First-Order Logic (FOL) aka. predicate calculus - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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First-Order Logic (FOL) aka. predicate calculus


Predicate symbols (mapping from individuals to truth values) E.g., greater(5,3) ... E.g., (Ax) dolphin(x) = mammal(x) ... E.g., (Ex) mammal(x) ^ lays-eggs(x) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: First-Order Logic (FOL) aka. predicate calculus

First-Order Logic (FOL)aka. predicate calculus
  • Tuomas Sandholm
  • Carnegie Mellon University
  • Computer Science Department

First-Order Logic (FOL) Syntax
  • User defines these primitives
  • Constant symbols (i.e., the "individuals" in the
    world) E.g., Mary, 3
  • Function symbols (mapping individuals to
    individuals) E.g., father-of(Mary) John,
    color-of(Sky) Blue
  • Predicate symbols (mapping from individuals to
    truth values) E.g., greater(5,3), green(Grass),
    color(Grass, Green)

First-Order Logic (FOL) Syntax
  • FOL supplies these primitives
  • Variable symbols. E.g., x,y
  • Connectives. Same as in PL not (), and (), or
    (v), implies (gt), if and only if (ltgt)
  • Quantifiers Universal (A) and Existential (E)

  • Universal quantification corresponds to
    conjunction ("and") in that (Ax)P(x) means that P
    holds for all values of x in the domain
    associated with that variable.
  • E.g., (Ax) dolphin(x) gt mammal(x)
  • Existential quantification corresponds to
    disjunction ("or") in that (Ex)P(x) means that P
    holds for some value of x in the domain
    associated with that variable.
  • E.g., (Ex) mammal(x) lays-eggs(x)
  • Universal quantifiers are usually used with
    "implies" to form "if-then rules."
  • E.g., (Ax) cs15-381-student(x) gt smart(x) means
    "All cs15-381 students are smart."
  • You rarely use universal quantification to make
    blanket statements about every individual in the
    world (Ax)cs15-381-student(x) smart(x) meaning
    that everyone in the world is a cs15-381 student
    and is smart.

  • Existential quantifiers are usually used with
    "and" to specify a list of properties or facts
    about an individual.
  • E.g., (Ex) cs15-381-student(x) smart(x) means
    "there is a cs15-381 student who is smart."
  • A common mistake is to represent this English
    sentence as the FOL sentence (Ex)
    cs15-381-student(x) gt smart(x)
  • Switching the order of universal quantifiers does
    not change the meaning (Ax)(Ay)P(x,y) is
    logically equivalent to (Ay)(Ax)P(x,y).
    Similarly, you can switch the order of
    existential quantifiers.
  • Switching the order of universals and
    existentials does change meaning
  • Everyone likes someone (Ax)(Ey)likes(x,y)
  • Someone is liked by everyone (Ey)(Ax)likes(x,y)

First-Order Logic (FOL) Syntax
  • Sentences are built up of terms and atoms
  • A term (denoting a real-world object) is a
    constant symbol, a variable symbol, or a function
    e.g. left-leg-of ( ). For example, x and f(x1,
    ..., xn) are terms, where each xi is a term.
  • An atom (which has value true or false) is either
    an n-place predicate of n terms, or, if P and Q
    are atoms, then P, P V Q, P Q, P gt Q, P ltgt Q
    are atoms
  • A sentence is an atom, or, if P is a sentence and
    x is a variable, then (Ax)P and (Ex)P are
  • A well-formed formula (wff) is a sentence
    containing no "free" variables. I.e., all
    variables are "bound" by universal or existential
  • E.g., (Ax)P(x,y) has x bound as a universally
    quantified variable, but y is free.

Translating English to FOL
  • Every gardener likes the sun.(Ax) gardener(x) gt
  • You can fool some of the people all of the
    time.(Ex)(At) (person(x) time(t)) gt
  • You can fool all of the people some of the
    time.(Ax)(Et) (person(x) time(t) gt
  • All purple mushrooms are poisonous.(Ax)
    (mushroom(x) purple(x)) gt poisonous(x)

