Title: Katie Anderson
1Week 8 Analyzing and Representing Two-Mode
Network Data
- Katie Anderson
- Geunpil Ryu
- Djoko Sigit Sayogo
2Ch. 8 Affiliations and Overlapping Subgroups
- Stanley Wasserman
- Katherine Faust
3Affiliation Networks
- Represents the affiliation of a set of actors
with a set of social occasions or events. - Affiliation matrix, A aij
4Affiliation Networks
- Two-mode networks Set of actors and set of
events - May analyze one-mode or two-mode networks
- Consists of subsets, rather than pairs
- Studies the dual perspectives of actors and
events - Due to these unique qualities, affiliation
networks require special methods and
- Simmel (1950,1955) Social theorist
- Multiple group affiliations are fundamental in
defining the social identity of individuals. - Actors are brought together their joint
participation in events. - This interaction increases odds that direct
pairwise ties will develop between actors. - A linkage is also established between the two
events when a person(s) participates in both.
- Two-modes
- Set of actors N n1, n2, ng
- Set of events M m1, m2, mg
7Duality of Affiliation Networks
- The two perspectives
- Actors linked to one another by their affiliation
with events - Events linked by the actors who are their members
- Thus, two ways to view an affiliation network
- Actors linked by events or,
- Events linked by actors
8Alternate Representations
- Two-mode sociomatrix
- Bipartite graph
- Hypergraph
- All contain same information and may be derived
from one another.
9Affiliation Network Matrix
10- Allison
- Drew Party 1
- Eliot
- Party 2
- Keith
- Ross Party 3
- Sarah
- Set of Actors Set of Events
- A bipartite graph
11Sociomatrix for the bipartite graph
M1 n1, n5, n6 M2 n2, n3, n5, n6 M3 n1,
n3, n4, n5 N1 m1, m3 N2 m2 N3 m2,
m3 N4 m1, m2, m3 N5 m1, m2
H (N, M)
- Sarah
- Drew
- Party 1 Ross Party 2
- Allison Eliot
- Keith
- Party 3
14Dual Hypergraph
H (N, M)
- Drew
- Party 2
- Ross Eliot
- Sarah
- Party 1 Party 3
- Allison Keith
15One-mode networks
- Ties between pairs of entities derived from the
affiliation matrix, A, by processing the
affiliation network data. - Look at linkages implied by the second mode to
get ties between pairs of entities in one mode - Nondirectional
- Valued
16One-mode networks
- Actor co-membership
- Number of times two actors have 1s in the same
columns gives the number of events they have in
common. - XN AA
- Event overlap
- Number of actors who are affiliated with each
pair of events. - XM AA
17Affiliation Network Matrix
18Actor co-membership matrix
19Event overlap matrix
20Properties of Affiliation networks
- Rates of Participation Number of events with
which each actor is affiliated row totals of A
of the entries on the main diagonal of XN - Size of Events Column totals of A or the entries
on the main diagonal of XM - Equal to the degree of the node representing the
event in the bipartite graph.
21Properties of one-mode networks
- Density
- Reachability
- Connectedness
- Diameter
22One-mode Interpretation
- Use caution with inferences
- For example, with a co-membership relation
- No information about which events were attended,
the characteristics of the events, or about the
identities of the other actors who attended the
23Two-mode Analysis
- Least developed methods.
- Analyzes how the actors are linked to the events
they attend and how the events are related to the
actors who attend them. - Galois Lattices
- Correspondence Analysis
24Introductory Overview in the Organizational
25State Policy Making Approaches
- Instrumentalists argue that state policies are
determined by the class interests of capitalists
and their agents. - Power elites domain state policies
- State policies are shaped by the interest groups
from a view of pluralist political science - Corporatism which stress that groups play in a
societal corporatist system gives special
attention to organized interests and their
relationship with the state - From the managerial-elite perspective, the state
is an autonomous social formation whose
strategies emerge from the basic organizational
imperatives coping with environmental
uncertainties, resource scarcities, and
socio-legal constraints
26Characteristics of State Policy
- Laumann Knoke assume that there are corporate
entities which participate in policy decision and
there are structural arrangement among those
corporate entities - State policies are the product of complex
interactions among government and nongovernment
organizations, each seeking to influence the
collectively binding decisions for their own
interests. - For better understanding of shaping state policy,
we need to incorporate actors behavior on a
particular policy as well as relationship among
actors into policy study
27The Necessity of Studying Event Structures
- Sociologists have focused almost on actors,
relations among actors since they believe that
events are consequences for the ways actors
behave - However, they neglect the characteristics of the
events in which actors are active. For example,
a crucial event might change a whole relation
structure among actors. - Moreover, some institutionalists represents steps
toward a theory of the structure of events,
but many of them are difficult to be
operationalized empirically. - Then, how can we incorporate events and their
structure into actors relationship?
