Title: Capital
Marten Touw, Group Treasurer
- The material that follows is a presentation of
general background information about the Banks
activities current at the date of the
presentation 29 July 2003. It is information
given in summary form and does not purport to be
complete. It is not intended to be relied upon as
advice to investors or potential investors and
does not take into account the investment
objectives, financial situation or needs of any
particular investor. These should be considered,
with or without professional advice when deciding
if an investment is appropriate.
3Speakers Notes
- Speakers notes for these presentations are
attached below each slide. - To access them, you may need to save the slides
in PowerPoint and view/print in notes view.
4Capital requirements must be aligned with
business risks
- CBA understands the capital needs of its
businesses in the - context of the economic risks of those
businesses - Other measures of capital reflect proprietary
assessment - criteria designed to fit a particular decision
making framework
5There are differing perspectives of capital
- Shareholders
- Regulators
- Rating Agencies
6Capital to protect shareholders interests
- Economic Equity
- Internal models show CBA is strongly capitalised
- Conglomerates - APRA review of internal models
7Capital to protect depositors interests
8Capital to protect policyholders interests
Total excess over capital adequacy 807m
9Capital to protect debtholders interests
- CBAs capital position remains strong as
evidenced by our - credit ratings
10Proposed changes to the regulatory environment
- Conglomerates
- Basel 2
- Capitalised Expenses
11Proposed changes to the regulatory environment
- Conglomerates
- Basel 2
- Capitalised Expenses
12Proposed changes to the regulatory environment
- Conglomerates
- Basel 2
- Capitalised Expenses
13Proposed changes to the regulatory environment
- Conglomerates
- Basel 2
- Capitalised Expenses
- CBA understands the capital needs of its
businesses in the - context of the economic risks of those
businesses - CBAs capital position reflects the requirements
of - Shareholders
- Regulators
- Rating Agencies
Marten Touw, Group Treasurer