Translating English to FOL
  • No purple mushroom is poisonous.(Ex) purple(x)
    mushroom(x) poisonous(x) or,
    equivalently,(Ax) (mushroom(x) purple(x)) gt
  • There are exactly two purple mushrooms.(Ex)(Ey)
    mushroom(x) purple(x) mushroom(y) purple(y)
    (xy) (Az) (mushroom(z) purple(z)) gt
    ((xz) v (yz))
  • Deb is not tall.tall(Deb)
  • X is above Y if X is on directly on top of Y or
    else there is a pile of one or more other objects
    directly on top of one another starting with X
    and ending with Y.(Ax)(Ay) above(x,y) ltgt
    (on(x,y) v (Ez) (on(x,z) above(z,y)))

Inference Rules for FOL
  • Inference rules for PL apply to FOL as well. For
    example, Modus Ponens, And-Introduction,
    And-Elimination, etc.
  • New sound inference rules for use with
  • Universal EliminationIf (Ax)P(x) is true, then
    P(c) is true, where c is a constant in the domain
    of x. For example, from (Ax)eats(Ziggy, x) we can
    infer eats(Ziggy, IceCream).
  • The variable symbol can be replaced by any ground
    term, i.e., any constant symbol or function
    symbol applied to ground terms only.
  • Existential IntroductionIf P(c) is true, then
    (Ex)P(x) is inferred.
  • For example, from eats(Ziggy, IceCream) we can
    infer (Ex)eats(Ziggy, x).
  • All instances of the given constant symbol are
    replaced by the new variable symbol. Note that
    the variable symbol cannot already exist anywhere
    in the expression.
  • Existential EliminationFrom (Ex)P(x) infer P(c).
  • For example, from (Ex)eats(Ziggy, x) infer
    eats(Ziggy, Cheese).
  • Note that the variable is replaced by a brand new
    constant that does not occur in this or any other
    sentence in the Knowledge Base. In other words,
    we don't want to accidentally draw other
    inferences about it by introducing the constant.
    All we know is there must be some constant that
    makes this true, so we can introduce a brand new
    one to stand in for that (unknown) constant.

Inference Rules for FOL
  • Paramodulation
  • Given two sentences (P1 v ... v PN) and (ts v Q1
    v ... v QM) where each Pi and Qi is a literal and
    Pj contains a term t, derive new sentence (P1 v
    ... v Pj-1 v Pjs v Pj1 v ... v PN v Q1 v ... v
    QM) where Pjs means a single occurrence of the
    term t is replaced by the term s in Pj
  • Example From P(a) and ab derive P(b)

Inference Rules for FOL
  • Generalized Modus Ponens (GMP)
  • Combines And-Introduction, Universal-Elimination,
    and Modus Ponens
  • E.g. from P(c), Q(c), and (Ax)(P(x) Q(x)) gt
    R(x), derive R(c)
  • In general, given atomic sentences P1, P2, ...,
    PN, and implication sentence (Q1 Q2 ... QN)
    gt R, where Q1, ..., QN and R are atomic
    sentences, and subst(Theta, Pi) subst(Theta,
    Qi) for i1,...,N, derive new sentence
    subst(Theta, R)
  • subst(Theta, alpha) denotes the result of
    applying a set of substitutions defined by Theta
    to the sentence alpha
  • A substitution list Theta v1/t1, v2/t2, ...,
    vn/tn means to replace all occurrences of
    variable symbol vi by term ti.
  • Substitutions are made in left-to-right order in
    the list.
  • E.g. subst(x/IceCream, y/Ziggy, eats(y,x))
    eats(Ziggy, IceCream)

Automated Inference in FOL
  • Automated inference in FOL is harder than in PL
    because variables can take on potentially an
    infinite number of possible values from their
    domain. Hence there are potentially an infinite
    number of ways to apply the Universal-Elimination
    rule of inference
  • Goedel's Completeness Theorem says that FOL
    entailment is semidecidable. That is, if a
    sentence is true given a set of axioms, there is
    a procedure that will determine this. However, if
    the sentence is false, then there is no guarantee
    that a procedure will ever determine this. In
    other words, the procedure may never halt in this
  • Goedel's Incompleteness Theorem says that in a
    slightly extended language (that enables
    mathematical induction), there are entailed
    sentences that cannot be proved
  • The truth table method of inference is not
    complete for FOL because the truth table size may
    be infinite
  • Natural deduction is complete for FOL but is not
    practical for automated inference because the
    "branching factor" in a search is too large,
    caused by the fact that we would have to
    potentially try every inference rule in every
    possible way using the set of known sentences

