father of, best friend, one more than,

For finite domains, essentially equivalent to
propositional logic.but more concise. Often pays
off to propositionalize (more later) Well see
how key properties from PL carry over sound and
complete proof theory Sound and refutation
complete resolution.
Syntax of FOL Basic elements
  • Constants KingJohn, 2, CornellUniversity,...
  • Predicates Brother, gt,...
  • Functions Sqrt, LeftLegOf,...
  • Variables x, y, a, b,...
  • Connectives ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
  • Equality
  • Quantifiers ?, ?

Atomic sentences
  • A term is a logical expression that refers to an
  • Atomic sentence predicate (term1,...,termn)
    or term1 term2
  • Term function (term1,...,termn)
    or constant or variable
  • Examples of atomic sentences
  • Brother(KingJohn,RichardTheLionheart)
  • gt (Length(LeftLegOf(Richard)),

Complex sentences
  • Complex sentences are made from atomic sentences
    using connectives
  • ?S, S1 ? S2, S1 ? S2, S1 ? S2, S1 ? S2,
  • E.g. Sibling(KingJohn,Richard) ?
  • gt(1,2) ? (1,2)
  • gt(1,2) ? ? gt(1,2)

Syntax of FOL
  • Sentence ? AtomicSentence
  • (Sentence Connective Sentence)
  • Quantifier Variable, . Sentence
  • ?Sentence
  • AtomicSentence ? Predicate(Term) TermTerm
  • Term ? Function(Term)
  • Constant
  • Variable
  • Connective ? ????
  • Quantifiers ???
  • Constant ? A X1 John
  • Variable ? a x s
  • Predicate ? Before Greater Raining
  • Function ? MotherOf SqrtOf

Truth in first-order logic
  • Sentences are true with respect to a world and
    an interpretation
  • A world contains objects (domain elements) and
    relations among them
  • Interpretation associates
  • constant symbols ? objects
  • predicate symbols ? relations
  • function symbols ? functional relations
  • An atomic sentence predicate(term1,...,termn) is
  • iff the objects referred to by term1,...,termn
  • are in the relation referred to by predicate

Models for FOL Example
  • World with five objects
  • Richard the LionHeart, king of England
  • Evil King John, Richards brother (1199-1215)
  • The left legs of Richard and John
  • A crown

Binary relation
Unary relations (or properties)
?x King(x) ? Greedy(x) ? Evil(x) King(John) Brothe
SemanticsUniversal quantification
  • ?ltvariablesgt ltsentencegt
  • (?x) P(x)
  • it is true in an interpretation iif P(x) is true
    for all the values in the domain of x i.e., the
    universe of discourse
  • Everyone at Cornell is smart
  • ?x At(x,Cornell) ? Smart(x)
  • Roughly speaking, equivalent to the conjunction
    of instantiations of P
  • At(Mary,Cornell) ? Smart(Mary)
  • ? At(Richard,Cornell) ? Smart(Richard)
  • ? At(John,Cornell) ? Smart(John)
  • ? ...

A common mistake to avoid
  • Typically, ? is the main connective with ?
  • Common mistake using ? as the main connective
    with ?
  • ?x At(x,Cornell) ? Smart(x)
  • means Everyone is at Cornell and everyone is

Existential quantification
  • ?ltvariablesgt ltsentencegt
  • (?x)P(x) it is true in an interpretation m iff
    there exists an element x in the universe of
    discourse such that P(x) is true.
  • Someone at Cornell is smart
  • ?x At(x,Cornell) ? Smart(x)
  • Roughly speaking, equivalent to the disjunction
    of instantiations of P
  • At(John,Cornell) ? Smart(John)
  • ? At(Mary,Cornell) ? Smart(Mary)
  • ? At(Richard,Cornell) ? Smart(Richard)
  • ? ...

Another common mistake to avoid
  • Typically, ? is the main connective with ?
  • Common mistake using ? as the main connective
    with ?
  • ?x At(x,Cornell) ? Smart(x)
  • is true if there is anyone who is not at Cornell!

