Title: Award Winning Water Operations Optimisation Software
1Award Winning Water Operations Optimisation
- Introduction to Beca and
- an overview
- technical
information - The benefits achieved in existing installations
- Delivery methodology
- Discussion
3 is a Spin-off from
- The Beca Group
- NZ based international consultant
- 2,000 employees
- Offices in 14 countries
- Multi-disciplinary engineering, project
management and planning consultants - An employee owned private unlisted company
- One of the top 100 consultancies worldwide
- An implementer of capital works of US1.0b/yr
4The Issue
- The UK water industry uses about 200M of
electricity to pump water consuming 4400 GWh per
year of electricity. - More than 90 of this is used for pumping
5Typical Power Use in Water Distribution
6Pump Life-Cycle Costs
- Specialist company with expertise in
- Control systems design and programming
- Industrial and environmental automation
- Simulation, operations research, logistics
- Optimisation using computer modeling
- Derceto Inc. was incorporated in September 2002
and is headquartered in San Francisco. It has
been set up to handle US and Canadian operations. - Derceto UK Ltd formed in June 2006 for UK
operations - Supplying business improvement solutions for
real world problems
8Where came from.
9(No Transcript)
10Introduction to
- Where does the name come from?
- What does do?
- What are the benefits?
- Some examples of installations
- Technical information
was the Babylonian Goddess of water
11What does AQUADAPTsoftware do?
- Delivers water to customers as first priority
- Schedules pumps and valves for next 48 hours to
achieve lowest cost - Runs in real time, solves in minutes
- Interfaces to your SCADA
- Minimises energy costs
- Maximises energy efficiency of pumps
- Improves water quality
- Recalculates a new solution every 30 minutes,
adapting to changing conditions
12Benefits of AQUADAPT software
AQUADAPT takes maximum advantage of off peak rates
13Optimization Benefits
AQUADAPT has achieved 12 to 25 savings
Plus these additional benefits
- Makes operations more repeatable and predictable
- Improved turn-over of water
- Smoothed outflows from plants
- Improves pump efficiency and optimal discharge
pressure - Reduced greenhouse gas footprint
14Benefits of AQUADAPT
Moving load to cheaper tariffs savings
15Benefits of AQUADAPT
Led to a 8 energy reduction to shift the same
volume of water for EBMUD
16Benefits of
which leads to substantial dollar savings
17Reference Projects New Zealand
- Wellington 150 MLD (40 MGD) from two well
fields and a filter plant into 11 pressure zones - Installed June 2000
18Reference Projects New Zealand
19Reference Projects New Zealand
20Reference Projects USA
- East Bay Municipal Utility District
- Services 1.3 million people
- AQUADAPT controls 1/3rd of system
- 20 pump stations, 66 pumps, 28 reservoirs
- One treatment plant, one back-up supply plus
numerous transfers between zones - 2.6M annual energy costs
- AQUADAPT installed June 2004
- Year 1 12 savings of 370,000
- Year 2 13 savings
- Year 3 13.6 savings
21US Clients
22Created using standard modules
- Modules
- Demand forecasting
- Storage tanks
- Pump stations
- Water treatment plants
- Power tariffs and network charges
- Scada interfaces
Maximum Efficiency Surface for multiple fixed
speed Pumps
23Demand Forecasting
Substantial variations in daily demand occur for
this Australian utility
adapts in real time to achieve high accuracy
24Demand Forecasting
- Use existing forecasting systems if they exist
- Otherwise
- Uses seasonal standard seasonal demand profiles
for every major demand point in the system - Derceto uses existing telemetry to read storage
tank levels and flows to calculate actual demand - Adapts the size and shape of the standard demand
profile in response to actual demand - Derceto automatically compensates for any errors
in data and instruments using the Data Cleaner
25The Data Cleaner
Here the data cleaner corrects missing data for
nearly 6 hours during a communications blackout
and resynchronizes when the problem clears
26Pressure Zones
- AQUADAPT can control
- Altitude valve controls
- Flow control filling (open and closed loop)
- Booster pump filling off transmission main
- Floating storage tanks (no inflow control)
AQUADAPT is very good at filling terminal
floating storage tanks, using optimised pressure
27 repeats the calculations for
- Flow rate into storage tank
- Energy used by pump
- Efficiency of pump ()
- Pressure in the zone
- Price per delivered volume
- Using a hydraulic model enables AQUADAPT to make
accurate control predictions, avoiding the common
problem of chasing ones tail where changing one
setting disrupts all other flows and pressures.
