Sunda: The account of Affirmative life - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Sunda: The account of Affirmative life


'Ayeuna ceuna lamun rek na k ka gunung padang kudu mawa bakakak hayam. ... Urang t h kudu lir ibarat hayam dibelah dua, dibakakak, saha badan urang, serah ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Sunda: The account of Affirmative life

Sunda The account of Affirmative life
  • Mythological Worldview of the Contemplative Site
    Nagara Padang,West Java, Indonesia
  • 2nd annual conference of IACM, 19 21 August
    2008 Ravenstein, The Netherlands
  • by Stephanus Djunatan MA

Cultural Setting
  • The Cultural Site is located at Pasir (small
    mount) Pamipiran (1224 m) the southern part of
    Bandung Area, Regency of West Bandung.
  • dry and wet padi fields, crops planted side by
    side with government owned pine plantation and
    human settlement
  • One of these communities is Rawabogo Village. The
    first inhabitants came from the Regency of
    Sukapura in Dutch Colonial era at 19th Century,
    or today Regency of Tasikmalaya and Ciamis.
  • The guardians of this site live in the village
    precisely at the kampong Ciparigi.
  • Every guardian develops respective version of
    teaching narrative of pilgrimage. Some of them
    inherit this narrative for generations.

Map of Indonesia
The Map of The site
  • Cultural inheritances which have been embodied by
    the guardians comprise
  • the primordial Sunda,
  • Hinduism and Buddhism,
  • and Sufism or Islamic mysticism.
  • These three cultural heritages conjoin each
  • One should notice that together these three
    heritages affects knowledge (the narratives)
    which is produced by the guardians.
  • One could traces them by careful analysis.
  • Islam mysticism affects implementation of
    symbolic elements the child, the name of stone,
    the name of legendary Pajajaran King, Prabu
    Silihwangi and the costume which the guardian

A skecth of pilgrimage tour
  • Legend
  • Going up
  • Going down
  • Relatively flat pathway
  • I s.d.VII the terraces
  • A, B, C Three phases of life cyclic spiral
  • The stages for praying and meditating session
  • Phase A Birth and Childhood, terraces I - III
  • Cikahuripan (spring of life)
  • A. Lawang Saketeng (the Entering Gate of
  • B. Lawang Kadua (the exit Gate)
  • Batu Palawangan Ibu (The stone of vaginal
  • Batu Paibuan (the stone of Motherhood)
  • Batu Panyipuhan (the stone of formal education)
  • Batu Poponcoran (the stone of final examination)

  • Phase B Adulthood, terraces IV - V
  • Batu Kaca Saadeg (the stone of self-reflection)
  • Batu Gedong Peteng (the dark cave)
  • Batu Karaton (the stone of Royal Palace)
  • Batu Kutarungu (the Stone of Ear)
  • Phase C Maturity or sagacious selfhood, terraces
    VI - VII
  • Masjid Agung (the Mosque of The Majesty)
  • Batu Bumi Agung (the stone of Glorious Earth)
  • Batu Korsi Gading (the Stone of Ivory Throne)
  • Batu Pakuwon Prabu Siliwangi (The thumb-carved
    pillar phalic stone of Prabu Silihwangi)
  • Batu Lawang Tujuh (the stone of the seven doors)
  • Batu Padaringan/Leuit Salawe Jajar (the stone of
    rice barns, or the curved array of 25 stones
    array of 25 prophets )
  • Puncak Manik (The summit of Light)

The mythology of affirmative life
  • I propose a definition of mythology as follows
  • narrative of life cyclic spiral which attributes
    complexity and completeness of humane quality in
    order to attain sagacious selfhood so that each
    individual can arrange respective story through
    contemplating act.
  • Thus, this definition suggest mythology as a
    story of the sagacious self which consider the
    pilgrim is the hero.
  • It is important to notice Sufism affects the
    implementation of symbols in this myths of
    sagacious self instead of presence of non-human
    or deitic figures.

