Title: Task%20C%20Activities%20in%20the%20CMS%20Experiment
1Task C Activities in the CMS Experiment
- Greg Landsberg
- DOE Site Visit
- September 28, 2006
2Brown and CMS
- Next energy frontier and a natural way for our
group to evolve is LHC - While have realized this a while ago, it would
have been a hard decision to move part of our
DOE-supported group away from DØ w/o stretching
thin our major responsibilities there - The NSF CAREER Award won by GL in June 2003
allowed us to expand in the new direction w/o
compromising our DØ strength - Why CMS?
- Better detector
- Strong Fermilab presence allowing for an
adiabatic transition - December 2003 formal application to join CMS
- March 2004 presentation of our application at
the CMS Week - June 2004 Brown was voted in and became a full
member of CMS - At the same time, Ryan Hooper, a new RA to work
on DØ and CMS has been hired using the NSF Grant - Based on our strong ties with Fermilabs SiDet,
we have joined Tracker Outer Barrel construction
project - Where do we stand now, two years since weve
3CMS Soon to be Lowered!
September 2006 CMS Week
4CMS Explained
Jos Engelen, SLAC 2006 Summer School
5CMS All-Silicon Tracker
Brown group involvement
Outer Barrel (TOB)
End Caps (TEC 12)
Inner Barrel Disks (TIB TID)
2,4 m
5.4 m
volume 24.4 m3 running temperature 20 0C
6TOB Construction
- Major hardware project accomplished via joint
effort of Brown, Fermilab, KU, Rochester, UCSB,
UIC, and UCR - Two mirror production facilities Fermilab and
UCSB - Some TOB statistics
- Total number of modules 5208 5 spares
- Total number of rods 688 5 spares
- Total silicon area 1000 ft2
- Total silicon weight 100 lbs
- Brown involvement QA, rod assembly, single-rod
test stand - People GL, Ryan Hooper, Hai Duong Nguyen,
Patrick Tsang, Scott Wolin, several more SS - Rod production took place in FY2006
- Uncovered and fixed many problems since mid 2005
- Common mode noise in ST sensors replaced w/
Hamamatsu - Wire bond breakage due to vibration module
encapsulation - I2C communication problems redesigned cards
- Degradation of the Ag-based epoxy bias connection
switched to wire-bonding - Sensor damage due to discharges between the
ground and the silicon surface encapsulated
wire bonds and modified HV power supplies - Despite the unexpected delays, the project has
been successfully finished - All the rods have been assembled, tested, and
delivered to CERN on time!
7Rods Single-Rod Test Stand
Single-Rod Test Stand (SRT),and the Brown Box
for reading rod temperature.Over 700 rods went
through SRT
An assembled rod and its readout end
8Typical SRT Rod Failure
SRT Opto Scan and Noise
Saturated AOH laser channel
9TOB at CERN Rods Being Installed
10Actual Rod Installation
100 mm axial precisionover the length of therod
(3ft)! 0.5 mil/sensor!
11LPC Activities
- LHC Physics Center (LPC) at Fermilab has been
founded in 2004 as a Mortar and Brick
foundation to accommodate critical mass of
experts and support LHC physics efforts by the US
community - Brown group was one of the first groups to join
(GL served on the Advisory Board in 2004-2005
Yuri Gershtein, than a Brown RA, became a
convener of the e/g group) - Many successes, from thorough work on development
and optimization of ID algorithms within the new
CMS software framework, to support of MC physics
studies by students and software tutorials - Helped our group to move to CMS adiabatically,
without compromising the DØ connection
- LPC grew significantly over the last two years
still remains to be seen if the critical mass of
experts can be achieved during CMS running - Could serve as a good alternative to maintaining
the core of the group at CERN (COLA, remoteness,
need to relocate several people at once) - 2007 LHC pilot run will serve as a proof of
principle - In 2005-2006 GL took a year-long sabbatical
supported by LPC and has been appointed as the
LPC Trigger Group convener - Meenakshi Narain just started as an LPC b-tagging
Group convener - Maintain LPC office space to provide students,
postdocs, and commuting faculty with excellent
working conditions
12Triggering at Hadron Colliders
- ee- colliders low total cross section, low
rates - Trigger pretty much on everything, perhaps with
the exception of very forward processes
(low-angle Bhabha) - Hadron colliders enormous cross section,
unattainable rates - Trigger is very selective
- Only small fraction of collisions is written to
tape - Additional complications due to pile-up
