Using the Instrumental Variables Technique in Educational Research - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Using the Instrumental Variables Technique in Educational Research


The place of IV in educational research methodology. The classical econometric justification of IV ... Bound, J., Jaeger, D. A., & Baker, R. M. (1995) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Using the Instrumental Variables Technique in Educational Research

Using the Instrumental Variables Technique in
Educational Research
  • By
  • Larry V. Hedges
  • Northwestern University

  • The place of IV in educational research
  • The classical econometric justification of IV
  • The modern statistical approach to IV and causal
  • Implementing IV analyses
  • What can go wrong
  • Practical problems in IV

  • This talk is intended to be non-technical,
  • No matrix algebra will be used
  • Some technical details will be glossed over
  • For example, I will speak of bias and accuracy in
    situations where the actual moments of estimates
    do not exist
  • The object is to build intuition and
    understanding not to be rigorously technically

Estimating Treatment Effects
  • Consider treatment assignment (dummy variable) X
    and outcome Y
  • Regress Y on X
  • Yi ß0 ß1Xi ei
  • The estimate of ß1 is just the difference between
    the mean Y for X 1 (the treatment group) and
    the mean Y for X 0 (the control group)
  • Thus the OLS estimate is
  • ß1

Estimating Treatment Effects(With Random
  • If the treatment is randomly assigned, then X is
    uncorrelated with e (X is exogenous)
  • If X is uncorrelated with e if and only if
  • But if , then the mean difference is
  • ß1 ß1
  • This implies that standard methods (OLS) give an
    unbiased estimate of ß1, which is the average
    treatment effect
  • That is, the treatment-control mean difference is
    an unbiased estimate of ß1,

What goes wrong without randomization?(Simple
  • If we do not have randomization, there is no
    guarantee that X is uncorrelated with e (X may be
  • Thus the OLS estimate is still
  • ß1
  • If X is correlated with e, then
  • Hence does not estimate ß1, but some
    other quantity that depends on the correlation of
    X and e
  • If X is correlated with e, then standard methods
    give a biased estimate of ß1

What goes wrong without randomization?
  • When you regress Y on X, Y ß0 ß1X e and
  • the OLS estimate of ß1 can be described as
  • But since X and e are correlated, bOLS does not
    estimate ß1 but some other quantity that depends
    on the correlation of X and e

Instrumental Variables
  • Natural experiments are naturally occurring
    situations where we want to know the effect of
    variable X on Y and there is a variable Z related
    to X, but not e
  • Another way so say this is Z effects Y only
    through X
  • This variable Z is called an instrumental
  • It can be shown that
  • is an unbiased estimator of ß1 in large samples
    but not in small samples (bIV is consistent)

Instrumental Variables
  • One way to see this is in terms of two regression
  • Yi ß0 ß1Xi ei
  • Xi ?0 ?1Zi ?i
  • Note that, in this model X is endogenous (may be
    correlated with e)
  • The instrumental variables model requires that
  • 1. ?1 ? 0 so that Z predicts X, and
  • 2. Z uncorrelated with e (Z is exogenous) Cove,
    Z 0

Instrumental Variables
  • You can see the logic of IV as follows

Instrumental Variables
  • Recall the two regression equations
  • Yi ß0 Xiß1 ei
  • Xi ?0 Zi?1 ?i
  • This is why instrumental variables methods are
    associated with simultaneous equations methods in
  • In this formulation, Zi and Xi can be vectors, so
    you can have
  • several X variables, only some of which are
    endogenous and
  • several Z variables only some of which are
    instruments (but you must have more instruments
    than endogenous X variables)
  • The instrumental variables model requires that ?1
    ? 0 and Z uncorrelated with e

Instrumental Variables
  • Remember To be an instrument Z must be
  • Relevant (Z must be related to the endogenous
    variable X)
  • Exogenous (Z must be related to the outcome Y
    only through X)
  • Failure of either condition is a problem!
  • But both conditions can be hard to satisfy at the
    same time