28Policy Event Actors Participation
- Institutionalist theories of government
functioning provide at least one significant
basis for identifying key events to study and for
anticipating the linkages among them. - To understand how national policy shape, one must
take into account how organizations perceive and
response to an opportunity structure for
affecting policy outcomes that is created by the
temporal sequence of policy-relevant events. - If a specific policy event is embedded in the
context of other antecedent, concurrent, and
impending events, one must incorporate the entire
structure of networks and events into policy
29Level of Analysis
- Quadrant A assumes that individual actor and
event are considered to be independent from their
social environment - Quadrant B assumes that institutional structure
within which events occur have an impact on
individual choice - Quadrant C assumes that networking structure of
actors affect a particular event - Quadrant D assumes that framework of the
relationship between network structure and event
30Structuration of Policy Action Systems
- Submatrix A reveals a underlying structure among
events - Submatrix B illustrates relationship between
events and actors - Submatrix C defines the interrelationships among
31Examples of Different Network and Event
32Network Analysis of 2 Mode Data
33Visual Representation of 2 Mode Data
1. Correspondence Analysis
- Have a severely limited range (all zeros and
ones) - The distances are not euclidean
34Visual Representation of 2 Mode Data
2. Bipartite Graph
- No spatial positioning
- Difficult to get a sense for the structure of
35Visual Representation of 2 Mode Data
3. Compromise Approach and MDS
- Using a minimizing function in terms of the
number of crossed lines for better visualization - Using concept of Euclidean distance
36Density Problem of 2 Mode Data
- Regular Density equation is not appropriate for
2-mode data since no ties are possible within
vertex sets (i.e., set of actors and set of
g Size of Actors ni Size of Actor Set n0 Size
of Event Set
37Centrality Problem of 2 Mode Data
- Nonlinear normalization can influence of rank
order of the centralities
38Centralization Problem of 2 Mode Data
- With 2-mode data represented as a bipartite graph
we could simply apply the centralization methods
directly. However, we come across a problem of
interpretation since we assume the two modes are
fixed in size. - For degree centralization, the denominator
requires a new function if nonlinear
normalization makes sense (n0ni-1)-(n0-1)/ni-
39Subgroup Problem of 2 Mode Data
- Bipartite graphs contain no clique, however they
have too many 2-cliques and 2-clans - When strong bridging node like e8 and e9 exist,
e8 and e9 would be a core structure in a
core/periphery structure.
40The Structure of Class Cohesion the Corporate
Network and its Dual
41Research Questions
- What types of individuals are the most crucial in
organizing the business world? - What is the relationship between institutional
positions and class structure in modern
capitalism? - Using two mode data set corporate network vs.
individual network
- Nonfinancial firms were sampled from ranked 200
with sales of 1.5 billion in Dry Goods and
Fortune Sales 500. - Financial firms were sampled from Forbes
- 252 firms 200 largest nonfinancial firms 50
largest financial firms 2 additional Firms - 3,976 executive positions and the directors on
the boards occupied by 3,108 people
43Corporate Network
- The corporate network is sparse 3 of all
possible ties - 90 of the firms are directly tied to at least
one other firm - Board members without executive position are
responsible for the cohesion of the system - Retired executives are the most important in
solidifying the networks of corporate interlock - Directors from smaller corporations are more
likely to have elite connections and those
directors have high tendency to sit on the board
of major commercial banks as outsiders - Elite status means membership in an elite
social club or important policy planning group,
attendance at an elite prep school. - The boardrooms of the largest firms are major
location for intersection of class and
institutional interests while the system is held
by outsiders representing two components of elite
status and institutional positions
44Individual Network
- National, seminational, and regional components
were found in the individual networks. - National components are members of a national
ruling class while the members of the regional
components are local elites - As regional component, the Chicago area in
particular has been identified as a regional
center with national ties. - The national and seminational groups serve as
mechanisms for unification - The existence of national network suggests a
vehicle for achieving consensus of their
interests. - Directors who are members of important policy
planning organizations are more likely to
maintain the types of interlock patterns which
generate components than their non-policy group
colleague. - Directors with multiple positions or bank board
members are the most likely candidates for
component membership.
