Title: Alignment Requirements Introduction
1Alignment RequirementsIntroduction
- General method in NuMI Note L-221
- (Oct. 96, old 3 horn beam)
- Medium Energy Beam in TDR sect 3.6
- Detailed data here for Low Energy Beam, but
still - Uncorrected PBEAM bugs
- Horn current assumed at inner radius of inner
conductor - Target width of 3.2 mm used (latest 6.4)
2Beam Element accuracy requirements
- At low neutrino energies, the NuMI beam at the
far detector is several kilometers wide, making
it easy to hit with some neutrinos. - Much more demanding is the physics (energy
spectrum test) requirement to calculate the far
detector spectrum (without oscillations) from the
measured near detector spectrum.
3Beam Element accuracy requirements
- Use PBEAM_WMC Monte Carlo program to find v
energy spectra in the far and near detectors with
an element aligned.
If element is offset by X, then FAR(X)/NEAR(X)
should have been used instead. Correction factor
4Horn 1 X2 mm Flux, Ratio at Detectors
5RR Horn 1 X2 mm
6Calculation Scheme
- Select alignment reasonably achievable
- Find Far Near Detector Spectra with everything
aligned - Guess several displacements (x) of one element
find spectra - Find RR for each displacement
- Select peaks in RR
- Fit RR (E peak) to Axp
- Find RR variation at selected alignment accuracy
- Repeat for all elements
- Compare with 2 year run stats.
7Beam Position on Target Accuracy Estimate
Beam Position Chambers
dxt transverse error at target dxc transverse
error at each chamber r b/a 9.65 / 14.63
0.66 dxt dxc 2r2 2r 10.5 Assume dxc
0.25 mm, then dxt 0.45 mm
8RR-1Beam X on Target
96 GeVSensitivities
10Add Magnet Power Supply Regulation
- Details are preliminary due to beam line changes
PBEAM Monte Carlo difficulties. - Assuming they add in quadrature, seven magnet
strings that each produce a 0.25 mm error at the
target are acceptable. - Increasing this to 0.5 mm each stretches the
tolerance budget. - Anything more is not acceptable.