More on Quantifiers
  • Loves(x,y) - x loves y
  • ?x ?y is the same as ?y ?x
  • ?x ?y is the same as ?y ?x
  • ?x ?y is not the same as ?y ?x
  • ?x ?y Loves(x,y)
  • There is a person who loves everyone in the
  • ?y ?x Loves(x,y)
  • Everyone in the world is loved by at least one
  • Quantifier duality each can be expressed using
    the other
  • ?x Likes(x,IceCream) ??x ?Likes(x,IceCream)
  • ?x Likes(x,Broccoli) ??x ?Likes(x,Broccoli)

(see additional hidden slides for recapitulation
of this material)
Quantified formulas
  • If ? is a wff and x is a variable symbol, then
    both ?(x) ? and ?(x) ? are
  • wffs.
  • x is the variable quantified over
  • ? is said to be within the scope of the
  • if all the variables in ? are quantified over in
    ?, we say that we have a closed wff or closed
  • Example
  • (?x) P(x) ? R(x) (?x)P(x)?((? y) R(x,y)
    ? S(f(x))

All variables are bound
(?x) (P(x) ? Q(x)) ? ?x R(x)
Scope of ?

Love Affairs
  • Loves(x,y) ?read x loves y
  • Everybody loves Jerry
  • ?x Loves (x, Jerry)
  • Everybody loves somebody
  • ?x ?y Loves (x, y)
  • There is somebody whom somebody loves
  • ?y ?x Loves (x, y)
  • Nobody loves everybody
  • ? ?x ?y Loves (x, y) ?x ?y ?Loves (x, y)
  • There is somebody whom Lydia doesnt love
  • ?y ?Loves (Lydia, y)

Love AffairsLoves(x,y) x loves y
  • There is somebody whom no one loves
  • ?y ?x ?Loves (x, y)
  • There is exactly one person whom everybody loves
  • ?y(?x Loves(x,y) ? ?z((?w Loves (w ,z)? zy))
  • There are exactly two people whom Lynn Loves
  • ?x ?y ((x?y) ? Loves(Lynn,x) ? Loves(Lynn,y)
    ??z( Loves (Lynn ,z)? (zx ? zy)))
  • Everybody loves himself or herself
  • ?x Loves(x,x)
  • There is someone who loves no one besides herself
    or himself
  • ?x ?y Loves(x,y) ? (xy) (note biconditional

Using FOL
  • The set domain
  • Only sets are empty sets or those made by
    adjoining something to a set
  • ?s Set(s) ? (s ) ? (?x,s2 Set(s2) ? s
  • The empty set has no element adjoined to it
  • ??x,s xs
  • Adjoining an element already in the set has no
  • ?x,s x ? s ? s xs
  • Only elements have been adjoined to it
  • ?x,s x ? s ? ?y,s2 (s ys2 ? (x y ? x ?
  • Subset
  • ?s1,s2 s1 ? s2 ? (?x x ? s1 ? x ? s2)
  • Equality of sets
  • ?s1,s2 (s1 s2) ? (s1 ? s2 ? s2 ? s1)
  • Intersection
  • ?x,s1,s2 x ? (s1 ? s2) ? (x ? s1 ? x ? s2)
  • Uniion
  • ?x,s1,s2 x ? (s1 ? s2) ? (x ? s1 ? x ? s2)

Using FOL
  • The kinship domain
  • Brothers are siblings
  • ?x,y Brother(x,y) ? Sibling(x,y)
  • One's mother is one's female parent
  • ?m,c Mother(c) m ? (Female(m) ? Parent(m,c))
  • Sibling is symmetric
  • ?x,y Sibling(x,y) ? Sibling(y,x)