ExampleExperiments with imperfect compliance
  • Effect of intent to treat, versus treatment on
    the treated
  • Intent to treat estimate
  • Compare Y for all those assigned to treatment 1
    to those assigned to treatment 0
  • This estimates the causal effect on Y of
    assignment to treatment
  • It does not measure the effect of actually
    receiving the treatment unless there is perfect
  • Experimental methods cannot estimate the effect
    of receiving the treatment, because that cannot
    be randomly assigned (without perfect compliance)
  • For example, families that use vouchers may be
    systematically different than those who do not in
    ways that affect Y

ExampleExperiments with imperfect compliance
  • Voucher experiments
  • We may want to know the causal effect of using
  • But not all families assigned vouchers use them
  • Because use of vouchers is not randomly assigned,
    it may be correlated with residuals
  • Random assignment to receive vouchers (is?) an
    instrument because
  • Voucher assignment is related to voucher use
  • Voucher assignment may affect school achievement
    only through voucher use

ExampleExperiments with imperfect compliance
  • This same idea can be applied to study the effect
    of receiving treatment (the effect of treatment
    on the treated) in many settings
  • It can also be used to study the effect of the
    active ingredients in imperfectly implemented
  • It can (more cautiously) be used to study effects
    of a treatment where there is an instrument that
    does not arise via random assignment

Other examples of IV Studies
Estimating Causal Effects
  • The Rubin-Holland-Rosenbaum model starts with 2
    potential responses for each unit
  • r1i outcome unit i experiences in treatment 1
  • r0i outcome unit i experiences in treatment 0
  • The causal effect of treatment 1 versus 0 on unit
    i is defined as
  • ti r1i r0i
  • You cant estimate ti directly, but you can
    estimate the average causal effect in some
    circumstances, like a randomized experiment

Estimating Causal Effects (Randomized
  • Let Z 0, 1 be a variable that expresses
    treatment assignment
  • In a perfectly implemented randomized experiment,
    treatment assignment (Z) is uncorrelated with
    both r1i and r0i, so
  • Er1i treatment 1 (Z 1) Er1i
  • Er0i treatment 0 (Z 0) Er0i
  • Thus Er1 Z 1 Er0 Z 0 Er1 r0
  • So the estimate of the treatment effect
    is unbiased

Estimating Causal Effects (IV Studies)
  • Consider IV within randomized experiments
  • Random assignment Z, with endogenous X (believed
    to be the efficacious causal component of
  • We want to know the causal effect of the
    endogenous variable X on outcome Y
  • For example
  • Effect of voucher use in randomized choice
  • Effect of treatment implementation
  • Effect of using specific instructional methods

Estimating Causal Effects (IV Studies)
  • IV can estimate causal effects of X on Y, if the
    following assumptions hold
  • Random assignment of Z
  • Exclusion restriction (exogeneity of Z)
  • Nonzero causal effect of Z on X
  • Monotonicity (no defiers)
  • Then the IV estimate is an estimate of the
    average treatment effect for those who comply
    with assignment

Units Reaction to Treatment
  • We can characterize units reaction to treatment
    into four categories
  • Compliers (do what they are assigned to do)
  • Always takers (get treatment regardless of
  • Never takers (never get treatment regardless of
  • Defiers (always do the opposite of what is
  • Note that we ruled out defiers by hypothesis
  • Note that we cannot necessarily identify
    individuals are which

Estimating Causal Effects (IV Studies)
  • Note that the causal effect of treatment on
    always takers and never takers is 0 by definition
  • We can also see the IV estimate as the ratio of
    two causal effects (two intent to treat

Carrying Out IV Analyses
  • Recall the description of IV in terms of two
    regression equations
  • Yi ß0 ß1Xi ei
  • Xi ?0 ?1Zi ?i
  • Two-stage least squares estimation involves
  • Regressing X on Z to get estimates of X
  • Regressing Y on to get an estimate of ß1
  • Specialized programs are also available in many
    packages (e.g., STATA or SAS)
  • There are also other, more complex procedures
    (such as LIML)

