Monazite geochronology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Monazite geochronology


Monazite geochronology – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Monazite geochronology

Monazite geochronology
  • Introduction to monazite
  • Monazite characteristics
  • Advantages of the in-situ technique
  • Examples!

Monazite introduction
  • Monazite phosphate LREE (PO)4
  • typically dominated by the LREE Ce but all LREE
    may be present in minor amounts
  • Most monazite contains Th, U, some HREE, Y, Ca,
    Si and Pb (mostly radiogenic)
  • Monazite is widespread as accessory mineral in
  • Felsic igneous rocks
  • Mid to high grade metamorphic rocks of low Ca
    pelitic composition
  • Monazite is useful as geochronometer
  • due to crystal structure excl. Pb during
  • crystal structure able to withstand high ? dosage
    and recoil damage due to wt levels of Th and U
    (strong P-O bonds?)

Monazite (cont)
  • Exchange vectors in monazite
  • Th, U, Si and Ca controlled by solid solution
    vectors with end-members
  • Huttonite (Th,U) SiO4
  • via Th or U Si ? REE P substitution
  • Brabanite (Th,U) Ca½ (PO4)
  • via Th or U Ca ? 2REE substitution

Monazite stability
  • Monazite stability in pelites
  • Above greenschist facies commonly present in
    pelitic bulk rock compositions (as low as
    chlorite zone)
  • Present in LP contact aureoles, granulite
    migmatites, UHP pelites
  • can survive diagenesis
  • Metamorphic monazite derived from decomposition
  • e.g. allanite, titanite, apatite
  • detrital monazite

Monazite stability and growth cont.
  • Many studies note formation of monazite is
    dependant on Ca/Al ratio of the host rock
  • Low Ca/Al rocks favoured, monazite uncommon in
    meta-aluminous rocks
  • Fitzsimons et al (2005) argues that
  • Mnz growth favours intermediate Fe-Mg

Monazite thermometry
  • Offers direct link with metamorphic temperatures
    and geochronology
  • Monazite-xenotime and garnet-monazite (apatite)
    thermometry are recent calibrations
  • Monazite-xenotime based on Y-REE miscibility gap
    between co-existing monazite and xenotime (e.g.
    Heinrich and co-workers)
  • Monazite-garnet equilibrium (Pyle et al 2001)
  • YAG ap qtz gross plag Y in mnz H2O
  • Obvious important tool in rocks with co-existing
    equilibrated monazite, xenotime and garnet

Prograde monazite growth at low grade - garnet
  • Increasing Temp
  • Garnet increases
  • Monazite increases
  • Xenotime decreases
  • High Y garnet cores in equilibrium with xenotime
  • Low Y garnet rims after xenotime consumption

Prograde growth of monazite linking textures
with chemistry of major phases
  • Garnet core 2450 ppm Y rim 65 ppm Y
  • Core hosts monazite and xenotime
  • Rims low-Y (xenotime absent)
  • Prograde sequence of growth
  • linking textural context with chemistry

After Pyle et al 2001
Monazite growth at the staurolite-isograd
  • Many studies note marked increase in monazite
    abundance during prograde metamorphism via of
    apatite ( allanite) breakdown (LREEs) at the
    st-in isograd via
  • Garnet Chlorite Staurolite Biotite
  • Breakdown of garnet at staurolite-in isograd P
    at the 100 ppm level
  • Chlorite apatite monazite (e.g. Lanzirotti
    Hanson 1996)

Monazite growth/breakdown after the staurolite
  • Increasing temperature results in further
    decomposition of apatite, muscovite resulting in
    stabilisation of garnet biotite sillimanite
    assemblages ( 550-650 C)
  • At the onset of low P granulite facies, monazite
    consumed by partial melting reactions such as
  • Sil Bt (mnz) Crd Grt Kfs Melt
  • Crystallisation of melt on cooling results in
    precipitation of new monazite

Prograde monazite growth versus zircon
Retrograde monazite breakdown (H2O)
  • Breakdown of monazite from high-grade to
    low-amphibolite facies to form allanite-apatite-ep
    idote-thorite coronas
  • Requires fluid influx

Linking monazite stability to metamorphic (P-T)
  • Examination of textural context with major phases
    and mineral chemistry, sequential monazite
    growth/dissolution patterns and P-T paths can be
  • Recommended reading (for example)
  • Pyle Spear (2003) from New England, USA
  • Kelsey et al (2007) from Rauer Islands, Antarctica