Incompleteness of the generalized modus ponens
inference rule
?x P(x) gt Q(x) ?x ?P(x) gt Q(x) ?x Q(x) gt
S(x) ?x R(x) gt S(x)
? Cannot be converted to Horn
Want to conclude S(A)
S(A) is true if Q(A) or R(A) is true, and one of
those must be true because either P(A) or
?P(A) Incomplete there are entailed sentences
that the procedure cannot infer.
Generalized Modus Ponens in Horn FOL
  • Generalized Modus Ponens (GMP) is complete for
    KBs containing only Horn clauses
  • A Horn clause is a sentence of the form(Ax)
    (P1(x) P2(x) ... Pn(x)) gt Q(x)where there
    are 0 or more Pi's, and the Pi's and Q are
    positive (i.e., un-negated) literals
  • Horn clauses represent a subset of the set of
    sentences representable in FOL. For example, P(a)
    v Q(a) is a sentence in FOL but is not a Horn
  • Natural deduction using GMP is complete for KBs
    containing only Horn clauses. Proofs start with
    the given axioms/premises in KB, deriving new
    sentences using GMP until the goal/query sentence
    is derived. This defines a forward chaining
    inference procedure because it moves "forward"
    from the KB to the goal.

Example of forward chaining
  • Example KB All cats like fish, cats eat
    everything they like, and Ziggy is a cat. In FOL,
  • (Ax) cat(x) gt likes(x, Fish)
  • (Ax)(Ay) (cat(x) likes(x,y)) gt eats(x,y)
  • cat(Ziggy)
  • Goal query Does Ziggy eat fish?
  • Proof
  • Use GMP with (1) and (3) to derive 4.
    likes(Ziggy, Fish)
  • Use GMP with (3), (4) and (2) to derive
    eats(Ziggy, Fish)
  • So, Yes, Ziggy eats fish.

Backward chaining
  • Backward-chaining deduction using GMP is complete
    for KBs containing only Horn clauses. Proofs
    start with the goal query, find implications that
    would allow you to prove it, and then prove each
    of the antecedents in the implication, continuing
    to work "backwards" until we get to the axioms,
    which we know are true.
  • Example Does Ziggy eat fish?
  • To prove eats(Ziggy, Fish), first see if this is
    known from one of the axioms directly. Here it is
    not known, so see if there is a Horn clause that
    has the consequent (i.e., right-hand side) of the
    implication matching the goal.
  • Proof Goal Driven
  • Goal matches RHS of Horn clause (2), so try and
    prove new sub-goals cat(Ziggy) and likes(Ziggy,
    Fish) that correspond to the LHS of (2)
  • cat(Ziggy) matches axiom (3), so we've "solved"
    that sub-goal
  • likes(Ziggy, Fish) matches the RHS of (1), so try
    and prove cat(Ziggy)
  • cat(Ziggy) matches (as it did earlier) axiom (3),
    so we've solved this sub-goal
  • There are no unsolved sub-goals, so we're done.
    Yes, Ziggy eats fish.

Resolution Procedure (aka Resolution Refutation
  • Resolution procedure is a sound and complete
    inference procedure for FOL (BFS is complete for
    Horn, DFS may go into infinite loops)
  • Resolution procedure uses a single rule of
    inference the Resolution Rule (RR), which is a
    generalization of the same rule used in PL
  • Resolution Rule for PLFrom sentence P1 v P2 v
    ... v Pn and sentence P1 v Q2 v ... v Qm derive
    resolvent sentence P2 v ... v Pn v Q2 v ... v Qm
  • Examples
  • From P and P v Q, derive Q (Modus Ponens)
  • From (P v Q) and (Q v R), derive P v R
  • From P and P, derive False
  • From (P v Q) and (P v Q), derive True

Resolution Procedure
  • Resolution Rule for FOL
  • Given sentence P1 v ... v Pn
  • and sentence Q1 v ... v Qm
  • where each Pi and Qi is a literal, i.e., a
    positive or negated predicate symbol with its
  • if Pj and Qk unify with substitution list Theta,
  • then derive the resolvent sentencesubst(Theta,
    P1 v ... v Pj-1 v Pj1 v ... v Pn v Q1 v ... Qk-1
    v Qk1 v ... v Qm)
  • Example
  • From clause P(x, f(a)) v P(x, f(y)) v Q(y)
  • and clause P(z, f(a)) v Q(z),
  • derive resolvent clause P(z, f(y)) v Q(y) v Q(z)
    using Theta x/z

