Title: Disappointed In The Appearance of Your Lawn
1Disappointed In The Appearance of Your Lawn? Case
Many lawns have suffered through a bad dry season
this past summer. This stressful time has exposed
many of the weaknesses in your lawn. The lawn
in these pictures is a prime candidate for future
problems. The brown dead grass attracts chinch
bugs and is called thatch. The thatch layer also
repels water which prevents water and nutrients
from getting into your soil.
Photos Taken May 21st Of 2004 In Fort Lauderdale.
2Only Two Weeks Later!! The Bulletproof Lawn
Process Has Dramatically Improved This Lawn!
The Bulletproof Lawn process was implemented on
this lawn immediately after the photo was taken
on the previous page. No chemicals were used in
this process! In just two weeks, tremendous
improvement has taken place. The lawn is greener
and the thatch layer has started to decay. This
lawn is on the journey to a Bulletproof Lawn! A
lawn that is green, requires less water and
chemicals and is naturally resistant to insects,
weeds and disease.
Photos taken June 8th of 2004 In Fort
Lauderdale. Note This is a totally unretouched
photo! Sod plugs were planted inside the area in
the box. The other areas improved dramatically by
techniques described in the Journey to a
Bulletproof Lawn book.
3Disappointed In The Appearance of Your Lawn? Case
Here is an example of another lawn with a thatch
build-up in the City of Fort Lauderdale.
Photos taken late June of 2004 In Fort
4Huge Improvement in Just 3 Weeks Case 2
The results after 3 weeks were impressive. This
photo is totally unretouched and show the
remarkable power of the principles and techniques
in The Journey to a Bulletproof Lawn book!