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Monazite growth and decomposition
  • Monazite participants in metamorphic reactions
  • The exact role of major metamorphic phases in
    monazite production and breakdown is complex and
    still not well understood
  • Fluids and metasomatism not discussed here
  • Use of trace elements is a rapidly developing
    field for establishing the interaction between
    major and accessory phases
  • The ability to use monazite as a geochronometer
    where textural constraints are available permit
    development of P-T-t paths

Monazite as a geochronometer
  • Contains abundant Th (up to 10 wt, ThO) and U
    (0.5-1.0 wt UO)
  • Useful as U-Pb and Th-Pb chronometer using
    SHRIMP, or TIMS techniques
  • Widespread use in chemical or total Pb methods
    (e.g. EMP)
  • Very low Pb (and other species) diffusion rates
    resulting in high closure temp est. _at_ gt800 C
  • Initial Pb contents very low

Monazite closure temperature
EMP dating techniques
  • EMP variety of methodologies employed but all
    rely of measurement of total Pb
  • Limited by ability to resolve low levels of Pb
    against background x-ray spectra, low signal to
    noise, background correction critical and no
    general agreement
  • Also problems with x-ray interference
  • for example Y-L? with Pb-M? peaks (and if beam
    excites adjacent K phases then K peaks with U

EMP monazite cont.
  • Development of EMP specially configured for
    monazite by Mike Williams at UMass, optimised for
    usage at low acc. voltages (10 Kv, but very high
    current up to 500 nA) limited excitation volume
    in target.
  • Improved spectrometers and improved counting
    hardware and software
  • Claimed accuracy of 5 Ma!

High Res. Ion Probe method (SHRIMP)
  • Similar methodology as for zircon
  • Some compositional effects (matrix effects)
  • e.g. Th contents (Stern Berman 2000)
  • Need for compositional matching of std with
    unknowns for high Th monazite
  • not always observed (e.g. Rubatto et al 2001)
  • Unknown isotope at 204 amu, interferes with
    204Pb measurement
  • Thought to be a complex ion proportional to Th
  • Effects greatly reduced by energy filtering to
    remove low energy ions

In-situ SHRIMP methodology
  • Selected monazites cored from polished thin
    sections, petrographic context retained (e.g.
    Rayner Stern 2002).
  • Cores mounted in a 25mm dia. epoxy disc with
    pre-polished monazite std and Au coated.
  • The technique for obtaining age data is largely
    irrelevant (EMP/SHRIMP), it is the in-situ
    approach that offers the critical advantage as
    textural context is retained.

In-situ U-Pb analysis using SHRIMP
  • Small cores from polished thin sections
    containing monazite
  • Targets pre-selected by prior SEM and optical
  • Mounted in SHRIMP epoxy puck together with mnz
  • Petrographic context preserved

In-situ monazite U-Pb geochronology and dating
fabrics a cautionary tale from the Committee
Bay granite-supracrustal belt
GAC-MAC 2003
Western Churchill Province
Committee Bay granite supracrustal belt
  • Neoarchean 2.73-2.70 Ga supracrustals (Prince
    Albert Group)
  • spinifex-textured komatiite, komatiitic basalts
    and rare pillow basalts interbedded with
    cross-bedded quartzites
  • pelites and psammites
  • Felsic tuffs and volcanogenic sedimentary
  • Voluminous 2.61-2.58 Ga tonalitic to
    monzogranitic plutons (U-Pb zircon, TIMS and
  • 1.82 Ga post-tectonic Hudsonian monzogranites
    (U-Pb zircon, TIMS and SHRIMP)

Regional Structure
  • dominated by NE-trending regional fabric
  • interpreted as transposition S1/S2 fabric
  • S1 rarely observed, locally identified in F2 fold
    hinges, and in areas of low D2 strain (e.g.
  • S1/S2 regional fabric - axial planar to
    asymmetric tight upright to overturned F2 folds,
    directed to NW.
  • D2 structures locus of Au mineralisation
  • S2 deflected by E-striking dextral shear zones

