Title: Centers of Higher Education
1Centers of Higher Education In Chhattisgarh
- Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur
- Guru Ghasidas University, Bilaspur
- Indira Gandhi Agriculture University, Raipur
- Indira Kala Sangeet University, Khairagarh
2Major Academic Programme (Pt.RSU)
Graduate Diploma/Certificates BBA Dip. in
Clinical Biochemistry PGDIT PGDCA PGD in Adult
Education Yoga Edu. Philosophy Spoken
Sanskrit PGD in Env. Science
Post- Graduate Microbiology Biotechnology
Electronics MCM MPEd Water Resource Management
3Major Academic Programmes (Pt.RSU) in Science,
Social Science, Arts Commerce
Programmes Certificate Course Diploma UG PG
Diploma PG M.Phil Ph.D. D.Lit/D.Sc.
Number 03 04 05 08 24 05 24 23
4Infrastructure (Pt. RSU)
Tissue Culture Laboratory Animal House Net
and Mesh House Fenced Forest area (5
acres) Central Instrumentation Glass House
Chronocubicles Fenced garden area (6
acres) Biomass Research Centre (15 acres) Applied
Petrochemistry Laboratory
Play fields Gymnasium Hostel Library Museum Labora
tory for Genetics Osteology Osteometry
5Major thrust areas of research (Pt. RSU)
Environmental Biology, Microbiology,
Biochemistry, Tissue Culture, Chronobiology,
Animal Behaviour, Parasitology, Seed
Biology Analytical Environmental chemistry,
Chemical kinetics, Synthetic, Organic chemistry
and Physical, Organic chemistry, Ferroelectric
thin films. Their applications in Electronics,
viz. Memory devices, Optical wave guides, Thermo
dielectric Energy conversion, control and
speech. Electro-Optics, Astro-Physics, Solid
State Physics
6Major thrust areas of research (Pt.
RSU) Continued.
Precambrian Geology, Hydrogeology, Economic
Geology and Mineral Deposits Operator Theory,
Topology. Regional development, Resource
development, Urban studies, and Population
studies. Development of facilities and courses
in Remote sensing and GIS are under progress.
Statistical Quality Control, Reliability Theory,
Statistical Infrence, Educational Statistics,
Operations Research, Sampling Survey. Statistical
Linguistics. Tribal Studies (Biological and
Sociocultural aspects)
7The special programmes and achievements of the
University (Pt. RSU)
SOS in Bioscience has been chosen as the
DST-FIST sponsored department (2001-05) SOS in
Physics as Department of Excellence (1987) DSA
Programme in Sociology (1982-97).
8PG courses offered in the faculty (IGAU)
Agricultural Engineering
Dairy Technology
Soil water engineering, Farm implements and
Machinery Agricultural Processing Food
Dairy Technology Dairy Engineering Dairy
Microbiology Dairy Chemistry
9Major Academic Programme (IGAU)
Graduate B.Sc. Ag. B.Tech. (Dairy
Technology) B.V.Sc.
Post- Graduate M.Sc. Ag. M.V.Sc. M. Tech. Ph.D.
10PG courses offered in the faculty (IGAU)
Vet AH
Agronomy, Plant Breeding Horticulture,
Agriculture Natural Resource Economics, Entomolo
gy, Plant Pathology Soil Science, Agricultural
Extension, Statistics, Agricultural
Meterology, Plant Physiology, Biotechnology,
Forestry Fisheries
Vet. Anatomy, Vet. Physiology, Vet Biochemistry,
Animal Production and Management, Vet.
Microbiology, Vet Pathology, Animal Nutrition,
Animal Breeding Genetics, Vet Medicine, Vet.
Surgery Radiology, Vet. Obstetrics
11Collaboration (IGAU)
BARC, Bhabha Atomic Research Center SAC, Space
Application Center ICRISAT, International Crops
Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics ICGEB,
International Center for Genetic Engineering
Biotechnology IRRI, International Rice Research
Institute EC, European Commission
12Research (IGAU)
- Varietal
- Improvement
- Rice
- Linseed
- Lathyrus
- Wheat
- Germplasm Collection
- Rice
- Lathyrus
13Genetic Studies
Identification of new gall midge resistant
gene(s) Breeding rust resistant soybean
Plant Protection Disease Management Weed
Management Multiple cropping system Nutrition
Management Rain Water Harvesting
Recycling Double cropping Technology Horticulture
Medical Aromatic Plants Agro-Forestry
Farm Implements Livestock Improvement Animal
Nutrition Animal Husbandry Embryo Transfer
Technology Fishery Research on Tribal Areas
14Major Academic Programme (GGDU)
Post- Graduate Anthroplogy Biotechnology
Commerce Computer Science Economics English
Hindi Applied Physics Electronics Political
Science Physical Education IT MBA Forestry
Graduate Diploma/Certificates BBA BCA BSIT
15Major Academic Programme (IGKSU)
16(No Transcript)
17Future Plans (IGKSU)
D. Mus in Instrumental Music D. Mus in
Percussion Computer Music Music
Production Computer Arts Designs Computer
Application Programs Diploma in Museology Diploma
in Communication English
Diploma in Functional Hindi Diploma in Applied
Arts Diploma in Photography Diploma in Portait
Painting Diploma in Mural Paintings Diploma in
Wood Curving