Statement When True When False
?x ?y P(x,y) ?y ?x P(x,y) P(x,y) is true for every pair There is a pair for which P(x.y) is false
?x ?y P(x,y) For every x there is a y for which P(x,y) is true There is an x such that P(x,y) is false for every y.
?x ?y P(x,y) There is an x such that P(x,y) is true for every y. For every x there is a y for which P(x,y) is false
?x ? y P(x,y) ?y ? x P(x,y) There is a pair x, y for which P(x,y) is true P(x,y) is flase fo every pair x,y.
Negation Equivalent Statement When is the negation True When is False
??x P(x) ?x ?P(x) For every x, P(x) is false There is an x for which P(x) is true.
? ?x P(x) ?x ?P(x) There is an x for which P(x) is false. For every x, P(x) is true.
  • term1 term2 is true under a given
    interpretation if and only if term1 and term2
    refer to the same object
  • E.g., definition of Sibling in terms of Parent
  • ?x,y Sibling(x,y) ? ?(x y) ? ?m,f ? (m f) ?
    Parent(m,x) ? Parent(f,x) ? Parent(m,y) ?

  • There is an honest politician ?x H(x)
  • Where H(x) denotes x is honest.
  • (universe of discourse consists of all the
  • Negation ??x H(x) ? ?x ?H(x) (Every politician
    is dishonest)
  • All Americans eat cheeseburgers ?x C(x)
  • C(x) denotes x eats cheeseburgers

Negation ??x C(x) ? ?x ?C(x)
(Some American does not eat cheeseburgers)
Knowledge base for the wumpus world
  • Perception
  • ?t,s,b Percept(s,b,Glitter,t) ? Glitter(t)
  • Reflex
  • ?t Glitter(t) ? BestAction(Grab,t)

Deducing hidden properties
  • ?x,y,a,b Adjacent(x,y,a,b) ?
  • a,b ? x1,y, x-1,y,x,y1,x,y-1
  • Properties of squares
  • ?s,t At(Agent,s,t) ? Breeze(t) ? Breezy(s)
  • Squares are breezy near a pit
  • Diagnostic rule---infer cause from effect
  • ?s Breezy(s) ? ?r Adjacent(r,s) ? Pit(r)
  • Causal rule---infer effect from cause
  • ?r Pit(r) ? ?s Adjacent(r,s) ? Breezy(s)

Interacting with FOL KBs
  • Sentences are added to the knowledge base using
    TELL (as in PL), assertions.
  • For example, we can assert
  • TELL(KB,King(John)).
  • TELL(KB,?x King(x) ?Person(x))
  • We can ask
  • Ask (KB, ?x Person(x))
  • The answer to a query with existential variables
    if true returns a substitution or binding list,
    which is a set of variable term
  • x/John
  • if there is more than one possible answer, a
    list of substitutions can be returned.

Interacting with FOL KBs
  • Given a sentence S and a substitution s,
  • Ss denotes the result of plugging s into S e.g.,
  • S Smarter(x,y)
  • s x/Hillary,y/Bill
  • Ss Smarter(Hillary,Bill)
  • Suppose a wumpus-world agent is using an FOL KB
    and perceives a smell and a breeze (but no
    glitter) at t5
  • Tell(KB,Percept(Smell,Breeze,None,5))
  • Ask(KB,?a BestAction(a,5))
  • I.e., does the KB entail some best action at t5?
  • Answer Yes, a/Shoot ? substitution (binding
  • Ask(KB,S) returns some/all s such that KB s

Knowledge engineering in FOL
  1. Identify the task
  2. Assemble the relevant knowledge
  3. Decide on a vocabulary of predicates, functions,
    and constants
  4. Encode general knowledge about the domain
  5. Encode a description of the specific problem
  6. Pose queries to the inference procedure and get
  7. Debug the knowledge base

The digital circuit domain
  • One-bit full adder

XOR gates
Input bits to be added
Carry bit
Carry bit for next adder
AND gates
OR gate
The electronic circuit domain
  • One-bit full adder

The electronic circuit domain
  • 1 - Identify the task
  • Does the circuit actually add properly? (circuit
  • Goal analyze the design to see if it matches
  • 2 - Assemble the relevant knowledge
  • Talk about circuits, gates, terminals, and
    signals e.g., we use constants (X1, X2, etc) for
    refering the gates Types of gates (AND, OR, XOR,
  • Irrelevant size, shape, color, cost of gates
  • 3 - Decide on a vocabulary
  • Constant symbols X1, X2,
  • Alternatives
  • Type(X1) XOR (note XOR constant)
  • Type(X1, XOR)
  • XOR(X1)

