Title: UC|LMS
- Sakai Foundation and System-Wide Collaboration
Opportunities for the University of California - Mara Hancock, UC Berkeley
- Kirk Alexander, UC Davis
- Rose Rocchio, UCLA
- Faust Gorham, UC Merced
- George Michaels, UC Santa Barbara
2UCLMS An Overview
- University of California, LMS Stakeholders
- 10 campuses, 10 cultures, how many LMS?
- Previously difficult to find common ground
- Leverage vendor license costs?
- Proprietary tools too campus centric
- A collaboration waiting to happen
3UCLMS pre-Sakai
Too many or none
4Along Comes Sakai
- A community and foundation
- a group of people and resources supporting the
code and each other, realizing large scale Open
Source efficiencies in HigherEd - A collaboration and learning product with
- A set of toolswritten and supported by various
groups and individualswhich have been tested and
released as a unit - Serving the spectrum of needs for teaching,
learning, and research - An extensible enterprise framework
- Providing basic capabilities to support a wide
range of tools and services - To integrate with a variety of campus
5Sakai Community
Foundation Sponsored Efforts
Sakai Membership
Commercial Affiliates
Open Source CLE
12 and Growing
105 and Growing
Community Source Setting Direction, Development,
and Support
6Sakai Foundation Community
Albany Medical College Monash University University of California, Los Angeles
Arizona State University Nagoya University University of California, Merced
Australian National University New York University University of California, Santa Barbara
Boston University School of Management Northeastern University University of Cambridge, CARET
Brown University North-West University (SA) University of Cape Town, SA
Carleton College Northwestern University University of Colorado at Boulder
Carnegie Foundation for Advancement of Teaching Ohio State University University of Delaware
Carnegie Mellon University Portland State University University of Hawaii
Ceritos Community College Princeton University University of Hull
Coast Community College District Rice University University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Columbia University Ringling School of Art and Design University of Melbourne
Cornell University Roskilde University (Denmark) University of Michigan
Dartmouth College Rutgers University University of Minnesota
Florida Community College at Jacksonville Simon Fraser University University of Missouri
Foothill-De Anza Community College Stanford University University of Nebraska
Franklin University State University of New York University of North Texas
Georgetown University Stockholm University University of Oklahoma
Harvard University SURF/University of Amsterdam University of South Africa (UNISA)
Hosei University IT Research Center Syracuse University University of Texas at Austin
Indiana University Texas State University - San Marcos University of Toronto, Knowledge Media Design Institute
Johns Hopkins University Tufts University University of Virginia
Lancaster University Universidad Politecnica de Valencia (Spain) University of Washington
Loyola University, Chicago Universitat de Lleida (Spain) University of Wisconsin, Madison
Lubeck University of Applied Sciences University College Dublin Virginia Polytechnic Institute/University
Maricopa County Community College University of Arizona Whitman College
Marist College University of California, Office of the Chancellor Yale University
MIT University of California Berkeley University of California Berkeley
University of California, Davis
- Over 105 Growing
- Sakai commercial affiliates
- Self governing foundation
- Formed as a non-profit corporation to support,
sustain, and promote Sakai. - Elected Sakai project board
- Annual budget of 1M from member contributions
- 8-10 staff positions funded by the Foundation
focused on communication and coordination - Two conferences per year
7Sakai Commercial Affiliates
8UCLMS Sakai
- Participation in Sakai collaboration
- Community Source means all hands on deck
- Common platform/local solutions
- Get to the heart of requirements
- Meet 2-3 times a year as UCLMS
- Meet up in Sakai WGs and conferences
- Provides concrete project to leverage resources
and collaborate - Strategic philosophical choice?
