Title: The General Plan
1The General Plan
- ESP 171 Urban and Regional Planning
- S. Handy
- 4/15/08
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4Power at Local Level
Federal government chooses NOT to take power
Default is power at state level
States choose to delegate power to locals
5Lets think
- When someone says, Ive got a plan, what do
they mean?
7Source http//www.ncl.org/publications/online/VSP
8Where are we? Where are we goingWhere do we want
to be? How do we get there?
9Purpose of Plan
- the comprehensive plan is supposed to be the
supreme document guiding the future physical
development of a community the set of policies
from which all decisions flow. - F S - Expression of what community wants
- Guide to decision making
10California Requirements
- Every city and county must adopt a
comprehensive, long-term general plan for
physical development - Key characteristics
- physical plan
- long-range plan
- comprehensive
- statement of policy
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13New edition scheduled for 2007
14Required Elements of a General Plan
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16Optional Elements of a General Plan (numbers of
cities and counties in 2003)
- Parks and Recreation (194)
- Economic (123)
- Public Facilities (114)
- Design (113)
- Air Quality (101)
- Seismic (94)
- Scenic Highways (89)
- Growth Management (85)
- Historic Preservation (82)
- Transportation (67)
17Environmental Implications?
- Throughout the General Plan!
- General Plan adoption and amendments subject to
the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
more next week! - Plus
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19In addition
- Area or Community Plans
- Part of the General Plan
- Specific Plans
- Way of implementing General Plan
20Consistency Requirements
- equal status among elements
- consistency between elements
- consistency within elements
- text and diagram consistency
- area plan consistency
21Consistency with State Plans
- Text
- Vision, goals, objective, policies, programs
- Maps, diagrams
- Location of existing and future land uses,
facilities, etc.
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24Land Use Element
27Building Blocks
- How much growth is expected?
- Population and housing projections from
Department of Finance - What are constraints on land development?
- Maps of developable land as a function of
existing development, available infrastructure,
and natural features (slopes, soils, seismic,
flooding, etc.)
28Roseville, CA
30Consistency Issues
- Ex. Circulation element what if transportation
system cant handle new development? - Expand roadway capacity?
- Move development to areas with capacity?
- Adopt policies to reduce vehicle trips?
- Reduce amount of development allowed?
31Housing Element
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39General Plan Process
- a long, expensive, messy, often frustrating,
often exciting process. - FS
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- Initial adoption
- within 30 months of incorporation
- Adoption of updates
- usually every 10-15 years
- Adoption of amendments
- up to 4 times per year
- Planning staff
- prepares the plan, may hire consultants
- Planning commission
- approves the plan and sends it to city council
- City council
- adopts the plan
44Public Involvement
- Public hearings required, including notice
- Citizen advisory committees common but not
Whose vision?
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- Consultants
- Esp. smaller cities
- Esp. for technical work
- Courts
- Enforcement of state planning laws
- Challenges consistency of zoning with GP,
internal consistency of GP
47Do they work? Do they do more than fulfill a
legal requirement?
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- How to make it happen?
- On Thursday!
- How long will the vision last?
- Only time will tell!
103Austin, TX1928 Plan
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109Austin,TX1958 Plan
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111Neighborhood Concepts
112Austin c.2000
113Sunnyvale c.2000
114Davis c.2000
115Next time
- Implementing the Plan zoning, et al.
- Read
- A Citizens Guide pp. 6-10
- Chapter 7
- Chapter 8