Title: The HydraSat is potentially
1The Hydra-Sat is potentially a very powerful
sensor to not only may internal water bodies but
also flooded river channels/extent of
floodplains. The figure on the left, Pinter et.
al. 2001, EOS shows the section of the
Mississippi River.
2The above illustration shows that over time due
to anthropogenic influences (channel deepening?),
the stage corresponding to a specified discharge
is increasing. This has implications on (a)
delineation of floodplain for societal
and insurance purposes (FEMA) (b) Water supply?
3Pinter et al., September 2002, EOS
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5Issues/Connections of Hydra-Sat
- Freshwater resource assessment Big push by NSF
for developing a program for this issue.
Increasingly becoming a very important issue for
water supply for human consumption and irrigation
(in the face of droughts). - Connections to other field experiments and
satellite programs (a) Soil Moisture Field
experiments carry out measurements in
conjunction with aircraft/instruments in
SMEX03/05 (b) AMSR estimation of surface wetness
(can be focus after the flood recedes)
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