Mendel and the Gene Idea - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Mendel and the Gene Idea


Traits from parents act like paints being mixed. Does NOT fit our ... Mice. One gene determines whether a mouse will have black fur (dominant) or brown fur ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Mendel and the Gene Idea

Mendel and the Gene Idea
  • AP Biology Chapter 14

Early Ideas about Heredity
  • Blending
  • Traits from parents act like paints being mixed
  • Does NOT fit our observations
  • Nonetheless, this was an accepted idea during
    Mendels time.

  • Came up with a particulate mechanism for
  • Said an organisms collection of genes was more
    like a bucket of marbles than a pail of paint.
  • Marbles do not get diluted as they are passed
    from person to person
  • They are DISCRETE units that retain their
    separate identities in offspring.

About Mendel
  • Born in Austria
  • Became a monk
  • While studying at a university, became interested
    in plant breeding and in inheritance
  • This is an image of Mendels garden.

Why Pea Plants?
  • Easily available and in many varieties
  • Character inheritable feature
  • Example Flower color is a character with two
    possible variations / traits purple or white
  • Mendel chose to observe characters that varied in
    a discrete way
  • on or off
  • No in between
  • A very wise choice

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Why Pea Plants?
  • Self-fertilizing
  • Normally, the reproductive parts are hidden
    within flower petals.
  • Mendel could strictly control which plants mated
    with which.

Another wise choice by Mendel
  • He always started his experiments with plants
    that bred true for the particular character to be
  • True-breeding
  • Means a self-fertilizing plant ALWAYS has
    offspring of the same variety.
  • Example Purple flowered parent ALWAYS has
    purple flowered offspring.

A Typical Mendelian Breeding Experiment
  • Cross two PARENTS that are TRUE-BREEDING, yet
    contrasting varieties
  • Called P generation
  • Crossing two different varieties is called
  • Their offspring are called the F1 generation
  • Allow the F1 generation to self-fertilize
  • The F1s produce a generation called the F2

What Mendel Did that was DIFFERENT
  • The CRITICAL thing that Mendel did in his
    experiments that NO ONE else had done was to
    COUNT the different varieties of offspring that
    resulted from the different crosses.
  • In particular, it was his counting and analysis
    of the F2 generation plants that allowed him to
    reveal two of the most fundamental principles of
  • Law of segregation and law of independent

Another thing that Mendel did
  • He grew A LOT of peas
  • Thus he had VERY large sample sizes
  • This allowed the ratios to really become apparent
    to him
  • He also kept really good records of his work and

What Mendels Numbers Told Him
  • Cross a pure purple with a pure white
  • Get F1s that are ALL purple
  • Did the white trait disappear?
  • Allow F1s to self fertilize
  • Get F2s that show up in numbers like these
  • 705 purple 224 white
  • This is a ratio of approximately 31
  • Told him the white trait did NOT disappear, nor
    was it diluted.

Mendels Hypothesis Part 1
  • Alternative versions of genes account for
    variations in inherited characters.
  • Example the gene for flower color in pea plants
    exists in two versions purple and white.
  • The alternate versions are called alleles.

Mendels Hypothesis Part 1
  • Relating Genes to Chromosomes
  • Each gene resides at a specific locus on a
    specific chromosome
  • The DNA at that locus can vary, but only a little
    bit in its information content.
  • The purple flower and white flower alleles are
    two variations possible on the flower color locus
    on one of a pea plants chromosomes.

Mendels Hypothesis Part 2
  • For each character an organism has TWO alleles
  • Two sets of chromosomes in each body cell
  • One from each parent
  • Thus, one allele for every character from each
    parent two alleles per character per organism.
  • Amazingly, Mendel was able to figure this out
    while possessing NO knowledge of chromosomes.

Mendels Hypothesis Part 3
  • If the two alleles at a locus differ, then the
    dominant allele determines the organisms
  • The recessive allele has no noticeable effect

Mendels Hypothesis Part 4
  • Law of Segregation
  • Two alleles for a character separate during
    gamete formation and end up in different gametes
  • This means that any given sperm or egg gets only
    ONE of the TWO alleles that are present in the
    body cells of the organism.
  • This describes MEIOSIS
  • Homologous pairs separate at meiosis
  • Each member of a pair carries its own allele for
    a given character.
  • Of course, if an organism is true-breeding for a
    trait, then both chromosomes will have the same
    allele, so all gametes will be the same with
    regard to that allele. If they differ than
    gametes will differ.

Punnett Squares
  • Punnett Squares show how Mendels model accounts
    for the 31 ratios he observed in F2 generations.

