Title: Lecture I' Principles of Membrane Excitability
1Lecture I. Principles of Membrane Excitability
Manoj K. Patel, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Dept.
Anesthesiology 924 9693 mkp5u_at_virginia.edu
- Equivalent Electrical Circuit
- review of resting membrane potential
- passive membrane properties
- fundamentals of active signaling
- changes in ion conductance underlie changes in
membrane potential - The Action Potential
- action potential phenomenology
- threshold, all-or-none refractory periods
- voltage clamp analysis
- overview of Hodgkin Huxley formalism
3Intracellular and Extracellular ion concns
Nernst Equation Ek -61.5 log ( Ki / Ko )
4What Determines The Ion Movement?
- 1. Chemical or concentration gradient.
- Molecules will flow down concn gradient
- 2. Electrostatic gradient.
- Positive ions will move to negative charge.
5Electrochemical Driving Forces
- I gion(Vm-Eion)
- there is a different driving force for each ion
at any given Vm - the same Dg for different ions can give very
different current magnitude - changes in g for a given ion will drive Vm toward
the equilibrium potential for that particular ion
6Resting membrane potential
so, EK -100 mV and ENa is 50 mV, but we know
that membrane potential (Em) is usually somewhere
in between (e.g. -75 mV). How can we get a
stable Em of -75 mV?
if Em is stable, then net current is 0, i.e., IK
INa 0
substitute gK (Em-EK) gNa (Em-ENa) 0
solve for Em Em (EK gK) (ENa
gNa) gNa gK
the membrane potential is between EK and ENa,
weighted by the relative membrane conductances
for K and Na
if gNagK 15, then Em (-100 5) (50
1) -450 -75 mV 5 1
7Equivalent electrical circuit model
with unequal distribution of ions and
differential resting conductances to those ions,
we can use the Nernst equation and Ohms law in
an equivalent circuit model to predict a stable
resting membrane potential of -75 mV, as is seen
in many cells
NB, this is a steady state and not an
equilibrium, since K and Na are not at their
equilibrium potentials there is a continuous
flux of those ions at the resting membrane
8Changing extracellular K changes Vm
9Responses to Current Injection
10Passive membrane properties
- under current clamp, the passive response to
current injection is a function of the RC
characteristics of the membrane - V IR (Ohms law) gives the steady state voltage
- t RC (gives the kinetics)
- under voltage clamp, the passive response
includes - capacitive current, which flows only at the step
onset and offset - resistive current (through leak channels), also
given by Ohms law (I V/R)
11Passive cable properties length constant
- l v(rm/ri)
- ri is inversely proportional to cross sectional
area - bigger cables have lower ri, and therefore pass
more axial current this strategy for increasing
l is used to an extreme in the squid giant axon - increased rm promotes more effective axial
current flow by discouraging transmembrane current
12Myelination increases conduction velocity
- myelination increases conduction velocity by
- increasing rm and thereby increasing l
- decreasing capacitance and lowering Q (VQ/C)
- the net result is that less current will escape
through the membrane resistance less current
needed to charge the smaller capacitance
13Equivalent electrical circuit model
- more complete model
- provides energy-dependent pump to counter the
steady flux of ions - add voltage-gated K and Na channels for
electrical signaling - add ligand-gated (e.g. synaptic conductances)
- obviously, much greater complexity could be
14Ion channels involved in action potentials
15The essence of electrical signaling
gKgNa 51
gKgNa 525
gKgNa 51
(-1005)(501) 5 1 Em -75 mV
(-1005)(5025) 5 25 Em 25 mV
(-1005)(501) 5 1 Em -75 mV
16Action potential thresholds
CA1 hippocampal neuron
17Using the model to understand signaling
reaches AP threshold
doesnt reach threshold
add GluR agonist Erev 0, g 4
add GABAR agonist Erev -75, g 4
add both GluR and GABAR agonist
(-1005)(501)(40) 5 1 4 Em -45 mV
(-1005)(501)(4-75) 5 1 4 Em -75 mV
(-1005)(501)(40)(4-75) 5 1 4 4 Em
-54 mV
18Action potential phenomenology
19Action potential cardiac ventricular myocyte
20Squid Giant Axon Action potential
21Action potential stimuli refractory periods
- short duration pulses require high stimulus
intensity to evoke an action potential - rheobase is the current needed to generate spikes
50 of the time - this is influenced by input resistance and
capacitance of the recorded cell - recall VIR tRC
- refractory periods time domains during which
action potentials can not be generated (absolute
refractory period) or require greater strength
and/or duration of current input (relative
refractory period)
22Voltage Clamp the basic concept
- revolutionized analysis of cell excitability
- the approach is described in the text
- for our purposes, based on feedback/servo control
- conceptually similar to thermostat controlling
the temperature in your house - step membrane to some potential called the
command potential - if channels are activated by the voltage step,
they generate a current that tends to move
membrane potential (Vm) away from the command
potential (Vc) - this error signal is sensed by the feedback
circuit, which injects current into the cell to
correct the error - that injected current is measured as the ionic
23Voltage Clamp sample records
- voltage clamp records
- a 40 mV hyperpolarizing voltage step evokes only
capacitive and leak currents - a 40 mV depolarizing step, by contrast, evokes a
time-dependent current in addition to capacitive
and leak currents - a subtraction protocol is often used to remove
those currents and reveal the time-dependent
current in isolation
represents current to charge membrane (Ic) and
through leak channels subtraction removes leak
and capacitive current, yielding
voltage-dependent currents
24Voltage clamp analysis of action potential
25Voltage clamp analysis of action potential
26Voltage clamp I-V curves
K current
Na current
Ix Gx (Vm-Ex)
27Na and K conductance in the AP
- Hodgkin Huxley used their empirical measures to
model Na and K currents
- they developed an equation that predicts membrane
potential based on the sum of capacitive and
ionic currents
- the n4 term provides the pronounced delay in K
current activation - the h term equals 1 when there is no Na current
inactivation - the smaller exponent on the m term allows for
faster Na current activation
28Na and K conductance in the AP
29Voltage dependent ion channels
30Structure-Function Relations in a
Voltage-Dependent Channel
31Molecular structure of a sodium channel
32(No Transcript)
33Current voltage relationship
34 Activation IV
G/Gmax I / Imax Where I max Vm b G/Gmax
I / (Vm b) Plot G/Gmax as a function of
35Steady State Inactivation