  • Unification is a "pattern matching" procedure
    that takes two atomic sentences, called literals,
    as input, and returns "failure" if they do not
    match and a substitution list, Theta, if they do
  • That is, unify(p,q) Theta means subst(Theta, p)
    subst(Theta, q) for two atomic sentences p and
  • Theta is called the most general unifier (mgu)
  • All variables in the given two literals are
    implicitly universally quantified
  • To make literals match, replace
    (universally-quantified) variables by terms

Unification Algorithm
  • procedure unify(p, q, theta)
  • Scan p and q left-to-right and find the first
    corresponding terms where p and q "disagree"
    where p and q not equal
  • If there is no disagreement, return theta
  • Let r and s be the terms in p and q,
    respectively, where disagreement first occurs
  • If variable(r) then theta union(theta, r/s)
    unify(subst(theta, p), subst(theta, q), theta)
  • else if variable(s) then theta union(theta,
    s/r) unify(subst(theta, p), subst(theta, q),
  • else return "failure" end

  • Examples

Literal 1 Literal 2 Literal 3
parents(x, father(x), mother(Bill)) parents(x, father(x), mother(Bill)) parents(x, father(x), mother(Jane)) parents(Bill, father(Bill), y) parents(Bill, father(y), z) parents(Bill, father(y), mother(y)) x/Bill, y/mother(Bill) x/Bill, y/Bill, z/mother(Bill) Failure
  • Unify is a linear time algorithm that returns the
    most general unifier (mgu), i.e., a shortest
    length substitution list that makes the two
    literals match.
  • (In general, there is not a unique minimum length
    substitution list, but unify returns one of
  • A variable can never be replaced by a term
    containing that variable. For example, x/f(x) is
    illegal. This "occurs check" should be done in
    the above pseudo-code before making the recursive

Resolution Procedure
  • Proof by contradiction method
  • Given a consistent set of axioms KB and goal
    sentence Q, we want to show that KB Q. This
    means that every interpretation I that satisfies
    KB, satisfies Q. But we know that any
    interpretation I satisfies either Q or Q, but
    not both. Therefore if in fact KB Q, an
    interpretation that satisfies KB, satisfies Q and
    does not satisfy Q. Hence KB union Q is
    unsatisfiable, i.e., that it's false under all
  • In other words, (KB - Q) ltgt (KB Q - False)
  • What's the gain? If KB union Q is unsatisfiable,
    then some finite subset is unsatisfiable
  • Resolution procedure can be used to establish
    that a given sentence Q is entailed by KB
    however, it cannot, in general, be used to
    generate all logical consequences of a set
    sentences. Also, the resolution procedure cannot
    be used to prove that Q is not entailed by KB.
  • Resolution procedure won't always give an answer
    since entailment is only semidecidable. And you
    can't just run two proofs in parallel, one trying
    to prove Q and the other trying to prove Q,
    since KB might not entail either one.

Resolution Algorithm
  • procedure resolution-refutation(KB, Q)
  • KB is a set of consistent, true FOL sentences
  • Q is a goal sentence that we want to derive
  • return success if KB - Q, and failure
  • KB union(KB, Q)
  • while false not in KB do
  • pick 2 sentences, S1 and S2, in KB that contain
    literals that unify (if none, return "failure)
  • resolvent resolution-rule(S1, S2)
  • KB union(KB, resolvent)
  • return "success"

Resolution example (using PL sentences)
  • From Heads I win, tails you lose prove that I
  • First, define the axioms in KB
  • "Heads I win, tails you lose."(Heads gt IWin)
    or, equivalently, (Heads v IWin)(Tails gt
    YouLose) or, equivalently, (Tails v YouLose)
  • Add some general knowledge axioms about coins,
    winning, and losing(Heads v Tails)(YouLose gt
    IWin) or, equivalently, (YouLose v IWin)(IWin
    gt YouLose) or, equivalently, (IWin v YouLose)
  • Goal IWin

Resolution example (using PL sentences)
Sentence 1 Sentence 2 Resolvent
IWin Heads Tails YouLose IWin Heads v IWin Heads v Tails Tails v YouLose YouLose v Iwin IWin Heads Tails YouLose IWin False
Problems yet to be addressed
  • Resolution rule of inference is only applicable
    with sentences that are in the form P1 v P2 v ...
    v Pn, where each Pi is a negated or nonnegated
    predicate and contains functions, constants, and
    universally quantified variables, so can we
    convert every FOL sentence into this form?
  • Resolution strategy
  • How to pick which pair of sentences to resolve?
  • How to pick which pair of literals, one from each
    sentence, to unify?

