Title: Tylenol, Twinkies
1Tylenol, Twinkies the Tobacco PuzzleChanging
the way young adults look at tobacco addiction
- Linda Hancock, FNP, PhD
- Wellness Resource Center
- 804 828-WELL
- Quit_at_vcu.edu
- Virginia Commonwealth University
2The tobacco epidemic, like the flu is always
mutating. -Jack Henningfield
- Tobacco Companies and others out to make money on
nicotine are always changing- - what they market
- how they market
- to whom they market
3Tobacco products use changes over time in
4Understanding developmental stages Age of Reason
7-12 Age of Rebellion 13-25
5What is the most devastating drug?
6No problem can be solved by the same
consciousness that created it.
- Albert Einstein
7Because I got high.Afroman Meets America
- A framework for understanding all molecules
- and deciding what you want!
8Rank order these 5 substancesTYLENOL, TWINKIES,
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 1
9Genetic Snowflakes
10Quantity Frequency MATTER!
- Bio Q/F Risk
- Adapted from www.askpri.org Lifestyle risk
reduction model
11I love smokers!Quit_at_vcu.edu
- Quitting PILLS
- Bupropion
- Chantix
- Remember, smoking doesnt kill people. People
who are quitting smoking kill people.
12Rank order these 5 substancesTYLENOL,
- 1 Tylenol
- 2 Beer
- 3 Cigarettes
- 4 Eggs
- 5 Twinkies
- ?
13Low-Risk Drinking
14 Addictive Potential of Chemicals
- A. ALCOHOL (85 try)
- 1 in 10 who use get addicted
- B. HEROIN (only about 1-3 try)
- 9 in 10 who use get addicted
- C. NICOTINE (about 50-55 try)
- 5 in 10 who use get addicted
- D. MARIJUANA (about 50-60 try)
- Can you get addicted to marijuana?
15What is the most devastating drug?
16(No Transcript)
17Innovators smoking/cessation
18Diffusion of innovation Theory
- Research by Redmond
- The diffusion of smoking initiation
- The diffusion of cessation
19The 3 Ds of tobacco prevention
- Not the most effective strategy with young
adults. - They like their friends who smoke.
- They can see they are being manipulated.
- It alienates the trend setters you want to come
in for cessation services.
21Trends in ads
24How many ADULT Virginians smoke cigarettes daily?
- Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
- CDC annual survey
- Results easy to access by state
Overestimate Unhealthy visible behaviors
-smokers, drunks, violence, goofing off,
credit card debt, etc. Underestimate
Healthy less visible behaviors
-non-smokers, moderate drinkers academic
seriousness, prayer
Perception REALITY
26Video Clip Instructionsviscog video or go
totake the awareness test at YouTube
- This video is very short 30 seconds
- You will see a team of players
- One wearing white shirts one wearing black
shirts - Try to count the total number of times someone
wearing a white shirt passes the ball.
27What you focus on expands!
28We need to stop making healthy teens feel like
they are the minority!
29Majority versusVisibility
30Social Norms marketingwww.socialnorms.orgwww.smo
Normalize NON-smoking Prevents starting and
Promotes demand for Cessation Services
Supports smoke-free policy change
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33Motivational Interviewing is like Teaching an
old dog new tricks
- We have been taught
- -to fix
- -to educate
- -to tell people what to do
- Turns out that doesnt work.
34A client-centered, directive method for
enhancing intrinsic motivation to change by
exploring and resolving ambivalence.
35The Name of the Game isWIN AS MUCH AS YOU CAN!!!
- Stand up
- Find a partner
- place right feet side by side
- shake right hands
36What MI is NOT!
- Telling
- Preaching
- Nagging
- Terrorizing
- Not listening
37Understanding Exploringthe PICTURE BOOK of
someone elses life
38The MI way of being
- HUMOR and a light touch
- Genuine, sincere caring
- Focus on whats most important to that person,
not to you!
39To change the way young adults see tobacco, we
- Listen to them
- Respect them
- Simultaneously address prevention cessation
- Collect data about what works for WHICH type of
young adults - Focus on both users and non-users
- Prevention Cessation are not one size fits all
- Target
- high-risk groups for both prevention early
41www.lgbtsmokefree.orgA high-risk population for
smoking!LGBTs smoke at rates 40 to almost 200
higher than the general populationPlease post
this poster
42We must also keep our eyes open for new product
- Manipulation of current nicotine produces
- Development of new types of nicotine products
- New advertising strategies
43Brilliance in marketing
44Virginia Slims introduces Purse Packs
- In October 2008 Phillip Morris introduced "Purse
Packs" for select Virginia Slims brands - The Purse Pack is pink, sleek rectangular
packaging with square ends. It holds 20 sticks
that are smaller in diameter than a typical smoke.
45New advertising and branding
46Camel Crush
47Increased Nicotine Levels in CigarettesAverage
Nicotine Yields Per Cigarette 1997-2005Harvard
School of Public Health, 2006
11.8 increase from 1997 to 2005
48Follow the
- 10 million less American smoke than did in 1983
- That translates into lost sales revenue in the
- However, the sales of moist snuff in the USA more
than doubled in volume from 1986 to 2005 - 6.1 million Americans used moist snuff in 2006,
up from 4.7 million in 2001. Most of the new
users are smokers, some of whom still light up.
49Whats in smokeless tobacco?
- Smokeless tobacco contains sweeteners,
flavorings, abrasives, salt and other chemicals. - Over two dozen cancer-causing agents have been
identified in traditional smokeless tobacco. - The primary carcinogens are
- tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNAs)
- the level of TSNAs is affected by processing,
refrigeration and length of storage.
50What is Snus?
- Rhymes with "goose"
- Cynics might say "noose
- Swedish type of smokeless tobacco
- Comes in teabag-like pouches
- User sticks between the upper lip and gum
- Use 30 minutes
- Then discards without spitting
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52Snus goes under the UPPER LIPspitless-smokeless
53New smokeless, dissolvable tobacco products from
R.J. Reynolds
Test marketing in Columbus, OH, Portland, OR, and
Indianapolis, IN starting in January 2009
55Hard Snuff compressed tobacco lozenge
- advertised as the alternative for smokers in a
smokefree environment. - Both products are made with tobacco cured by a
process that minimizes nitrosamine formation.
56Whats this?
57History of Hookahs
- 16th century
- Use declined, almost died out by 1980s
- 1990s maassel came on the market
- Maassel is tobacco fermented with molasses and
fruit - Easier to use with more pleasant taste and aroma
58Toxin Content of smoke(single hookah session
compared to a single cigarette)
59Please post this poster!
60Third-hand smoke-tar heavy metals left in
the environment long after the smoker has left
- Tobacco products marketing strategies are
constantly mutating and changing. - We need to be vigilant for those changes.
- What works for young children and tweens is
different than what works for young adults. - Remember to do prevention cessation
simultaneously. - Get the early adopters to quit ASAP.
- Understand Motivational Interviewing,
Delegitizing and Denormalizing. - Always work with young adults both non-smokers
and smokers when creating programs. - Never give up we will make the world tobacco free