  • Example of the symbols is what my guardian said
    before I carried out a pilgrimage
  • Ayeuna ceuna lamun rek naék ka gunung padang
    kudu mawa bakakak hayam. Tah padahal lain bawa
    bakakak hayam. Éta simbul jeung gambaran. ...
    Urang téh kudu lir ibarat hayam dibelah dua,
    dibakakak, saha badan urang, serah sumerah ka
    saha. Hiji menta pidua ti indung bapa, serah
    sumerah ka mahakawasa, boga tekad didinya. Geus
    serah sumerah ka nu Maha Kawasa, lir ibarat hayam
    dibelah dua, teu daya teu upaya, ujud paparin
    obah pangersa Gusti.
  • (my translation Now, it is said when somebody
    wants to visit Nagara Padang, he or she has to
    bring a long chicken cut in half. This is a
    symbol for us. We have to be like such
    cut-in-half chicken so that we can resign
    ourselves, asking who are we? First, begging a
    prayer from to our mother and father, then
    knowing to whom we should entrust our live. Here
    is our commitment, to submit ourself to the
    Almighty. Like the cut-in-half chicken, we are
    nothing and have no competence before the will of
    The Almighty.)

  • The pilgrimage of selfhood starts with the
    initial phase of life birth and childhood (A).
  • From the beginning a child has indispensable
    connectivity with parents (the living and the
  • Commemoration of parental nurturing and basic
    education is necessary condition in order to
    establish foundation of humane quality.
  • The next phase describes the grown up child, to
    be an adult (B) after passing the final
    examination or initation.
  • Adulthood associates with ability of doing daily
    works based on respective skill, having
    properties, and expressing competence and power.
    These refer to human capabilities.
  • Human capabilities include quality of mind,
    affection and will, of the physical, and of the
    spiritual realms.
  • Sufism nuance affects the idea of utilization of
    individual property. Property is used for
    charitable purpose. (the idea of having but not

  • The contemplation of the level of maturity C
    starts with acknowledgement by the grown up child
    that the Almighty is the proprietor of the
  • Sundanese worldview The triadic structure of
    Life or Tritangtu, which comprises the self
    (human being), The Universe (The Others) and The
  • This triadic worldview is foundation to
    explanation of Sunda virtues
  • silihwangi (intersubjective dignification),
  • welas asih (compassion)
  • and Sunda cardinal principle of life
  • silih asuh, silih asih, silih asah (to love, to
    nurture and to teach each other),
  • sapajajaran (equality),
  • nuhunkeun (gratefulness),
  • and kaadilan (justice).
  • These virtues and principle of life unfolds
    intentionality of the self to other fellow
    mankind or fellow creatures, correlation with
    them, and capability to be a mediator who
    connects oneself with the others and interweave
    connection for the others.
  • This is the account of affirmative life.

Interpretative discussion
  • The contemplation also has to do with the name
    Nagara Padang.
  • The name implies a riddle for term Nagara.
  • This term originally should be read from back to
    front syllable by syllable (Sundanese letter by
  • It becomes ra ga na. Ra and Ga are combined
    so that one can read them as Raga or (human)
  • These three syllables are accompanied with a
    preposition dina or in/into.
  • Together the term should be conceived as Dina
    Raga Na, or in the body. While Padang as
    emic defines it denotes bright, illumination.
  • Padang connotes illumination, enlightenment and
    wide perspective
  • The riddle of Nagara Padang then can be
    resolved as follows
  • the presence of the interwoven connectivity of
    human capabilities within the mind, affection
    and volition.
  • Alternatively, the illuminated sagacious self
    with its wide perspective presents as the
    mediating subject who interconnects other
    distinct features in the tripartite structure of
    Life, the Universe and the Almighty.

  • Further explanation of the account of affirmative
    life which is related to the name Nagara Padang
    can be found at a Sunda phrase papat kalima
  • Term by terms, this phrase denotes four compass
    directions (papat), the fifth point or the
    nucleus (kalima) and the high noon (pancer).
  • The first term, papat, the four compass points
    symbolize the universe or Mandala with complete
    compass direction.
  • While the two latter, kalima pancer, should be
    read as compound term.
  • These compound terms focus on Pancer.
  • Pancer associates the high noon with a moment of
    lightening all compass points without any
    substantial shadow (wide persepcetive)

  • By this explanation, pancer also means tengah,
    the middle. The middle postulates comprehensive
  • If one retains the center as proper connotation
    of tengah, this comprehensive worldview can not
    be unfolded
  • Moreover the comprehensive worldview underlies
    the connectivity within the Mandala (universe).
    All compass points are intelligible due to they
    are affirmed by the middle.
  • The connecting middle can be analogized for human
    awareness or conscience or hate, batin or
    jiwa in Sundanese lexicon.
  • In Short, the middle or Tengah symbolizes the
    self who expresses affirmative function so that
    polarized sides or paradoxal pair are always
    correlated and explain each other.