Converting FOL sentences to clause form
  • Every FOL sentence can be converted to a
    logically equivalent sentence that is in a
    "normal form" called clause form
  • Steps to convert a sentence to clause form
  • Eliminate all ltgt connectives by replacing each
    instance of the form (P ltgt Q) by expression ((P
    gt Q) (Q gt P))
  • Eliminate all gt connectives by replacing each
    instance of the form (P gt Q) by (P v Q)
  • Reduce the scope of each negation symbol to a
    single predicate by applying equivalences such as
  • P to P
  • (P v Q) to P Q
  • (P Q) to P v Q
  • (Ax)P to (Ex)P
  • (Ex)P to (Ax)P

Converting FOL sentences to clause form
  • Standardize variables rename all variables so
    that each quantifier has its own unique variable
    name. For example, convert (Ax)P(x) to (Ay)P(y)
    if there is another place where variable x is
    already used.
  • Eliminate existential quantification by
    introducing Skolem functions. For example,
    convert (Ex)P(x) to P(c) where c is a brand new
    constant symbol that is not used in any other
    sentence. c is called a Skolem constant. More
    generally, if the existential quantifier is
    within the scope of a universal quantified
    variable, then introduce a Skolem function that
    depends on the universally quantified variable.
  • For example, (Ax)(Ey)P(x,y) is converted to
    (Ax)P(x, f(x)). f is called a Skolem function,
    and must be a brand new function name that does
    not occur in any other sentence in the entire KB.
  • Example (Ax)(Ey)loves(x,y) is converted to
    (Ax)loves(x,f(x)) where in this case f(x)
    specifies the person that x loves.
  • (If we knew that everyone loved their mother,
    then f could stand for the mother-of function.)

Converting FOL sentences to clause form
  • Remove universal quantification symbols by first
    moving them all to the left end and making the
    scope of each the entire sentence, and then just
    dropping the "prefix" part. E.g., convert
    (Ax)P(x) to P(x)
  • Distribute "and" over "or" to get a conjunction
    of disjunctions called conjunctive normal form.
  • convert (P Q) v R to (P v R) (Q v R)
  • convert (P v Q) v R to (P v Q v R)
  • Split each conjunct into a separate clause, which
    is just a disjunction ("or") of negated and
    nonnegated predicates, called literals
  • Standardize variables apart again so that each
    clause contains variable names that do not occur
    in any other clause

Converting FOL sentences to clause form
  • Examples
  • Convert the sentence
  • (Ax)(P(x) gt ((Ay)(P(y) gt P(f(x,y)))
    (Ay)(Q(x,y) gt P(y))))
  • Eliminate ltgtNothing to do here.
  • Eliminate gt(Ax)(P(x) v ((Ay)(P(y) v
    P(f(x,y))) (Ay)(Q(x,y) v P(y))))
  • Reduce scope of negation(Ax)(P(x) v ((Ay)(P(y)
    v P(f(x,y))) (Ey)(Q(x,y) P(y))))

Converting FOL sentences to clause form
  1. Standardize variables(Ax)(P(x) v ((Ay)(P(y) v
    P(f(x,y))) (Ez)(Q(x,z) P(z))))
  2. Eliminate existential quantification(Ax)(P(x) v
    ((Ay)(P(y) v P(f(x,y))) (Q(x,g(x))
  3. Drop universal quantification symbols(P(x) v
    ((P(y) v P(f(x,y))) (Q(x,g(x)) P(g(x)))))
  4. Convert to conjunction of disjunctions(P(x) v
    P(y) v P(f(x,y))) (P(x) v Q(x,g(x))) (P(x)
    v P(g(x)))

Converting FOL sentences to clause form
  • Create separate clauses
  • P(x) v P(y) v P(f(x,y))
  • P(x) v Q(x,g(x))
  • P(x) v P(g(x))
  • Standardize variables
  • P(x) v P(y) v P(f(x,y))
  • P(z) v Q(z,g(z))
  • P(w) v P(g(w))

Example Hoofers Club example from Charles Dyer
  • Problem Statement Tony, Shi-Kuo and Ellen
    belong to the Hoofers Club. Every member of the
    Hoofers Club is either a skier or a mountain
    climber or both. No mountain climber likes rain,
    and all skiers like snow. Ellen dislikes
    whatever Tony likes and likes whatever Tony
    dislikes. Tony likes rain and snow.
  • Query Is there a member of the Hoofers Club who
    is a mountain climber but not a skier?

