Title: Paul McLaughlin, Chief Executive, Scotland Food
1Food Forum West Collaboration
- Paul McLaughlin, Chief Executive, Scotland Food
2About Scotland Food Drink
- Food Drink industry-led membership
organisation - Purpose is to grow the industry, working
collaboratively - Priorities are developed by the Membership
- Overseen by an Executive Group of major
industry representative and delivery
3Model for Growth
4Key Initiatives
- Reputation
- Access to Markets Programme
- Provenance and Labelling
- Food Tourism / Scottish Produce in Food Service
- Collaboration
- Coaching Academy Centre of Excellence
- Exemplar Projects
- Cultivating Collaboration
- Innovation
- Food, Drink Health Innovation Hub
- Skills
- Food Drink Skills Academy
5Strategic Activity
- Food Drink Policy
- Economic Growth Work-stream
- Industry Strategy Refresh
6The Food and Drink Policy
7Food Drink Policy - Status
- Workstream Chairs completed submissions
- Leadership Forum deciding combined view
- Policy Document being drafted
- Announcement Due at Highland Show
8 Research Summary produced End May 09
Industry Consultation underway June-Aug 09
Strategic Themes Agreed End Aug 09
Aligned Delivery Map produced Mid Nov 09
Finalise research reports Mid May 09
Refreshed Strategy Vision produced End
Sept 09
1st draft research reports produced Beg May 09
Draft Strategic Options produced Beg June 09
Action Plan produced End Oct 09
- Industry and Stakeholder Consultation
- Test and refine evidence base
- Develop strategic options
Produce Refreshed Vision Strategy to 2017
including evaluation process and baselines
Research to update Evidence Base Trends,
Competitors, Scottish Industry
Agree Refreshed Action Plan including roles of
industry and stakeholders
Existing Industry Vision Strategy
Track Performance Review
Research testing workshops Through May 09
Refreshed Industry Strategy Launched End Nov 09
Dec 08 May 09
April - September 09
Aug-Nov 09
Dec 09 onwards
Strategy Refresh Key Milestones
9Trends Markets
Industry Mapping
Exemplar Research
UK Retail Foodservice
Premium Brands
Global Threats
Strategic Options
From Research to Strategic Options
10How much collaboration is actually happening?
- A recent collaboration survey was performed to
determine how the industry felt about
collaboration. - Results have just been collated and make
interesting reading...
11Trading Relationships - Specifications
12Information Flow and Sharing
13Efficiency and Adding Value
14Long Term Thinking
15Mutual Support
16Survey Summary
- Respondents believed collaboration is a good
thing - But few do it well in practice
- Those who do, see a benefit
17Collaboration Helps Where there is Complexity
How Complex is this Supply Chain?
18Collaboration Helps Where there is Complexity
How Complex is this Supply Chain?
Cheese Processor
19Profit Leaks throughout the Chain particularly
at the joins
20What are the benefits to all this?
- Supply chain becomes more efficient
- Better returns for all
- Demand and Supply are closely linked
- Rural sector better linked to consumers
- Better quality can demand higher premium
- Consumers will pay for provenance
21What are we doing about it?
- INSIGHTS Project
- Lean Green Exemplars
- Lean Tasters
- Coaching Academy Centre of Excellence
- Cultivating Collaboration (C2)
- Mentoring Partnerships
- Collaboration across Food For a
- Surviving the Economic Downturn Event
22Why should I join Scotland Food Drink?
- For small companies in the year of Homecoming we
are offering a 50 membership discount - 300 for
the first year. - As a member, you will get 25 of your membership
fee back in credits to spend on any of our
activities - Members get reduced rate and priority access to
all our events and services, which make those
credits go even further.
23Why should I join Scotland Food Drink?
- Access to over 1500 worth of business
development services outlined in the Members
Benefits leaflet - Free access to IGDs Retail Analysis, essential
information for all companies supplying or hoping
to supply larger retail chains. - Priority access to Meet the Buyer programme, with
greater emphasis on speciality and foodservice
outlets, as well as the main multiples
24Why should I join Scotland Food Drink?
- Great networking opportunities with Scottish
businesses in all sectors and sizes, and from
research organizations to multiple retailers. - As a member, you have the best opportunity to
make your voice heard in the development of
strategies and initiatives which impact on your
business, through getting involved with the
Working Groups
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