- stot 110 mb, sin 70 mb
- L 1034 cm-2s-1 10 nb-1s-1
- 25 ns bunch crossing
- Total rate 109 s-1 or 20/crossing
- An order of magnitude more complex triggering
than that at the Tevatron
13Trigger Architecture
- Must reduce 2.5-40 MHz of input interactions to
50-100 Hz - Do it in steps/successive approximations
Trigger Levels
x400 rejection
x1000 rejection
14CMS Level-1 Trigger Scheme
Electrons, Photons, Jets, MET
3lt?lt5 ?lt3 ?lt3
?lt2.1 0.9lt?lt2.4 ?lt1.2
15LPC Trigger Group
- Charge in concert with the international CMS
Online Selection PRS group - Simulate, develop, and maintain L1 and High-Level
Trigger algorithms - Work on creating realistic trigger table for the
startup pilot run, as well as for low and high
luminosity physics running - Maintain and operate Remote Operations Center
(ROC) at Fermilab a mirror control room for the
experiment - Participate in the MTCC (Magnet Test Cosmic
Challenge) shifts and data monitoring and
analysis - LPC Trigger Group Statistics
- About 25 active members
- Regular biweekly meetings (one later this
afternoon!) - Two successful workshops (L1 HLT) in the past
year - Deep connection with Online Selection PRS group
16LPC Trigger Group Activities
- Contribution to vol.2 of the CMS Physics TDR
(Brown, Fermilab, Wisconsin) - Trigger tables and rates (Brown, Fermilab,
Wisconsin) - Optimization of the L1 Calorimeter trigger
(Brown) - L1 calorimeter calibration and jet energy
corrections (Brown, Wisconsin) - Implementation of the L1 calorimeter emulator in
the CMSSW framework (TAMU, Wisconsin) - HLT Jet/MET trigger suite implementation and
timing studies (Brown, UIC) - Remote Operations and Control (Fermilab,
Maryland Brown is getting involved) - Test beam and cosmics data analysis (Fermilab,
UIC) - Calorimeter noise studies (Brown, Rochester, UIC)
- Minbias trigger design (UIC)
17L1 Calorimeter Trigger Optimization
- Pursued by GL and Sara Vanini
- Focus on the basics
- Systematic studies of noise
- Adjusting trigger thresholds to match noise
- Optimizing trigger algorithms
- Improving turn-on and resolution
- Improving MET resolution
- In the process uncovered and fixed many trigger
simulation bugs and cleaned up ORCA code and
propagate fixes into CMSSW - Example
- greatly improved single jet trigger turn-on an
important tool for multiobject triggers (ejets,
mjets, etc.)
Original defaultthresholds
ETgen, GeV
Optimized thresholds
ETgen, GeV
18Hardware Implementation
- Proposed optimized thresholds have been endorsed
and approved by the CMS HCAL Electronics and
Trigger groups - They are currently being implemented in firmware
and the new L1 emulator code - Brown group spearheads this effort and will redo
simulations with the new software - Also work on implementing and simulating dynamic
baseline subtraction scheme - Energy is determined as a weighted sum E ?fiEi
over several time-slices
5 70 23 2
- Automatic baseline subtraction ?fi 0
- Being implemented for HCAL fi -1.0, -1.0, 1.0,
1.0 - Will require slight timing realignment (1 ns)
- Robust against coherent noise and hot cells
19L1 Calorimeter Trigger Calibration
- Problem CMS calorimeter is
- Non-linear
- Non-compensated
- Has h-dependent response
- Goal correct for these deficiency via proper
calibration either at the jet or the trigger
tower level - New L1 JES corrections
- Fit (or take the mean) of ETgen ETL1
distributions in bins of ET, h
- Effect on MET in Wjets
- Left ME resolution
- Right ME pull
- Corrections remove pull ?, but worsen the
resolution by similar amount ? - Next step introduce new dimension in tower
calibration e/h
GL, Scott Wolin
GL, Sara Vanini
20Future Plans
- CMS Hardware Commissioning
- Our current CMS hardware project has been a
success, but it came to an end - Important to maintain hardware experience in the
group, especially given new students and postdocs
joining the group - Want to maintain close ties with the US Silicon
Consortium work well together, common goal in
bringing tracker online - Will participate in TOB commissioning via ROC in
MTCC-II (later this year) and underground SX5
cosmic running (2007) - Consider manning test beam and commissioning
shifts at CERN via short-term visits
- SLHC Upgrade
- A lot of opportunities for new major hardware
efforts - Participate in the SLHC Steering Group meetings
and SLHC workshops - CMS SLHC LoI will go to the funding agencies
later this year - Hope for enthusiastic support from you guys!
