Title: Hurricane Juan (2003): A Diagnostic and Compositing Study
1Hurricane Juan (2003)A Diagnostic and
Compositing Study
- Ron McTaggart-Cowan1, Eyad Atallah2, John
Gyakum2, and Lance Bosart1
1 University of Albany, Albany NY 2 McGill
University, Montreal, QC
- Introduction and background
- Compositing study
- Analysis of Hurricane Juan's lifecycle
- Midlatitude precursors
- Easterly wave development
- Tropical transition
- Summary and discussion
2215 UTC 28 September 2003
QuikSCAT-NRT Image courtesy of NRL
3Introduction and Background
- First identified as a TD at 12/24
- Maximum intensity of Cat 2 969 hPa (90 kt) at
18/27 - Landfall near Halifax, NS at 03/29
NHC Best Track for Hurricane Juan (2003)
4Introduction and Background
- Hurricanes usually recurve east of Nova Scotia
under westerlies - Extratropical transition is expected in the
midlatitude flow
Photo courtesy of the Canadian Hurricane Centre
How common is Atlantic hurricane landfall at high
5Compositing Study
- Composite search criteria
- Atlantic hurricanes between 1948 and 2002
- Landfall north of 40oN (NHC Best Track)
- Motion vector in the northern quadrant on landfall
Carol (1953) Ginny (1963) Carol (1954) Gerda
(1969) Edna (1954) Blanche (1975) Donna
(1960) Bertha (1990)
The NCEP Reanalysis (2.5o grid) dataset is used
for composite analysis
6Compositing Study
- 500 hPa heights and anomalies prior to landfall
(T-00h) - Shading indicates statistical significance
- Propagating ridging builds along the east coast
before landfall
7Compositing Study
- Meridional flow over eastern North America with a
trough/ridge couplet along the Eastern Seaboard - Strong southerly geostrophic steering flow
- Warm through a deep layer ahead of the storm
- Low shear midlatitude environment
8Lifecycle Analysis - Midlatitude Precursors
Dynamic tropopause (2 PVU surface) potential
temperature in colour. Winds on the dynamic
tropopause are plotted in white/black for
readability only. Short, long and flag pennants
represent 5, 10 and 50 kt winds, respectively.
0000 UTC 24 September
9Lifecycle Analysis - Midlatitude Precursors
Dynamic tropopause (2 PVU surface) potential
temperature in colour. Winds on the dynamic
tropopause are plotted in white/black for
readability only. Short, long and flag pennants
represent 5, 10 and 50 kt winds, respectively.
0000 UTC 25 September
10Lifecycle Analysis - Midlatitude Precursors
Dynamic tropopause (2 PVU surface) potential
temperature in colour. Winds on the dynamic
tropopause are plotted in white/black for
readability only. Short, long and flag pennants
represent 5, 10 and 50 kt winds, respectively.
0000 UTC 26 September
11Lifecycle Analysis - Midlatitude Precursors
Dynamic tropopause (2 PVU surface) potential
temperature in colour. Winds on the dynamic
tropopause are plotted in white/black for
readability only. Short, long and flag pennants
represent 5, 10 and 50 kt winds, respectively.
0000 UTC 27 September
12Lifecycle Analysis - Midlatitude Precursors
Dynamic tropopause (2 PVU surface) potential
temperature in colour. Winds on the dynamic
tropopause are plotted in white/black for
readability only. Short, long and flag pennants
represent 5, 10 and 50 kt winds, respectively.
0000 UTC 28 September
13Lifecycle Analysis - Midlatitude Precursors
Dynamic tropopause (2 PVU surface) potential
temperature in colour. Winds on the dynamic
tropopause are plotted in white/black for
readability only. Short, long and flag pennants
represent 5, 10 and 50 kt winds, respectively.
