Title: The Lunar surface
1The Lunar surface
2The moons surface
And of course craters everywhere
The moon has 2 main surface features long
recognized from Earth
3The lunar highlands represent the
moons battered original crust
6The maria are younger and represent lava filled
basins formed from impact shortly after the moon
Mare is the singular form for maria
7Here is a very large impact crater on the maria
over 3 billion years old
Why do lunar surface features like craters last
so long on the moon?
8Lunar rays are an interesting feature found
around some craters
9Rays around the crater called Copernicus
10A rill is thought to be an ancient lava tunnel
A lunar rill
11The moon has many large rocks on its surface
12Asteroid track
13One final interesting fact about the moon is that
it is getting further away from us