45Major Findings
- Parallel structures between the corporate and
director networks. - Bank board membership is overlapped between
corporate network and private networks, and it
was identified as the location in which class and
international interests are most intertwined. - Analyses of the corporate and director networks
have provided complementary information in
addressing the relationship between class and
organization in the business world. - Within the network of relations of directors the
overlap between institutional and class interest
were supported. - There are two routes mixed together toward the
highest level in the U.S. capitalism either
membership of the largest corporations or social
elite credentials combined with a somewhat
smaller firm.
46The Duality of Persons and Groups
47Basic Assumption Concept
- Basic assumption ...the subsistence of any
aspect of human life depends on the coexistence
of diametrically opposed elements... - Basic Concept
- The value of tie between any two individuals is
defined as the number of groups of which they
both members - The value of tie between any two groups is
defined as the number of persons who belong to
- In A(i x j)
- if we intersect any rows i and j
person-to-person relation (P) - if we intersect any column i and j
group-to-group relations (G).
Eq. 3
Eq. 4
- The main diagonal in A(p x q) In P, the number
of ties between person and himself the number
of groups to which he belong In G, the number of
ties between a group and itself the number of
members - ? of main diagonal P ? of main diagonal G
- The vector of row-marginals of A main diagonal
of P the vector column-marginal of A main
diagonal of G sum of row-marginal the sum of
column-marginal - If all the persons belonging to all groups are
found to belong to any single group, then the
lower bound (largest value cell on the main
diagonal of G) is the actual number of persons
if no group overlaps, the upper bound (sum of
main diagonal of G) is the actual number of
50(No Transcript)
51Application for clique
- study by Davis et.al (1941)
- transpose unpermuted matrix A,
- by equation AT(A) create matrix G,
- delete column which contains no zero value
- re-create the modified translation of matrix
person-to-group, - using equation A(AT )create matrix P
- Number of p x p ties of length n between every
two person binarized P matrix raise to the nth
power (Pn) - number of n-paths between two groups is contained
in the matrix G raise to the nth power (Gn) - Thus
- Substituting with equation 3 and 4, we got proof
53Reachability (cont.)
- From this we can determine the number of groups
that a person can reach (and conversely the
number of persons that a group can reach) - However, this lengths of paths has natural limits
54Building Asymmetry into the Basic Approach
- Consider F(pxq) primary affiliation, A(pxq)
all affiliation, S(pxq) secondary
affiliation S A n F - asymmetric ties exist from person i to person j
if a group which is i primary affiliation is a
secondary affiliation for j.
55Simultaneous Group and Individual Centralities
56Basic assumption based on Breiger
- A central firm gets its central position from the
membership patterns of its members. Dually, a
central individual should be one who belongs to a
variety of important firms. - Let gj be the centrality of group j, then
- Vector centrality scores g is an eigenvector of S
and ? is the largest eigenvalue of S.
(eq. 1) Or
(eq. 2)
57- Considering basic assumption of duality and P
A(AT) and G (AT)A, hence - Ag ?p and ATp ?g (eq. 34)
- AAT ?2p and ATA ?2g (eq. 5)
- Application to Bipartite Graph
- Same approach can be used in Bipartite graph,
since bipartite has n m vertices and line
aij1 - Since the vector of individual and group
centrality has been standardize (the length n
m) if all individual were equal in the
centrality, all centrality scores 1. Thus, the
value of 1.00 serves as a base line comparison.
58Effect of Size
- Problem strongly affected by size of groups and
number of groups to which individual belongs. - How to control conventional way is to modify ATA
before using equation (5), by standardized it by
dividing it with the geometric mean of their
So Centrality is
59Correspondence Analysis
- The goal
- create multidimensional space for vector
coresponding to the row and column categories
that describe the geometric distance between
categories. - Important output
- The most powerful and useful dimension for
correspondence analysis describe similarities in
row and column pattern. - However, within correspondence analysis we cannot
detect which dimension correspond to centrality.
60Correspondence Analysis (exp.)
61Centrality in Affiliation Networks
62Centrality Motivations for Affiliation Networks
- Acknowledge centrality indices for both actors
and events, dually. - Relates each event to a subset of actors and
relates each actors to a subset of events - Actors create linkages between events and events
create linkages between actors. Consider the
overlapping memberships - Subset-superset inclusions of actors and events.