0000 UTC 29 September
14Lifecycle Analysis Easterly Wave
- Strong EW crosses West African coast on 00/11,
focusing convection as it propagates - By 00/20, the EW structure becomes complex as
it begins to interact with a digging upper-level
850 hPa relative vorticity on subdomains showing
the propagation of Juan's easterly wave
precursor. Dates as indicated on the individual
15Lifecycle Analysis Tropical Transition
- EW provides lower-level vorticity seed
- Upper-level PV tail provides a band of
synoptically-forced ascent - Although each structure in itself is insufficient
to produce a self-sustaining system (i.e. WISHE
Emanuel 1987) their combination is - The tropical transition of Hurricane Juan follows
the Weak Extratropical Cyclone (WEC) paradigm of
Davis and Bosart (2004)
16Lifecycle Analysis Tropical Transition
Loop 00/24 - 00/29
Dynamic tropopause (2 PVU surface) potential
temperature in colour. 850 hPa relative
vorticity is contoured at 6x10-5 s-1 intervals
above 1.2x10-4 s-1. Winds on the dynamic
tropopause are plotted in white/black for
readability only. Short, long and flag pennants
represent 5, 10 and 50 kt winds, respectively.
0000 UTC 24 September
17Lifecycle Analysis Tropical Transition
Loop 00/24 - 00/29
Dynamic tropopause (2 PVU surface) potential
temperature in colour. 850 hPa relative
vorticity is contoured at 6x10-5 s-1 intervals
above 1.2x10-4 s-1. Winds on the dynamic
tropopause are plotted in white/black for
readability only. Short, long and flag pennants
represent 5, 10 and 50 kt winds, respectively.
1200 UTC 24 September
18Lifecycle Analysis Tropical Transition
Loop 00/24 - 00/29
Dynamic tropopause (2 PVU surface) potential
temperature in colour. 850 hPa relative
vorticity is contoured at 6x10-5 s-1 intervals
above 1.2x10-4 s-1. Winds on the dynamic
tropopause are plotted in white/black for
readability only. Short, long and flag pennants
represent 5, 10 and 50 kt winds, respectively.
0000 UTC 25 September
19Lifecycle Analysis Tropical Transition
Loop 00/24 - 00/29
Dynamic tropopause (2 PVU surface) potential
temperature in colour. 850 hPa relative
vorticity is contoured at 6x10-5 s-1 intervals
above 1.2x10-4 s-1. Winds on the dynamic
tropopause are plotted in white/black for
readability only. Short, long and flag pennants
represent 5, 10 and 50 kt winds, respectively.
1200 UTC 25 September
20Lifecycle Analysis Tropical Transition
Loop 00/24 - 00/29
Dynamic tropopause (2 PVU surface) potential
temperature in colour. 850 hPa relative
vorticity is contoured at 6x10-5 s-1 intervals
above 1.2x10-4 s-1. Winds on the dynamic
tropopause are plotted in white/black for
readability only. Short, long and flag pennants
represent 5, 10 and 50 kt winds, respectively.
0000 UTC 26 September
21Lifecycle Analysis Tropical Transition
Loop 00/24 - 00/29
Dynamic tropopause (2 PVU surface) potential
temperature in colour. 850 hPa relative
vorticity is contoured at 6x10-5 s-1 intervals
above 1.2x10-4 s-1. Winds on the dynamic
tropopause are plotted in white/black for
readability only. Short, long and flag pennants
represent 5, 10 and 50 kt winds, respectively.
1200 UTC 26 September
22Lifecycle Analysis Tropical Transition
Loop 00/24 - 00/29
Dynamic tropopause (2 PVU surface) potential
temperature in colour. 850 hPa relative
vorticity is contoured at 6x10-5 s-1 intervals
above 1.2x10-4 s-1. Winds on the dynamic
tropopause are plotted in white/black for
readability only. Short, long and flag pennants
represent 5, 10 and 50 kt winds, respectively.
0000 UTC 27 September
23Lifecycle Analysis Tropical Transition
Loop 00/24 - 00/29
Dynamic tropopause (2 PVU surface) potential
temperature in colour. 850 hPa relative
vorticity is contoured at 6x10-5 s-1 intervals
above 1.2x10-4 s-1. Winds on the dynamic
tropopause are plotted in white/black for
readability only. Short, long and flag pennants
represent 5, 10 and 50 kt winds, respectively.