What Can Go Wrong In the Use of IV
  • Failure of the assumptions!
  • Failure of exogeneity (Z influences Y though
    other variables than X)
  • Failure of relevance (Z has only a weak relation
    to X)
  • Both of these kinds of failures are quantitative,
    not qualitative
  • Choice of instruments may involve a tradeoff
    between these two kinds of failures
  • But also, IV is a large sample procedure, even
    when assumptions are met it is only guaranteed to
    be unbiased in large samples

Violation of IV Assumptions
  • It is important to distinguish between two
  • 1. The assumption of exogeneity is met exactly
    and the relevance may be small (but nonzero)
    weak instruments
  • In this case the only bias is due to small
    sample bias in estimation
  • 2. The exogeneity assumption is not met exactly
  • In this case there is additional (large sample)
    bias due to direct causal effect of Z on Y
  • The analysis of bias is quite different in these
    two cases!

Exogenous, but Weak Instruments
  • Even when assumptions are perfectly met, IV is
    not unbiased in small (finite) samples
  • Finite sample bias can be non-negligible (e.g.,
    20 - 30), even when the sample size is over
    100,000 if the instrument is weak (Z is only
    weakly correlated with X)
  • The relative bias of bIV (versus bOLS) is
    approximately 1/F where F is the F-statistic for
    testing the relation between the instrument (Z)
    and endogenous variable (X)
  • A small value of F, even if it is large enough to
    be statistically significant signals possible
    large bias in bIV

Exogenous, but Weak Instruments
  • Measuring strength of instruments The
    concentration parameter
  • One interpretation of the concentration parameter
    is related to the F-test statistic in the
    regression of X on Z is a test of the hypothesis
    that ? 0
  • k(F 1) estimates ?
  • where k is the number of instruments
  • The accuracy of bIV (2SLS) estimate depends on ?,
    (? functions like a sample size)

Testing for Weak Instruments
  • It is not sufficient that the relation between Z
    and X is statistically significant
  • Need to test whether ?/k exceeds a threshold
    (below which instruments are weak enough to
    imperil inference)
  • Two definitions of weak enough to imperil
    inference, and both can be tested with first
    stage F for relation of Z and X (Stock Yugo,
  • 1. Bias of bIV exceeds 10 of the bias of bOLS
  • Requires F gt 10
  • 2. Actual level of 5 significance test exceeds
  • Requires F gt 24

Exogenous, but Weak Instruments
  • Exact (small sample) results are available, but
    very complex (almost to the point of being
  • In general, more instruments increases the
    relevance of the instrument set (increases the
    first stage F)
  • But, too many instruments increases small sample
    bias (compared to few instruments)
  • In general it is best to have as few instruments
    as possible, and for them to be strongly
    correlated with X (the endogenous variable)

There are Several IV Methods
  • I focused on 2SLS, the most widely used IV method
  • There are more complex competitors, such as the
    Limited Information Maximum Likelihood (LIML)
  • Analyses of these methods are difficult too.
    Large sample methods can help, but
  • There are at least 4 different large sample
    (asymptotic) models for analyzing IV (and they
    often give different results)
  • One of these suggests that 2SLS is equivalent to
  • Small sample studies (not definitive) suggest
    that LIML may be superior to 2SLS in small samples

There are Several IV Methods
  • But the full story is not completely clear (e.g.,
    how much this finding depends on normality) and
    it is not simple
  • Although it is generally found that 2SLS has
    particularly poor finite sample behavior, each
    alternative estimator seems to have its own
    pathologies when instruments are weak. (Andrews
    Stock, 2005, p. 2)

Failure of Exogeneity
  • Let H be the direct causal effect of Z on Y
  • Then if the exclusion restriction (exogeneity) is
    violated, the (large sample, large ?) bias in bIV
  • This shows that bias is reduced when the
    instrument is relevant (strong correlation
    between Z and X), so the odds of being a
    noncomplier are small

