Title: Development Period Two DP 2 Army Officers Training
1Development Period Two (DP 2) - Army Officers
Training (effective Primary Reserves-1 Sep 06 /
Regular Force-1 Jan 07)
qdp 2
1st Unit Tour
1st Out-of-Unit Tour
2nd Unit Tour
2nd Out-of-Unit Tour
Army Tactical Operations Course (ATOC)
- Qualification Notes
- - AJOSQ, ATOC and AOC are to be completed in
sequence and will - have their own Military Individual Training
Education (MITE) codes - - AJOSQ, ATOC and AOC must all be completed in
order to be qualified DP2 ( qdp2) - OPME
- - War Military History
- - CF Modern Society
- OPME Notes - RMC graduates complete most OPME
subjects - OPMEs are a prerequisite for Reg Force promotion
Army Operations Course (AOC)
Army Junior Officer Staff Qualification (AJOSQ)
AOC Distributed Learning (DL) Tutorial 1(14
days PRes / 7 Wks Reg)Army Doctrine Army
OrgsOp FunctionsTypes of OrdersJoint
Combined Doctrine The Estimate
AOC Residential Tutorials 2 3 (40
days PRes / 11 Wks Reg)Lead SubordinatesOp
Staff DutiesPlan BG Ops Plan Bde OpsConduct BG
Bde Ops Domestic OpsBG/Bde Gp
ExercisesExercise FINAL DRIVE
Leadership Ethics Military Law Defence
Management Conduct Unit TrainingResource
Management Impact of Technology Garrison Staff
Duties Army Units (30 days PRes)
Army Junior Officer Staff Qualification
(AJOSQ) uses on-line web-based learning with the
Officer Professional Military Education (OPME)
programme to give the DP 2 officer a foundation
in Leadership and Ethics, Military Law, Defence
Management, Resource Management, the Impact of
Technology and Garrison Staff Training. AJOSQ is
a prerequisite for the Army Tactical Operations
Course. Army Tactical Operations Course
(ATOC) consists of web-based distance learning
and a residential training phase at the Tactics
School - Combat Training Centre (CTC)
Gagetown, to give Army officers an understanding
and ability to plan and conduct operations at the
Combat Team level. ATOC is a prerequisite for the
Army Operations Course. Army Operations
Course (AOC) combines a web-based Distributed
Learning (DL) phase and residential training
phase at the CLFCSC Kingston to prepare Army
Junior Officers to act as staff in a tactical
headquarters at the unit and formation level
within the contemporary operating environment,
throughout the full spectrum of operations.
2- Army Officer Development Period Two
- In keeping with CF Policy, Army Transformation
and the way ahead, the Land Force Doctrine and
Training System (LFDTS) is implementing changes
to the Army Officer Development Period Two (DP2)
Training Model. The new Army Officer DP2 Training
Model will come into effect for the Primary
Reserves on 1 September 2006 and the Regular
Force on 1 January 2007. Training will prepare
all Army officers, both Regular and Reserve for
varied employment within the Army by - Â developing leadership skills.
- developing an ability to solve increasingly
complex problems. - teaching the planning, organizing, coordinating
and controlling of tactical activities and staff
duties. - presenting doctrine, theory and principles of
Army operations to enable critical thought and
independent performance. - The new Army Officer DP2 Training Model will
continue to take advantage of the Officer
Professional Military Education (OPME) programme
offered through the Royal Military College
Division of Continuing Studies. The OPME
programme remains optional for Reserve officers.
Regular Force officers should begin their OPME
studies as early as possible as all six OPME
subjects must be completed by Regular Force
officers as a prerequisite for promotion to major
and for attendance on the Canadian Forces Command
and Staff Course Toronto. - The new Army Officer DP2 Training Model will
consist of one qualification and two courses - Army Junior Officer Staff Qualification (AJOSQ).
The AJOSQ replaces the current AOC preliminary
study programme, will require less time to
complete and applies to both Reserve and Regular
Force officers. The qualification considers the
OPME programme and includes CLFCSC-created
material to develop and prepare Army officers for
unit employment and additional DP2 training. - Army Tactical Operations Course (ATOC). The
ATOC is delivered through the Tactics School -
Combat Training Centre (CTC) Gagetown, to give
Army officers an understanding and ability to
plan and conduct operations at the Combat Team
level. The training material provided within the
ATOC has been divided into two separate and
distinct packages, based on either a Combat Arms
(CA) or a Combat Service Support (CSS) focus. - The Army Operations Course (AOC). The AOC is
designed and delivered by the CLFCSC to prepare
all Army junior officers to act as staff in a
tactical headquarters at the unit and formation
level within the contemporary operating
environment, throughout the full spectrum of
operations. The Reserve AOC will be shorter in
duration and focus on select curriculum items. - The AJOSQ and ATOC will lay the foundation for
the AOC in a unified approach with each having
its own Military Individual Training Education
(MITE) code. Officers will be required to
complete the AJOSQ and ATOC in sequence as
prerequisites for the AOC. Reserve officers will
be nominated for the Reserve ATOC and AOC by
their respective LF Areas while Regular Force
officers will be nominated by their career
manager once the prerequisites for course
progression have been met. - The changes being implemented with the new Army
Officer DP2 Training Model have addressed the
Army requirements of training to need, the timing
of training and elimination of duplication and
will allow for a concerted effort in preparing
officers for the way ahead. As a result of this
integrated approach to training, the DP2
qualified officer will be able to meet the
demands of challenging employment within the Land
Force. Additional information is available at - http//armyapp.forces.gc.ca/clfcsc-cceftc
- http//ctc.gagetown.mil.ca/
- http//www.opme.forces.gc.ca