9UCLMS Sakai Collaboration
- Policy
- Common contributor licensing effort
- Common CLA
- Best practice for campuses
- Development effort -- tools
- Gradebook
- Personal image collections
- Expertise Support
- Sharing rollout project plans
- Training migration materials
- Review groups
- Architecture Infrastructure plans
- Budget planning
- Disaster recovery
10UCLMS Sakai
11Sakai pilot _at_ UCLA04 06
12UCLA Sakai Pilot
- UCLAs Environment - very distributed
- FCET - Campus process
- Spring 2004 FCET issues Call for Participation
- FCET selects collaborative proposal from 3 units
- 2004-2005 Testing integration phase
- 2005-2006 Sakai pilot courses projects
- Campus-wide Collaboration (CCLE)
- Technologies Integration
- Estimated Usage
- Support
13UCLA Campus-wide Collaboration Grows
- 04-05 Sponsored by 8 units
- The Library, OID, ATS, OIT, CDH, Anderson, Design
Media, Psychology - 05-06 Participation grew to 12 Units
- The Library, OID, ATS, OIT, CDH, Anderson, Design
Media, Psychology - Joined by SOM, SSC, CLICC The College
14UCLA Implementation Integration
- Technologies implemented
- Linux , Apache, Tomcat, MySql Sakai
- Architecture
- Integration
- Critical Path
- ISIS for authentication
- Registrars data
- MyUcla
- Desired Integration
- UCLA Library digital content
- Final grades
15UCLA Estimated Sites in 05-06
UCLA Unit Summer 2005 Summer 2005 Fall 2005 Fall 2005 Winter 2006 Winter 2006 Spring 2006 Spring 2006
UCLA Unit Project sites Course sites Project sites Course sites Project sites Course sites Project sites Course sites
Anderson 80 3 80 2 20 1
CDH 2 4 2 6 3 7
SSC 0 1 0 2 0 3 1
OID 1 1
UCLA project teams, test sites project archives 17 8 31 12 33 14 100 22
Totals 17 10 112 19 117 23 126 24
16UCLA Sakai Pilot Support Model
- We rely on a campus-wide Sakai Pilot user support
team - Were using a Sakai user support project worksite
- Users email the Support_at_sakai.ucla.edu with any
issue, and an available team member responds
17Sakai pilot _at_ UCDavis05 07
18UC Davis Goals
- Solve MyUCDavis is increasingly hard to support,
extend and scale - Bring MyUCDavis into the 21st Century position
for growth, extension, use of standards - Manage an easy and happy transition of existing
19UCDavis Implementation Driven by Legacy Tool
Needs and Sakai Core Functionality Availability
UC Davis Timeline
Fall 2005
Summer/Fall 06
Fall 2007
Spring 2006
Winter/Spring 07
Initial Explorations OBJECTIVES Fit/Gap
Analysis Budget Dev Issue Discovery MIS
Integration Strategy
First Faculty Pilots OBJECTIVES Provider
Devel UCB/Stanford Partners New Hires
Communication Plan Recruit Pilots
Large Course PilotsBegin Major Push
OBJECTIVES Pilot courses with complicated section
needs Other courses strongly urged to migrate
to Sakai from legacy system
Asst. MigrationAll New Sites OBJECTIVES All
courses provisioned Announce withdrawal of
legacy Begin last year co-operation of both
Research Sites Grad Student Sites ITTimes
Pubs Multiple Pilots (Fall)
20UC Davis Faculty Support
- ITExpress (Central IET Helpdesk)
- ETPartners
- Student Office Visit Program
- Teaching Resources Center
- Workshops and Training Courses
- Pilots with Faculty Support Group Faculty
Mentoring Faculty Program - Summer Institute on Technology in Teaching (SITT)
21UC Davis Contributions
- Scorm Player
- Programmers Bootcamps
- UC Davis
- Vancouver
- Berkeley Gradebook Providers
- Stanford Samigo (Quiz Testing)
- Tool Development Workshops
- Sakai Community Involvement
22UC Davis Change Management
- Outside Consultant / Focus Groups
- Centrally Coordinated Communications Effort
- Existing vs New User Communities
- Legacy Users
- Graduate Students
- Research Collaborations
- Working Groups
23Sakai pilot _at_ UC Santa Barbara
24UC Santa Barbara Sakai History
- Joined SEPP in Fall 2004
- First SEPP Conference December 2004
- Information Technology Planning Group (ITPG)
proposal process Fall 2004-Spring 2005 - Faculty Sakai Preview Meeting June 2005
- Funding for Development FTE from Executive Vice
Chancellor, Summer 2005 - Hosted First UC LMSGroup Meeting August 2005
- Faculty Sakai Features Overview Meeting, October
2005 - Formation of Sakai Development Team, Winter
Quarter 2006 - Sakai Test Bed Implementation, Spring Quarter 2006