  • Homozygous
  • Heterozygous
  • Phenotype
  • Genotype

Test Cross
Monohybrid vs. Dihybrid Crosses
  • Monohybrid
  • Parents differ in one trait
  • Dihybrid
  • Parents differ in two traits

Dihybrids and the Law of Independent Assortment
  • When following TWO traits and not just one
    (example flower color and plant height) each
    PAIR of alleles segregates independently of other
    pairs of alleles when gametes are forming in
  • In other words, the homologous pairs of
    chromosomes order themselves randomly along
    either side of the metaphase plate.

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Dihybrid Cross
Laws of Probability
  • The same laws of probability govern Mendels Laws
    as govern coin tosses and rolls of dice.

Laws of Probability
  • Multiplication Rule
  • Used to determine the probability that two or
    more independent events will occur to gether in
    some specific combination
  • What is the chance that two coins tossed together
    will both be heads?
  • Multiply the probability of one event by the
    probability of the other event
  • ½ X ½ ¼

Multiplication Rule in a Cross
  • A plant heterozygous for seed shape (Rr) is
    crossed with another heterozygote.
  • Each gamete produced has a ½ chance of carrying R
    and a ½ chance of carrying r.
  • The same applies to each sperm cell.
  • Thus, the probability of getting a rr offspring
    is ¼.

Rule of Addition
  • The probability that any one of two or more
    mutually exclusive events will occur is
    calculated by adding together their individual
  • The probability for one possible way of obtaining
    an F2 heterozygote (Rr) is ¼. The probability
    for the other possible way is ¼.
  • The rule of addition says ¼ ¼ ½

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Complex Problems Can Be Solved Using the Laws of
  • Tracking 3 different characters in a cross
  • Plant 1 purple flowers, yellow and round seeds
    (heterozygous for all)
  • PpYyRr
  • Plant 2 purple flowers (heterozygous), green
    and wrinkled seeds
  • Ppyyrr

Complex Problems Can Be Solved Using the Laws of
  • PpYyRr X Ppyyrr
  • What fraction from this cross would be predicted
    to have the recessive phenotypes for at least two
    of the three characters?
  • First, list all genotypes possible (given these
    two parents) that would fulfill this condition
  • PPyyrr, Ppyyrr, ppyyRr, ppYyrr, ppyyrr

Complex Problems Can Be Solved Using the Laws of
  • Next, use the rule of multiplication to calculate
    the probability of each of these genotypes
    occurring from this cross
  • Take each pair in the cross as though it were a
  • What is the liklihood of getting ppyyRr from
    PpYyRr X Ppyyrr
  • Likelihood of Pp x Pp giving pp is ¼
  • Likelihood of Yy x yy giving yy is ½
  • Likelihood of Rr x rr giving Rr is ½
  • ¼ x ½ x ½ 1/16

Complex Problems Can Be Solved Using the Laws of
  • Likelihood of getting ppYrr ¼ x ½ x ½ 1/16
  • Likelihood of getting Ppyyrr ½ x ½ x ½ 1/8
  • Likelihood of getting PPyyrr ¼ x ½ x ½ 1/16
  • Likelihood of getting ppyyrr ¼ x ½ x ½ 1/16

Complex Problems Can Be Solved Using the Laws of
  • Finally, the law of addition is used to add
    together the probabilities for all of the
    different genotypes that fulfill the condition of
    at least two recessive traits.
  • 1/16 1/16 1/8 1/16 1/16 6/16 or 3/8

Other Inheritance Patterns
  • Mendels original observations are just the tip
    of the iceberg with regard to the complexity of
  • There are many other inheritance patterns that
    exist beyond Mendels Complete Dominance
  • Complete Dominance
  • What weve been studying typical Mendel
  • One allele completely masks another
  • Phenotypes of the heterozygote and homozygote
    dominant are indistinguishable

  • Two alleles affect a phenotype in separate and
    distinguishable ways.
  • Blood types

Incomplete Dominance
  • When heterozygote phenotypes fall in the middle
    between either homozygote
  • Appears blended

Relation between Dominance and Phenotype
  • Dominant and recessive alleles do not actually
    interact at all. One does not truly dominate
    the other.
  • Genes code for proteins.
  • Consider the case of a recessive genetic disorder
  • recessive alleles are very often broken genes
  • The gene does not work to make the protein it
    should perhaps it does not make any protein at
  • The dominant gene in such a relationship is
    just the working gene. It is making proteins.
  • In organisms that are homozygous dominant, both
    alleles are working and making the protein the
    organism needs
  • In organisms that are heterozygous, one copy of
    the gene is working and making protein while the
    other copy is not however in this condition the
    organism still appears normal. Apparently
    because making only ½ the amount of protein is
    still adequate.
  • In the homozygous recessive organism, there are
    NO copies of the working gene, thus NO protein is
    being made. In this case, normally the organism
    has a problem or at least some phenotype that is