Sundanese way of affirmative thinking
  • Acknowledgement to multiple presentations of
    manifestation of life. It is symbolically
    projected into Tritangtu, the self, the universe
    and the Almighty or experienced inwardly, that
    is, reciprocal correlation among mind, affection
    and volition.
  • Assertion of self-identity of subjects. This
    assertion indicates a paradox. This assertion is
    necessary if one thinks of clear distinction or
    classification of identity for respective
    subject. That man is distinct from woman. That
    man occupies one side, woman the other. The
    classification presupposes negative function so
    that paradox obtains.
  • Apposition of the paradox is reciprocal
    implication so that one subsist the other, or
    clarifies the existence of the other. Teaching
    myth of sagacity indicates this comprehensive
    explanation of being.
  • Apposition is substantive operation of the
    Sundanese affirmative thinking.
  • It explains comprehensive worldview, nuance of
    conjoining existence.

  • The guardian mentioned
  • ...didinya memang éta jalan hadé jeung goréng.
    Ngan hadé nu mana goréng nu mana. Ulah gorengna
    goréng teuing. Hadé ge ulah hadé teuing. Sabab
    goréng teuing kacida, hadé teuing pare ogé loba
    teuing bera mah euweuh eusian, hapa. Euweuh
    araheun, hadé teuing. Siger tengah. (Handap)
    teuing bisi jongklok, tukang teuing bisi
    jongklok. Geura panggihan, geura tepungan anu aya
    dina wujud. Geura tepangan anu aya dina raga,
    geura wincik anu aya dina diri, geura papay anu
    aya dina rasa.
  • (... there is good and bad. Yet one have to
    carefully understand both. It is better if it is
    not too bad or not too good. Because both are
    excessive, Too many grains of rice, they are
    empty. Too good is aimless. Be comprehensive. Too
    low one can fall, too high either. Find this out
    within. Discover this inside the body, perform
    self-management, be aware of your conscience)
  • The guardian implements apposition of paradox
    like good/bad (hade/goreng), male/female
    (lalaki/awewe), day/night.
  • This is not only about how to balance ones
    perception toward the paradox.
  • One enables to perceive both sides simultaneously
    and that both are subsisted and correlated.

  • Awareness of this paradoxal correlation is
    symbolised in terms Siger tengah or in my
    translation be comprehensive. This term
    associates with the idea of inclusive middle.
    Here is the middle functioning as inclusive
    connectivity between what are regarded polarized
    pairs. This is not a third way exclusively
    presents side by side the other polars. The
    paradox is correlating insofar as they are first
    implied each others existence, alternatively
    they are affirmative.
  • In another interpretation, Siger denotes
    crown or corona. Semiotically, this crown or
    corona symbolizes circle of light, something
    honored and perfect. Such a circle posits that
    comprehensive worldview which includes paradox
    and each side of paradox explains the others
    presentation. Man explains presentation of
    woman, and vice versa.

A comparison with Dao De Ching chapter 2 the
development of the self
  • Reciprocity and Correlative mind (Karyn L. Lai,
  • Therefore having and not having arise together
  • Difficult and easy complement each other
  • Long and short contrast each other
  • High and low rest upon each other
  • Voice and sound harmonize each other
  • Front and back follow one another
  • Therefore the sage goes about doing nothing,
    teaching no-talking
  • (xiang) (?) each other, zhi (?)
    equivalence, wú wéi ??? ?doing nothing
  • Paradox is interwoven.
  • Comprehensive worldview,
  • Wisdom of affirmative life.

The vaginal passage
The Lawang Saketeng
Thumb-carved pillar of Prabu Silihwangi
The stone of motherhood
Thank you
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