Example Hoofers Club
  • Translation into FOL Sentences
  • Let S(x) mean x is a skier, M(x) mean x is a
    mountain climber, and L(x,y) mean x likes y,
    where the domain of the first variable is Hoofers
    Club members, and the domain of the second
    variable is snow and rain. We can now translate
    the above English sentences into the following
    FOL wffs
  • (Ax) S(x) v M(x)
  • (Ex) M(x) L(x, Rain)
  • (Ax) S(x) gt L(x, Snow)
  • (Ay) L(Ellen, y) ltgt L(Tony, y)
  • L(Tony, Rain)
  • L(Tony, Snow)
  • Query (Ex) M(x) S(x)
  • Negation of the Query (Ex) M(x) S(x)

Example Hoofers Club
  • Conversion to Clause Form
  • S(x1) v M(x1)
  • M(x2) v L(x2, Rain)
  • S(x3) v L(x3, Snow)
  • L(Tony, x4) v L(Ellen, x4)
  • L(Tony, x5) v L(Ellen, x5)
  • L(Tony, Rain)
  • L(Tony, Snow)
  • Negation of the Query M(x7) v S(x7)

Write these on blackboard
Example Hoofers Club
  • Resolution Refutation Proof

Clause 1 Clause 2 Resolvent MGU (i.e., Theta)
8 9 10 11 1 3 4 7 9. S(x1) 10. L(x1, Snow) 11. L(Tony, Snow) 12. False x7/x1 x3/x1 x4/Snow, x1/Ellen
Example Hoofers Club
  • Answer Extraction

Clause 1 Clause 2 Resolvent MGU (i.e., Theta)
M(x7) v S(x7) v (M(x7) S(x7)) 9 10 11 1 3 4 7 9. S(x1) v (M(x1) S(x1)) 10. L(x1, Snow) v (M(x1) S(x1)) 11. L(Tony, Snow) v (M(Ellen) S(Ellen)) 12. M(Ellen) S(Ellen) x7/x1 x3/x1 x4/Snow, x1/Ellen
  • Answer to the query Ellen!

Resolution procedure as search
  • Resolution procedure can be thought of as the
    bottom-up construction of a search tree, where
    the leaves are the clauses produced by KB and the
    negation of the goal. When a pair of clauses
    generates a new resolvent clause, add a new node
    to the tree with arcs directed from the resolvent
    to the two parent clauses. The resolution
    procedure succeeds when a node containing the
    False clause is produced, becoming the root node
    of the tree.
  • A strategy is complete if its use guarantees that
    the empty clause (i.e., false) can be derived
    whenever it is entailed

Some strategies for controlling resolution's
  • Breadth-First
  • Level 0 clauses are those from the original
    axioms and the negation of the goal. Level k
    clauses are the resolvents computed from two
    clauses, one of which must be from level k-1 and
    the other from any earlier level.
  • Compute all level 1 clauses possible, then all
    possible level 2 clauses, etc.
  • Complete, but very inefficient.
  • Set-of-Support
  • At least one parent clause must be from the
    negation of the goal or one of the "descendents"
    of such a goal clause (i.e., derived from a goal
  • Complete (assuming all possible set-of-support
    clauses are derived)
  • Unit Resolution
  • At least one parent clause must be a "unit
    clause," (clause containing a single literal)
  • Not complete in general, but complete for Horn
    clause KBs
  • Input Resolution
  • At least one parent from the original KB (axioms
    and the negation of the goal)
  • Not complete in general, but complete for Horn
    clause KBs
  • Linear Resolution
  • P and Q can be resolved together if either P is
    in the original KB or if P is an ancestor of Q in
    the proof tree
  • Complete

  • Motivation Helps keep the KB small gt less
  • Never keep more specific (subsumed) sentences
    in the KB than more general ones
  • E.g., if the KB has P(x), then eliminate
  • P(c)
  • P(a) v P(b)
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