Classic Example Tay Sachs
  • Recessive disorder
  • Protein required breaks down lipids in the brain
  • Homozygous dominant people have two working
    copies of this gene and make plenty of the
  • Heterozygotes have one working copy and one
    broken copy. They make half the protein of a
    homozygous dominant person but this must be
    enough because they show no symptoms
  • Homozygous recessive people do not make ANY of
    this protein. This results in catastrophic build
    up of lipid in the brain which essentially
    crushes brain tissue. Death typically occurs by
    age 5.

Frequency of Dominant Alleles
  • Dominant alleles are more common, right?
  • NOT necessarily for every trait
  • Polydactyly is very rare, but is DOMINANT to
    having the normal numbers of fingers.

Multiple Alleles
  • Though any one individual is only ALLOWED to
    possess TWO alleles per trait (or locus), there
    are OFTEN many MORE than two alleles that EXIST.
  • Example ABO blood group
  • 3 alleles exist A, B and O
  • Nonetheless, any one individual can only possess
    two of these.

  • We often treat genes as though the affect only
    phenotypic trait, but in fact, they often have
    many phenotypic effects.
  • Pleiotropy when genes have mulitple phenotypic
  • Sickle cell anemia has MANY effects on the people
    who have it.

  • Sometimes the gene at one locus can alter the
    phenotypic expression of a gene at a second
    locus. This is epistasis.

Example of Epistasis
  • Mice
  • One gene determines whether a mouse will have
    black fur (dominant) or brown fur (recessive)
  • A second gene determines whether or not pigment
    (whether black or brown) will be deposited in the
    hair at all.

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Polygenic Inheritance
  • Many characters do not appear to have an either
    / or classification
  • Many characters differ along a continuum
  • Human skin color and height
  • Termed quantitative characters
  • Quantitative characters often indicate polygenic
  • Additive effect of two or more genes on single
  • Skin color is probably a product of at least 3
    separate genes

Nature vs. Nurture
  • The environment affects the ability of genes to
    be expressed
  • A person may have genes that program them to be 6
    feet tall, but if he does not have proper
    nutrition, he will not attain that height.
  • It is important to remember that MANY factors can
    be involved in certain aspects of phenotype.

Pedigree Analysis
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Recessive Disorders
  • Thousands of disorders fall into this group
  • Carriers (heterozygotes)
  • Carry an allele, but have not symptoms
  • 2 famous recessive disorders
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Sickle Cell Anemia

Cystic Fibrosis
  • Most common lethal genetic disease in the US
  • 1/2500 people of European descent
  • 1/25 people of European descent are carriers
  • Chloride transport channels in membranes are
  • Results in too much chloride outside of cells and
    very viscous mucus. Multiple organs are affected.
  • Leads to many (pleiotropic) effects
  • Poor absorption of nutrients
  • Chronic bronchitis
  • Recurrent bacterial infections

Sickle-Cell Disease
  • Most common genetic disorder of people of African
  • 1/400 African-Americans
  • ONE amino acid in the hemoglobin protein is
  • Blood cells become misshapen clump and clog
    blood vessesls
  • Multiple symptoms throughout the body

Inheritance of Sickle Cell
  • Not a straight-forward recessive disorder
  • 2 recessive alleles are needed for full blown
    sickle cell disease
  • The presence of 1 allele can affect phenotype
  • Such people have sickle-cell trait
  • They have a few symptoms occasionally, but are
    generally normal
  • Thus, this trait in the organism appears
    incompletely dominant
  • In fact, in the cells, some cells have deformed
    hemoglobin while others do not. So the trait at
    the molecular level is codominant.

Close Relatives and Recessive Disorders
Dominant Disorders
  • Achondroplasia
  • Polydactyly
  • Huntintons Disease
  • Lethal dominant alleles are far less common than
    lethal recessive alleles
  • They cannot be masked.
  • Can be passed on only if death is caused at a
    relatively advanced age

Multifactorial Disorders
  • Heart Disease
  • Genetic component environmental factors can
    influence disease
  • Very complex

Counseling and Testing
  • Counseling using family history
  • Tests of expectant parents becoming routine
  • Fetal Testing
  • Amniocentesis
  • Chorionic villus sampling
  • Newborn screening
  • PKU

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