Failure of Exogeneity
  • Failure of exogeneity may introduce large biases
    that are hard to quantify precisely because they
    depend on unobservables
  • Usually, this assumption will be (somewhat) false
  • The best we can do is often to be skeptical and
    to make sure exogeneity is highly plausible in
    the setting to which we apply IV

IV Can Provide Valid Estimates
  • There are applications in which IV does provide
    credible estimates
  • Kruegers (1999) IV estimate of the effects of
    actual class size on achievement using
    randomization as an instrument
  • Howell et al.s (2000) IV estimate of the effects
    of using school vouchers on achievement using
    randomization as an instrument
  • Bloom et al.s (1997) IV estimate of the effects
    of JTPA on earnings using randomization as an

Practical Problems with IV
  • How do we know if Z is exogenous?
  • Isnt randomization always a good instrument?
  • No!
  • Consider a randomized experiment to change
    instruction (using many sites or schools)

Practical Problems with IV
  • Z is assignment to treatment to change
  • X is a measure of the instruction targeted by
  • Is Z relevant (a strong instrument)?
  • Hard to tell a priori (e.g., if Z is
    dichotomous, X is continuous, Z may not explain
    much variance in X)
  • Is Z (exogenous)?
  • Why should Z not influence Y through other
    unmeasured instructional practices?

Practical Problems with IV
  • Possible Solution
  • Include other instructional practices as
    covariates or endogeneous variables
  • But the number of instruments must exceed the
    number of endogenous variablesnow we need more
  • We could include Z-by-site interactions as
  • But now we have increased the number of
    instruments, which may increase bias

Practical Problems with IV
  • Assignment may have direct effects on Y if
    volunteers want the treatment (Shadish, Cook,
    Campbell, 2002)
  • Assignment may influence units to get
  • Tutoring
  • Teacher induction
  • Health care
  • After school programs
  • Assignment may have a discouraging effect on
    control group

  • IV can make possible estimates of causal effects
    without random assignment in some cases
  • But it is no panacea
  • Often, it will be difficult to find instruments
    that are both relevant (strong enough) and
  • IV estimation is a complicated subject and good
    theory for all of the relevant issues is not
  • For example, all of the theory I have mentioned
    assumes simple random sampling so it does not
    take clustered sampling (of the kind in most
    education experiments) into account

Select Bibliography
  • Causal Inference
  • Rubin, D. B. (1974). Estimating causal effects in
    randomized and non-randomized studies. Journal of
    Educational Psychology, 66, 688-701.
  • Angrist, J. D., Imbens, G. W., Rubin, D. B.
    (1996). Identification of causal effects using
    instrumental variables. Journal of the American
    Statistical Association, 91, 444-455.
  • Imbens, G. W. Angrist, J. D. (1994).
    Identification and estimation of local average
    treatment effects. Econometrica, 62, 467-475.
  • Natural Experiments
  • Angrist, J. D. Krueger, A. B. (2000).
    Instrumental variables and the search for
    identification From supply an demand to natural
    experiments. The Journal of Economic
    Perspectives, 15, 69-85.

Select Bibliography
  • Weak Instruments
  • Bound, J., Jaeger, D. A., Baker, R. M. (1995).
    Problems with instrumental variables estimation
    when the correlation between the instruments and
    the endogenous explanatory variable is weak,
    Journal of the American Statistical Association,
    90, 443-450.
  • Staiger, D., Stock, J. H. (1997). Instrumental
    variables regression with weak instruments.
    Econometrica, 65, 557-586.
  • Nelson, C. R. Startz, R. (1990). Some further
    results on the exact small sample properties of
    the instrumental variable estimator.
    Econometrica, 58, 967-976.
  • Stock, J. H., Wright, J. H., Yogo, M. (2002). A
    survey of weak instruments and weak
    identification in generalized method of moments.
    Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 20,
  • Buse, A. (1992). The bias of instrumental
    variable estimators. Econometrica, 60, 173-180.
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