Committee Bay Integrated Geoscience Project
The northern domain Upper-amphibolite migmatitic
paragneiss, lacks volcanogenic sedimentary
associations of the lower PAG and central domain
The Walker Lake intrusive complex Highly
magnetic, ksp augen 2.60 Ga granodiorites and
1.82 Ga Hudsonian monzogranites
The central domain Greenschist to
mid-amphibolite facies volcano-sedimentary
successions (the Prince Albert Group PAG) assoc.
with voluminous 2.60 Ga felsic intrusives
In-situ monazite geochronology sites
In-situ monazite from SW-56K
In-situ monazite from SW-56K
In-situ monazite U-Pb data from SW-56K
  • Matrix grains, aligned in S2 have been reset,
    recrystallised or grown during ca 1.84 Ga event
    (the Trans Hudson event), which may date
    formation of the S2 fabric.
  • In absence of other constraints one could argue
    that ca. 2.35 Ga is age of S1 fabric development
    (Arrowsmith event), that is preserved in garnet
    and staurolite porphyroblasts that armour
    monazite from external events

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Petrology of Northern domain pelites
  • Sill-bio locally defines outcrop S1/S2 fabric
  • Two garnet types
  • Type I, inclusion-rich, (pyrite, qtz, bio, sill,
    mz/zirc) corroded by plag and crd. Large
    (1-15mm). Texturally early - wrapped by S1/S2
  • Type II, texturally late XCs S1/S2, forms
    clear euhedral small (lt0.5 mm) grains. In
    textural equilibrium with crd
  • Crd also overprints bio-sill S1/S2 fabric
  • P-T estimates of overprinting assemblage 4.5
    kbar and 700 C

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In-situ monazite U-Pb data from 56O
U-Pb zircon data from leucosome
Results from Northern domain
  • U-Pb zircon SHRIMP analysis indicate
  • Major episode of zircon growth and/or
    recrystallisation at 1.85 Ga (which collaborates
    with monazite data)
  • No zircon ages at 1.78 Ga or clear indication of
    an event at 2.35 Ga

Interpretation of results from Northern Domain
  • Several possibilities exist for the
    textural-chronological evolution of the Northern
    Domain based on these observations
  • The following cartoon sequence is one

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e.g. Skulski et al 2003 Roddick et al 1992
LeCheminant et al 1987
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  • Monazite of 1.85 Ga within grt1 suggests grt1
    growth must be no older than 1.85 Ga
  • S1/S2 must have developed between 1.85 Ga
    (maximum age of grt1) and the age of x-cing dykes
    at 1.82 Ga.
  • Consistent with the timing of growth of aligned
    monazite in SW region at 1.84 Ga.
  • Major period of monazite and v. low Th/U zircon
    growth at 1.85-1.84 Ga suggests high-grade
    tectono-metamorphism at this time along the
    Committee Bay Belt

Take home messages from "Northern domain"
  • ca. 1.78 Ga monazite aligned within S2 fabric
    from "Northern domain" are unrelated to fabric
  • Mnz inclusions within garnet not connected by
    penetrative fractures to exterior are ca. 1.85 Ga
    or older, whereas, Mnz inlcusions connected to
    exterior show ca. 1.78 Ga disturbance

What does this mean?
  • In order to account for mnz resetting within
    grt (or other) porphyroblasts

also reported by other mnz in-situ studies
e.g Montel et al. 2000 Zhu et al. 1997 DeWolf
et al. 1993
  1. Fluid-mediated processes?
  2. Fluid must have been in equilibrium with
    enclosing porphyroblast (no chemical zoning of
    host around fractures)
  3. Fractures in grt must have been open at ca. 1.78
  4. Porphyroblasts can act as limited open systems
    (e.g. Whitney 1996)

What does this mean?
  1. New mnz growth?.... volume issue
  2. Volume diffusion of Pb probably not viable, as
    most studies indicate Pb diffusion in mnz is v.
    slow (re closure Temp)
  3. Dissolution and/or re-precipitation processes
    likely esp. in presence of Ca-rich fluids (e.g.
    Seydoux-Guillaume et al 2002)
  4. Mnz not assoc. with fractures do not show effects
    of ca. 1.78 Ga event.

NO penetrative fractures around mnz
Further details on the Committee Bay example
  • Carson C. J. et al. (2004) Canadian Journal of
    Earth Sciences, 41(9), 1049-1076.
  • Berman R. G. et al. (2005) Canadian Mineralogist,
    43, 409-442.
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