The electronic circuit domain
  • Gates or circuits can have one or more input
    terminals and one or more
  • output terminals.
  • E.g. the function In(1,X1) denotes the first
    input terminal for gate X1.
  • Connectivity between gates can be represented by
    a predicate
  • Connected(Out(1,X1),In(1,X2)
  • Signal has to be on or off
  • Signal(t) this function takes terminal as an
    argument and returns the signal value for that
  • Two constants 1 and 0.
  • Note We could use a unary predicate On(t)
    However, this would make it difficult to ask the
    question what are the possible values of the
    signals at the output terminals of circuit C!?

See page 263-264 for full description of
The electronic circuit domain
  • 4- Encode general knowledge of the domain
  • If two terminals are connected they have the same
  • ?t1,t2 Connected(t1, t2) ? Signal(t1)
  • Connected is a commutative predicate
  • ?t1,t2 Connected(t1, t2) ? Connected(t2, t1)
  • The signal at every terminal is either 1 or 0
  • ?t Signal(t) 1 ? Signal(t) 0
  • 1 ? 0

The electronic circuit domain
  • ? An OR gates output is 1 iif any of its
    inputs is 1
  • ?g Type(g) OR ? Signal(Out(1,g)) 1
  • ? ?n Signal(In(n,g)) 1
  • ? An AND gates output is 0 iif any of its
    inputs is 0
  • ?g Type(g) AND ? Signal(Out(1,g)) 0 ? ?n
    Signal(In(n,g)) 0
  • ? An XOR gates output is 1 iif its inputs
    are different
  • ?g Type(g) XOR ? Signal(Out(1,g)) 1 ?
    Signal(In(1,g)) ? Signal(In(2,g))
  • ? A NOT gates output is different from its
  • ?g Type(g) NOT ? Signal(Out(1,g)) ?

The electronic circuit domain
  • 5 - Encode the specific problem instance
  • Type(X1) XOR Type(X2) XOR
  • Type(A1) AND Type(A2) AND
  • Type(O1) OR
  • Connected(Out(1,X1),In(1,X2)) Connected(In(1,C1),I
  • Connected(Out(1,X1),In(2,A2)) Connected(In(1,C1),I
  • Connected(Out(1,A2),In(1,O1)) Connected(In(2,C1),
  • Connected(Out(1,A1),In(2,O1)) Connected(In(2,C1),
  • Connected(Out(1,X2),Out(1,C1)) Connected(In(3,C1)
  • Connected(Out(1,O1),Out(2,C1)) Connected(In(3,C1)

The electronic circuit domain
  • 6 - Pose queries to the inference procedure
  • What are the possible sets of values of the input
    of the adder circuit that lead to a signal of 0
    for the sum output bit and a value of 1 for the
    carry output terminal?
  • ?i1,i2,i3 Signal(In(1,C1)) i1 ?
    Signal(In(2,C1)) i2 ? Signal(In(3,C1)) i3 ?
    Signal(Out(1,C1)) 0 ? Signal(Out(2,C1)) 1
  • Answer (i1 1 i2 1 i3 0) or ((i1 1 i2
    0 i3 1) or (i1 0 i2 1 i3 0)
  • What are the possible sets of values of all the
    terminals of the adder circuit?
  • ?i1,i2,i3,o1,o2 Signal(In(1,C1)) i1 ?
    Signal(In(2,C1)) i2 ? Signal(In(3,C1)) i3 ?
    Signal(Out(1,C1)) o1 ? Signal(Out(2,C1)) o2

The electronic circuit domain
  • 7 - Debug the knowledge base
  • May have omitted assertions like 1 ? 0

What is the advantage over simulation?
Pentium bug
  • First-order logic
  • objects and relations are semantic primitives
  • syntax constants, functions, predicates,
    equality, quantifiers
  • Increased expressive power!
  • But of course at a cost of increased complexity
    in general
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