Title: Using Geostatistics and Risk Assessment to Minimize Remediation
1Using Geostatistics and Risk Assessment to
Minimize Remediation
- Ronald J. Kotun, Ph.D.
- Tetra Tech
2Site Description
- 85 Acres
- Heavily forested
- Land covered with detritus material
- Ordnance disposal
- Trap and skeet range
- Lead and PAHs
- No lead pellets present
- Reuse Plan states that site is to be maintained
as a Green Space
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6Cleanup Level Development
- Protective of recreational receptors (site-wide
exposure) - Infrequent exposure
- Ecological receptors
- Shrew (2-acres)
- Mockingbird (site-wide exposure)
- Based on site-specific data
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9Recreational Receptor (Chronic)
- Exposure assumptions
- Exposure Frequency 50 days/yr
- Exposure Duration 20 yr
- Soil Ingestion 50 mg/day
- Body Weight 70 kg
- EPA adult lead model
- Exposure concentration is average lead
concentration - CLEANUP LEVEL 3,281 mg/kg
10Ecological Receptors
- Least shrewsurrogate receptor to represent
mammals that prey upon soil invertebrates - Northern Mockingbirdsurrogate receptor to
represent birds that prey upon soil invertebrates - Literature data available for these species to
develop PRGs (e.g., food consumption)
11Ecological Receptors (con't)
- Applied site-wide
- Applied to 2-acre units
- Most conservative values based on a sensitivity
analysis of variables - Exposure concentration is average lead
12Site Conditions
- Pre-remediation average 990 mg/kg
- Pre-remediation Pb max 41,400 mg/kg
- Pre-remediation Pb 2 acre-max 8,875 mg/kg
- Recreational (site-wide) 3,281 mg/kg
- Avian (site-wide) 1,127 mg/kg
- Mammalian (2-acre) 2,512 mg/kg
- 2 2-acre units have average Pb gt 2,512 mg/kg
- Remediation to protect mammals would be required
(remove soil with Pb gt 4,000 mg/kg in these two
13LeadAcute Toxicity
- Acute toxicity to a small child (single
high-level exposure) - Child ingests large quantity of soil (10 g)
- Conducted by University of Florida, EPA,
Battelle Research Laboratory - Results in a not-to-exceed Pb of 6,500 mg/kg
14Why an Acute Lead Level
- Children are more sensitive to lead than adults
- Higher soil ingestion rate
- Smaller body weight
- Greater extent of absorption
- Developing nervous system sensitive to lead
- Remove all soil with Pb gt 6,500 mg/kg
Post-Remediation Average 577
mg/kg Post-Remediation Pb max 6,500
mg/kg Recreational (site-wide) 3,281
mg/kg Avian (site-wide) 1,127 mg/kg Mammalian
(2-acre) 2,512 mg/kg
16Remediation Contours
- Determined using geostatistics (kriging)
- Uses the site-specific data to define an area of
remediation that minimizes the volume (rather
than connecting the dots) - Use spatial representation of data to develop
areas of remediation
17Establish the Variogram
- Structural analysis for quantifying the
correlation between data points - All pairs of sampling points are compared to each
other in order to provide a consistent measure of
their degree of spatial correlation. - Graph difference in concentrations vs distance
- Can be done to show directional trends
(correlation may be stronger in a certain
18Results of Variogram Analysis
- Lead samples have a directional trend from
northwest to southeast - Consistent with firing range activities (trend
would be expected) - Strongest correlation was at 130
- Range of correlation is up to 400 feet
- Based on this information, can begin to estimate
concentrations at points where no data are
19Pb gt 6500 MG/KG
20Cleanup gt 4000 MG/KG in 2 2-Acre Units to Achieve
Mammalian Value of 2,512 MG/KG
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22Remediation Areas
- Geostatistical-Based Remediation 1.8 Acres
- Pb gt3,281 mg/kg (recreational) 3.1 Acres
- Pb gt 400 mg/kg (residential) 32.6 Acres
- Best use of site-specific data
- Lead concentrations
- Site reuse
- Most likely receptors
- Geostatistics
- Ultimately reduced costs associated with
remediation with minimal impact to the site