Title: P1252109396QgywP
1Div EAS Research Forum August 12th 2006
Fiona Partridge Education Doctorate Research
Candidate Currently in 2nd Phase of Research
Research Methods
2- Structure of the Education Doctorate Program
- 4 units of compulsory course work which explore
research writing, reading, methods - Writing the Proposal
- Ethics Approval
- 3 Research Projects - triangulation
- Meta-analysis
- Aimed at Practitioners
3Research topic Exploring the construction of
knowledge about middle years teaching and
learning in the practice of pre-service teacher
4- My study / research so far
- 2001-2003 - Completed the compulsory Education
Doctorate course work - 2004 - Wrote proposal and gained approval from
the Colloquium Panel - 2005 - Ethics Committee approval for Stage One
and commenced first project - 2006 - Ethics Committee approval for Stage Two
- Currently conducting 2nd project
5- Platform for my research
- Beyond the Middle (DEST, 2003) identified several
implications for middle years reform - - Highlighted concerns for pre-service teacher
training -
6They included
- lack of pre-service teacher training in
Australia for teaching middle years - the need for middle years schooling pre-service
teachers to develop high level specialist content
knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge in
all areas but specifically for teaching literacy
and numeracy across the curriculum - the need for traditional secondary teacher
preparation emphasis on developing content
knowledge to be balanced with the traditional
primary teacher preparation orientation towards
student focused pedagogy and generalist
preparation for teachers.
7- the need for specific pedagogical content
knowledge for teaching literacy and numeracy to
be given particular attention if graduates are to
provide intellectually engaging learning
opportunities for their students - the need for graduates to learn new ways of
working together in teams with teaching
colleagues and a range of agencies - the need for the isolationism of much primary
teaching and the balkanised structure of many
secondary schools to be challenged if beginning
teachers are to work effectively in professional
learning and teaching teams - (DEST, 2003)
8- Phase One Methods and Methodology
- Case Study inquiry
- Qualitative Research methods - three main types
of data collection (Patton, 2002, pg 10) - in-depth, open ended interviews - direct
quotations from people about their experiences,
opinions, feelings, knowledge - direct observation - as an outsider
- written documents - analysis of records,
publications, reports
9Phase One research questions 1. What were the
educational, social and political factors that
influenced the development of the new Middle
School teacher education programs at the
University of South Australia being constructed
throughout 2001-03, to be implemented in 2005?
2. What micro-political strategies did the
proponents of the pre-service teacher education
courses use to secure the approval of the new
programs within the School of Education at UniSA?
10- 1st Phase - two main research methods
- Conducted a literature review, focussing on the
historical setting in which the review of
education and resulting report, Shaping the
Future Educating Professional Educators (Reid
ODonoghue, 2001) was conducted and released - The Review sparked the change process, leading to
the implementation of the new teacher education
programs, now situated at the Mawson lakes Campus
of UniSA - Conducted open-ended interview with the Review
facilitators / authors of The Review
11- First emerging theme applying organisational
theory - Large-scale change imposed by economic
rationalism (in this case, the Universitys
decision to close the Underdale Campus by the
year 2004) - affected the entire learning
culture. - Began to explore the change process leading up
to the new programs - using a Learning Community
Organisational Framework, as identified by Bolman
and Deal (2003)
12- Four frames of reality within the culture of
learning communities - Â Structural frame - the organisational design,
the way human, physical and financial resources
come together - Human resource frame the human needs of the
individuals within the community - Political frame the community is represented
as a competitive arena characterised by scarce
resources and self-interest, and focuses
attention on policy and regulations - Symbolic / cultural frame representing shared
meaning and cultural expression, putting ritual
and expected behaviours, or the community story
at the heart of the learning culture.
132nd Phase of Research - Questions 1. What is the
concept of an Educator of the Future as
represented by the new UniSA pre-service teacher
education programs? 2. What is the construction
of knowledge about middle years teaching and
learning in the practice of pre-service teacher
education at the UniSA? 3. How were each of the
four frames of reality (Bolman Deal, 2003)
within the learning culture shaped throughout the
design and implementation process?
14- Phase 2 Methods and Methodology
- Case study inquiry
- Document analysis - reviewing the key documents,
meeting notes, memos issued during the design and
implementation process - Open-ended interviews - with those involved in
the change process - Analysis of the new program curriculum content
15- Phase 3
- Case study inquiry
- Will explore the experience of students in the
teacher education programs - Focus on the program scope and field placement