- Discussed participation in the following areas
- Construction of a part of the CMS silicon tracker
replacement - L1 tracking trigger design and construction
(hardware firmware) - More in Meenakshis presentation
21The LHC Schedule Winter 2006
- Physics running 140 days/year
- ATLAS/CMS running 100 days/year
- Typical efficiency for physics 40
- Effective ATLAS/CMS running time/year 1000
hours 4 x 106 s 4 x 1038 cm-2 4 x 1014 b-1
400 pb-1 _at_ 1032cm-2s-1 - Note that the schedule below R. Bailey, Aspen
2006 is all goes well scenario
2010, 25ns L1x1034 cm-2s-1?Ldt 40 fb-1
Pilot run, 75ns L5x1030 cm-2s-1?Ldt 20 pb-1
2008, 75/25ns L3x1032 cm-2s-1?Ldt 1.2 fb-1
2009, 25ns L1x1033 cm-2s-1?Ldt 4 fb-1
22Revised LHC Schedule (Summer 2006
- Pilot 2007 Run
- Starts 2 months later than previously expected
- Accelerator runs at injection energy (450 x 450
GeV pp) - Expected luminosity 1029 cm-2s-1
- Collision data sometimes in November 2007 50
nb-1 - Three-month shutdown following with 14 TeV data
in Spring 2008 - The goal to deliver a few fb-1 by the end of the
run - The rest of the schedule stays the same
23CMS Physics
- All what we have been doing is really driven by
our desire to become major players in the CMS
physics, in the same way we maintained physics
leadership within DØ over the last 15 years - Currently focus on low-level task optimization,
validation, and certification of trigger,
reconstruction and particle ID - See Tulikas talk on this
- Actively contributed to the Volume 2 of the CMS
Physics TDR - Getting involved in the Pilot 2007 Run data
analysis as a preparation to the 2008 physics run - Picking/negotiating physics topics to work on
from rediscovering SM with the first data to
searches for black holes at the LHC - Use our two-decade experience and leading role in
the Tevatron physics as a guiding star
24(Wo)manpower on CMS Doubling!
- FY2006
- Greg Landsberg PI (90)
- Tulika Bose RA (50)
- Ryan Hooper RA, NSF (75)
- Sara Vanini VRA (75)
- Zongru Wan VRA (20)
- Hai Duong Nguyen GS, MO (100)
- Patrick Tsang SS (25)
- Scott Wolin SS, UTRA (20)
- Total 4 FTE
- FY2007
- Dave Cutts PI (50)
- Greg Landsberg PI (80)
- Meenakshi Narain PI (50)
- Tulika Bose RA (75)
- Leonard Christofek RA (50)
- Selda Esen RA, NSF (100)
- Aram Avetisyan GS (75)
- Paul Huwe GS (40)
- Hai Duong Nguyen GS (100)
- Patrick Tsang GS (100)
- 2-3 SS (50-75)
- Total 8 FTE
- FY2005
- Greg Landsberg PI (30)
- Ryan Hooper RA, NSF (100)
- Hai Duong Nguyen SS, MO (25)
- 3 Temps SS (75)
- Total 2 FTE
25Our Newest Addition to the Group
- Selda Esen, who is graduating from Turkish
University of Cukurova this week and will start
with us on October 1 - CMS thesis based on jet studies and HCAL
test-beam data analysis - Will work 100 on CMS and replace Ryan Hooper
- Supported by the NSF grant
- Our 2004 bid for LHC, made possible by the NSF
support, has paid up - Our group is now well-plugged and recognized
within the CMS community and has contributed to
several aspects of hardware, firmware, and
software - Our adiabatic transition from DØ to CMS has been
successful we still maintain important
responsibilities in DØ (Luminosity Monitoring,
Level 3/DAQ, B-physics, Top, Single Top, New
Physics Searches), while ramping up our CMS
effort - Our CMS involvement doubled every year since we
have joined CMS while such a growth cant be
sustained much longer, its up to you to ensure
that it will continue - LHC is imminent three years from now we very
well may be reporting a major discovery made
possible by the Brown group efforts!