25UC Santa Barbara Sakai Road Map
- Development of Campuswide Provider Modules for
Sakai, Spring-Summer 2006 - Sakai Look and Feel Development, Summer 2006
- Faculty Institute on Teaching with Technology,
June 2006 - Limited Preview Deployment of Sakai as Campuswide
CMS, Fall 2006 - General Production Deployment of Sakai, Winter
26UC Santa Barbara Sakai Contributions
- Provider Module to Pairwise Plagiarism Detection
System - Integration with Evaluation System for Courses
and Instruction (ESCI) - Guidelines for Implementing Effective Student
Outcomes Assessment Instruments in Sakai
27bSpace _at_ UC Berkeley
28UC Berkeley The Problem
Course Management Systems (Administrative)
Public View
Authoring View
Course Info
Instructor info
Integration Services
Course Management Systems (Admin/Community/Intera
File Mgmt./ Resources
Assessment/ Assignments
Course Info
Instructor info
Learning Tools (pilots) (Pedagogy/Interactivity)
Online Gradebook
Course Gallery
29UC Berkeley Choosing Sakai
- 2002 define need for a single enterprise system
- RFP California budget crisis
- Refined goal of a single platform for a flexible,
reliable, responsive system - Doubtful vendor product could give us the
responsiveness and flexibility - Could open source?
- Research options, review open source tools
30bSpace Implementation Timeline
i've just set up a project site on bspace to
collect all of the materials for a book i am
co-authoring with a faculty member from mit. i'm
very excited about the prospect of using bspace
for various projects including the fall class
that alice agogino and i will teach. it looks
like it will be a great tool for teams that need
to share their work.
I want to tell you that this site -- now that it
has Cyrillic for the discussion and chat
functions -- has changed the way I have planned
my conversation course, and I am really excited
about it.
Well, i've started tinkering with bSpace already
and i LIKE it. great work.
31UC Berkeley Sakai Contributions
- Software Development
- Immediate
- Gradebook Project
- Course Management Project
- Course Enterprise Data Integration
- Groups/Sections
- Jforum MySQL to Oracle conversion
- Innovative Projects
- Images --Personal Collections
- Web Podcast delivery
- Interactive Video Tools
- Requirements, UI, Community practice WGs
- Foundation Board
32Learning Systems Programs
Activities Instructor-led workshops, consulting,
summer FTP, dept. focus groups, online tutorials,
FAQs, front line help desk and site set-up,
migration planning.
Activities Application design development,
maintenance, tool/Framework integration,
Integration specifications, application
installations environments
Learning Tool Application Development
User Support Faculty Development
User-centered Product Design
Activities Tool requirements, specifications,
user-interaction design, user-interface design,
documentation, QA, educational technology
research and design
33Sakai pilot _at_ UC Merced
34UC Merced
- No legacy systems
- Needed a CMS by Fall 2005
- Reviewed Blackboard, WebCT, Sakai
- We chose Sakai
- Community, collaboration, open source made it
impossible to choose another tool. - No time or resource for pilot
- Joined Sepp Fall 2004
- Worked with community, launched Sakai 2.0.1 in 4
months - Branded our implementation UCMCROPS (Courses,
Research, Organizations, Projects) - Preparing to launch Sakai 2.1.2 for Summer 2006
35UC Merced
- Initial plan was to integrate with Banner our
Student Information System. - We decided to also integrate with uPortal or
campus portal and CAS Yales Authentication
Service. - Production Environment
- One v880 running Solaris 9 with three Tomcat
JVMs. - One V240 running Oracle 9
36UC Merced
- First Semester
- 890 students
- 60 faculty
- 400 staff
- First Semester
- 388 total sites
- 6 sakai sites
- 1 research site
- 36 project sites
- 2 organization sites
- 343 course sites
37UC Merced
- Most active tools
- Gradebook (forced)
- Announcements 146 sites
- Resources
- Mail tool 39 sites
- Assignments
- Syllabus tool 15 sites
- 4 courses use SAMIGO
- Most issues
- Samigo
- WebDAV
- Gradebook
38UC Merced
- Working with other UCs
- UCB provides experienced development knowledge
- Experience from other UCs on implementation and
end user training and support