Title: unlike
1unlike unlikely unlikeness
The front and back of the guitar are not unlike
in color. We could say they are asymmetrical
because the sides are not mirror images of each
It is unknown as to who will win the gold medal
in the Super G ski race next week in the
3distrust distrusting distrusted
The hyena distrusted the wolf. He knew if he
turned his back that the wolf would attack him.
The computer is so much faster at completing the
math problem. I am at a disadvantage working
against the machine. It is to your
disadvantage to not read every day. Your reading
skills will increase the more you read.
5dishonest dishonestly
When Pinnochio was dishonest his nose continued
to grow! A dishonest person often tells lies.
Sometimes I dont know if I want chocolate or
vanilla ice cream. I am often undecided when it
comes to ice cream! Undecided means you are
have a difficult time making a decision so you
havent made a decision.
7disappear disappeared disappearing disappears
Did the rabbit really disappear? asked Syham
after the magician waved his wand over the hat.
Yes, the rabbit did disappear shouted
8uncertain uncertainly
When I dont understand something then I am
uncertain about it. If I am uncertain about
something I need to ask questions.
9disobey disobeying disobeyed disobeys
While my sister was usually one to follow the
rules, you could count on her disobeying the rule
about no cookies before dinner.
10unsafe unsafely
It is unsafe to climb a ladder without someone
holding it down. Usually when people do things
in an unsafe manner they get hurt.
11unhappy unhappiness
Being unhappy is not a lot of fun. Other words
for unhappiness are sorrow, miserable, sad,
forlorn, depressed and gloomy.
He injured himself and got hurt playing ball.
Due to his injury, he was unable to play with us.
13Unfriendly Unfriendliness
He was a very unfriendly person. He often picked
on others. Unfriendliness is not an acceptable
behavior in class.
14unkind unkindly
Please dont by unkind to one another. I expect
you to treat each other with respect. He was an
unkindly person because he always teased his
15disabled disability
He became disabled from the car accident and
could no longer walk, however he never allowed
his disability to get in the way of what he
wanted to accomplish.
16disagree disagreement
The two boys disagreed on what game to play, so
they didnt play together and both went home and
did nothing.
17unheard overheard
It was unheard of for many years where the gold
was hidden, until one day, a young boy was
digging and found a treasure chest.
The unclean car needed to go through the car wash
twice to get all of the dirt off. He had a
unclean desk and it really needed to be scrubbed
before putting books inside.
19dislike dislikable like likely
I dislike tacos because I dont like tomatoes or
spicy food. He can be a dislikeable person
because he complains about everything!
20unused used overused using used
Many computers have files and programs that go
unused by their owners. The bicycle in the
garage often goes unused because the boy would
rather use his skateboard.
- un is prefix found in the front of root words.
- It often changes the meaning of a word to make
the opposite. - un means not
- Dis is a prefix found at the beginning of words.
- It means not or dont