The distinction between 'primary' and 'secondary'
63Centrality Degree Centrality
- main diagonal of the actor co-membership matrix
XN (for actors) or the event overlap matrix X M
(for events), or to the row total (for actors) or
the column total (for events) of the affiliation
matrix A. - Critics it does not consider the centrality of
the actors (events) to which an actor (event) is
64Eigenvector Centrality
- the centrality of an actor should be proportional
to the strength of the actor's ties to other
network members and the centrality of these other
actors. - Vector centrality scores c is an eigenvector of X
and ? is the largest eigenvalue of X. - Considering basic assumption of duality and P
A(AT) and G (AT)A, hence
65Eigenvalue Centrality
- Use in Bipartite graph
- Use in corresponding analysis assign scores to
the rows and columns. The CA scores for rows
(actors) and columns (events) are related to each
other through the following equations
66Eigenvalue centrality
- Critics
- eigenvector analysis is affected by size.
- Two approach to mitigate this
- standardize the event overlap measure prior to
analysis, - remove the component of centrality due to paths
of length 1.
67Closeness Centrality
- Closeness for bipartite graph.
- In bipartite graph, the distances if from an
actor in the graph as a function of the distances
from the events to which it belongs. - Thus, the distance from node i (actor) to any
node j (either actor or event) is d(i,j) 1
mink d(k,j), for event nodes k adjacent to i.
68Closeness centrality
- Closeness centrality of an actor in bipartite
graph - Closeness centrality of an actor as a function of
the geodesic distances from its events to other
actors and events
69Betweenness Centrality
- Concentrate in betweenness for bipartite graph.
- In affiliation network, linkages between pairs of
actors are always through participation in events
(events always on geodesics between actors, vice
versa). - A portion of the betweenness centrality of event
mk can be expressed in terms of the number of
co-memberships of pairs of its member - An event gains betweenness centrality if
contains non-central actors pairs of actors
share only that event in common.
70Flow Betweenness Centrality
- acknowledging the value of the relation
- Flow betweenness extent betweenness centrality
1) it consider all paths between nodes, 2)
appropriate for both graph and valued graph. - flow betweenness centrality of pi is defined as
the total flow between all pairs of nodes that
depends on node pi. - Limitation 1) actor with single event can have
non-zero flow betweenness. 2) actor with more
events can have lower centrality than actor with
less events.
71Galois Lattice
A Galois lattice represents the relation between
the sets N and M in terms of the ? and ? mappings
between subsets of entities from each set. A
Galois lattice is presented in a diagram in which
points represent entities or subsets of entities
from the two sets, and lines represent
subset-superset relations.
- Actors that are relatively low in the diagram are
relatively more central (n5, followed by n1, n3,
n6) . Similarly, events that are relatively
high in the diagram are relatively more central
(all events are closely related / equal
72Graph Cover
- The importance of an actor (or a subset of
actors) in the kind and extent of information
about affiliation that is available to an actor
or to a subset of actors. - Actors that covers a large number of other
actors or a large portion of co-membership has
more access. - Wide cover if
- Strict cover (more general than wide cover) if
73Using Galois Lattice to Represent Network Data
- Linton C. Freeman
- Douglas R. White
- To present the graph visualization for two-mode
network data. - Since two mode represent duality structure, its
visualization should facilitate - actor-event structure,
- actor-actor structure,
- event-event structure.
75What is lattice
- When power set is partially ordered and every
pair of elements has both meet and join - Consider set of X 1,2,3, power set P(X)
consist of Xi ? X, in this case (1,2,3), (1,2),
(1,3), (2,3), (1), (2), (3), this order (Xi) X
?(Xi ? X), such that elements (1,2) and (2,3)
has 2 meet, and 1,2,3 as their join.
76- Galois lattice is based on
- triple (A, E, I) defined by
- two-mode network
- A is actor, E is event, and
- I is binary relation
- The I relation can be used to define a mapping
- And Define a mapping
- The ?? are both constructed from the same pairs
in relation I - This mapping can be drawn into a graph
77- subset actor 1 mapped to subset events A, C, D,
subset events A, C, D mapped to actor 1, thus
Move up is larger collection of actors, and move
down is larger collection of events In practice
the graph usually
78- Interpretation
- Event D contain event C
- any actor present in event D will
- always present in event C
- Actor 5 never attend at any event
- unless actor 6 and 4 were both there
- The attendance of actor 6 require the attendancy
of actor 4
79- Example Davis, Gardner Gardner Data