Title: College of Physicians
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2Provincial Roundup 2007Nova Scotia
- At present there are 32 labs organized into 9
District Health Authorities (DHA) plus the Isaac
Walton Killian Health Centre, Canadian Blood
Services and 2 other clinical laboratories not
associated with the DHAs providing lab services
in the province of Nova Scotia. - There is currently no formal body to monitor
external quality assessments or accreditation in
the labs in the province.
3Provincial Roundup 2007Nova Scotia
- There are some provincial initiatives organized
under the Department of Health (DOH) such as the
Nova Scotia Provincial Blood Coordinating Program
and the Nova Scotia Gynaecological Cancer
Screening Program, which have initiatives that
look at laboratory standards. - They also have other initiatives focusing on
issues outside of the lab such as increasing
Gynaecological Cancer Screening, sample
collection issues, adverse advent reporting,
blood product utilization and transfusion
procedures at the bedside, etc.
4Provincial Roundup 2007Nova Scotia
- Each DHA has a regional laboratory. These
regional laboratories are ISO 17025 compliant for
water testing and this is a requirement of the
Nova Scotia Department of Environment Labour. - The Canadian Association for Environmental
Analytical Laboratories is the accrediting body. - Each District Authority subscribes to external
proficiency testing organizations such as CAP.
5Provincial Roundup 2007Nova Scotia
- Whats new
- Plans are underway to form a Provincial Public
Health Laboratory Program reporting to the
Department of Health Protection Promotion,
which will focus on various initiatives including
laboratory standards, pandemic planning and
emergency response.
6Provincial Roundup 2007Nova Scotia
- Whats new
- In order to respond to this the managers of the
Nova Scotia Association of Clinical Laboratory
Managers (NSACLM) has formed a Quality Management
Steering Committee to work Collaboratively
7Provincial Roundup 2007Nova Scotia
- Future Endeavors
- The Canadian Council on Health Services
Accreditation (CCHSC) accredits each DHA for
hospital services and with the announcement that
their laboratories will have to comply with the
ISO 15189 Z902-4 standards we expect that each
DHA will participate in this accreditation
8Provincial Roundup 2007Nova Scotia
- Highlights
- Interoperability Project
- of providers registered to be on the
Nightingale software 668 - of above registered providers that have
actually gone live with Nightingale software 411 - of above live providers that have also gone live
on eResults within Nightingale- 69 - of providers to have gone live with eResults
using Practimax software -30
9Provincial Roundup 2007Nova Scotia
- Eight Accreditation teams up and going
- In process of hiring a Quality Coordinator
10Provincial Roundup 2007Nova Scotia
- Mumps Outbreak
- Began 3rd week of February 2007
- N.S. Cases jumped from 157 to 203 in one week
- N.S. considering a catch up vaccination campaign
for university students and health care workers
11Provincial Roundup 2007Nova Scotia
- Will CCHSA accredit our laboratories to ISO
standard? - Will there be any other options available within
Canada to have a formal ISO Accreditation. - We would welcome any evidence that benchmarks
activities across Canada that we could use as
evidence that we must move forward with a formal
Provincial Quality Management Program.
12Provincial Roundup 2007Nova Scotia