28Water treatment plants
AQUADAPT handles
- multiple parallel plants
- Surface water plants, raw water intakes
- Well field water plants
- Run-of-River plants
- Minimum and maximum production flows
- Flow ramp up / down limits
- Chemical and power costs
- Aquifer recharge times
29Water treatment plants
- AQUADAPT takes maximum advantage of each source
of water within their constraints - Well fields have capacity limits but are fast to
start up and stop - Lake or reservoir supplied plants may prefer
reasonably constant flows - River plants can be limited
- long term e.g. due to drought,
- short term e.g. due to turbidity
30The clear water tank levels are kept within
desired limits
Aquadapt shows the operator the flow set-point
for the next 24 hours
AQUADAPT schedules plant
- AQUADAPT has modules to handle
- Fixed speed pumps
- Variable speed drives
- Manual scheduling of pumps (on or off)
- Multiple pumps into a common line
- Pump priority
- Limiting starts per hour
- Gas/Diesel pumps
AQUADAPT controls a storage tank with a dedicated
pump or flow control valve easily
- AQUADAPT handles a pump station shared between
two storage tanks
AQUADAPT handles cascade storage tanks with pump
stations between pressure zones (unlimited levels)
35 AQUADAPT targets the pump Best Efficiency Point
36 AQUADAPT chooses the best pump combinations
37Pumps variable speed drives
When many variable speed pumps operate in
parallel even more calculations are needed
Multiple pumps in parallel need special rules to
achieve energy efficiency
39Other Constraints
- maintains minimum
storage requirements and can change these
seasonally or by fire risk - maintains pump
station minimum and maximum flows - can also be
programmed to maintain or limit system pressures
at any number of audit points, even without
instruments - can be programmed
to keep within flow limits for individual pipes
in the transmission network
40Energy Tariffs
- Every point of supply can have its own unique
electricity and demand tariff structure - Half hour resolution on kWh and kW price
- AQUADAPT handles any combination of energy
supplier with any network (lines) provider - Complex electricity sell-back or
standby-generation schemes can be incorporated - AQUADAPT handles mixed mode pump stations e.g.
gas engine and electric motor driven pumps
41Energy tariffs
- Real Time pricing can be used (with live
42Washington Suburban, Maryland
- Serves 1.6 M people
- 57 Storage Tanks
- 15 Pressure Zones
- 18 Pump Stations
- 112 Pumps (max 81 running)
- 25 Remote Controlled Flow Valves
- Uses Real Time Energy Market
43AQUADAPT forecasts energy consumption
44..so hedging contracts can be set up
45Real time markets can be best
46(No Transcript)
48A pressure zone on the Operator Panel
Actual demand profile from telemetry
Yellow bar Indicates current time
Light green is Projected demand profile
Actual and predicted level
Green lights indicate pump scheduled to run
Electricity tariff band summary, Orange peak,
green off-peak
49AQAUADAPT Dashboard provides a management view
into the optimiser
50The Outcome
- AQUADAPT takes into account all of the costs,
constraints, efficiencies, water turn-over
requirements and manual settings - AQUADAPT calculates the mass balance first
delivery of water to meet demand is No. 1 - AQUADAPT calculates which source of water to use
to minimize costs - AQUADAPT calculates pump schedules to minimise
energy costs and maximise efficiency - AQUADAPT uses the most efficient combination of
pumps in parallel pump sets
51Safety considerations
AQUADAPT provides three safety levels
- AQUADAPT confirms that decisions are safe using a
hydraulic model - The control system uses over-ride controls
slightly above and below AQUADAPT levels - The field controls have limits which prevent
over-filling of storage tanks, and start filling
automatically on low level
52Implementation plan
- Two studies are carried out
- Phase 1 Simple overview study to confirm if
AQUADAPT is suitable for the distribution system,
preliminary cost/benefits calculated (8 weeks) - Phase 2 Detailed study, we will present the
results including the price and indicative cost
savings that can be achieved (12 weeks) - Leading to
- Phase 3 Implementation (6 9 months)
- Payback periods typically less than 2 years,
sometimes less than 1 year!
53AQUADAPT is in operation at
- East Bay MUD, Oakland CA, (1.2M customers)
- Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission, MD, the
5th largest US utility and operating under the
real-time electricity market (1.7M customers) - WaterOne of Kansas City (450,000 customers)
- Eastern Municipal Utility District (670,000)
- Maroochy Water in Queensland, Australia
- Wellington, New Zealand (the Capital City)
They welcome phone calls and visitors
54Summary of this presentation
- AQUADAPT pays for itself rapidly
- AQUADAPT is an online real-time solver, it copes
with imperfect real-world requirements - AQUADAPT has been developed by one of the worlds
top 100 engineering consultants - AQUADAPT is available right now, allowing rapid
implementation for faster pay-back
55Available now