1200 UTC 27 September
24Lifecycle Analysis Tropical Transition
Loop 00/24 - 00/29
Dynamic tropopause (2 PVU surface) potential
temperature in colour. 850 hPa relative
vorticity is contoured at 6x10-5 s-1 intervals
above 1.2x10-4 s-1. Winds on the dynamic
tropopause are plotted in white/black for
readability only. Short, long and flag pennants
represent 5, 10 and 50 kt winds, respectively.
0000 UTC 28 September
25Lifecycle Analysis Tropical Transition
Loop 00/24 - 00/29
Dynamic tropopause (2 PVU surface) potential
temperature in colour. 850 hPa relative
vorticity is contoured at 6x10-5 s-1 intervals
above 1.2x10-4 s-1. Winds on the dynamic
tropopause are plotted in white/black for
readability only. Short, long and flag pennants
represent 5, 10 and 50 kt winds, respectively.
1200 UTC 28 September
26Lifecycle Analysis Tropical Transition
Loop 00/24 - 00/29
Dynamic tropopause (2 PVU surface) potential
temperature in colour. 850 hPa relative
vorticity is contoured at 6x10-5 s-1 intervals
above 1.2x10-4 s-1. Winds on the dynamic
tropopause are plotted in white/black for
readability only. Short, long and flag pennants
represent 5, 10 and 50 kt winds, respectively.
0000 UTC 29 September
27Lifecycle Analysis Tropical Transition
Loop 00/24 - 12/26
Potential temperature anomaly on the dynamic
tropopause (2 PVU surface) relative to the Eady
basic state. Sea level pressure isobars are
contoured in black at 4 hPa intervals.
0000 UTC 24 September
28Lifecycle Analysis Tropical Transition
Loop 00/24 - 12/26
Potential temperature anomaly on the dynamic
tropopause (2 PVU surface) relative to the Eady
basic state. Sea level pressure isobars are
contoured in black at 4 hPa intervals.
1200 UTC 24 September
29Lifecycle Analysis Tropical Transition
Loop 00/24 - 12/26
Potential temperature anomaly on the dynamic
tropopause (2 PVU surface) relative to the Eady
basic state. Sea level pressure isobars are
contoured in black at 4 hPa intervals.
0000 UTC 25 September
30Lifecycle Analysis Tropical Transition
Loop 00/24 - 12/26
Potential temperature anomaly on the dynamic
tropopause (2 PVU surface) relative to the Eady
basic state. Sea level pressure isobars are
contoured in black at 4 hPa intervals.
1200 UTC 25 September
31Lifecycle Analysis Tropical Transition
Loop 00/24 - 12/26
Potential temperature anomaly on the dynamic
tropopause (2 PVU surface) relative to the Eady
basic state. Sea level pressure isobars are
contoured in black at 4 hPa intervals.
0000 UTC 26 September
32Lifecycle Analysis Tropical Transition
Loop 00/24 - 12/26
Potential temperature anomaly on the dynamic
tropopause (2 PVU surface) relative to the Eady
basic state. Sea level pressure isobars are
contoured in black at 4 hPa intervals.
1200 UTC 26 September
33Summary and Discussion
- Both the compositing and the case study shows
that east coast ridging is important for high
latitude landfalling hurricanes - Enhances southerly geostrophic steering flow
- Creates a warm environment conducive the
maintenance of the tropical vortex - Reduces shear and decreases baroclinicity ahead
of the hurricane - Hurricane outflow reinforce the pre-existing ridge
34Summary and Discussion
- Easterly wave and midlatitude trough (PV tail)
features interact during Juan's tropical
transition - A Weak Extratropical Cyclone (Davis and Bosart
2004) transition occurs - Strong coupling of the lower-level perturbation
to the upper-level disturbance during transition - A convective mesoscale vorticity maximum is
enhanced by synoptically-forced ascent