Title: Tutorial week 12
1Tutorial week 12
- FFT example
- hw6 answer
- hw7 answer
3FFT --one example
- Compute the FFT of (1,0,1,0,).
- FFT (2,0,2,0)
4Hw6 problem1 --description
- 3-Coloring is a yes/no question, but we can
phrase it as an optimization problem as follows. - Suppose we are given a graph G (V, E), and we
want to color each - node with one of three colors, even if we arent
necessarily able to give different - colors to every pair of adjacent nodes. Rather,
we say that an edge (u, v) is - satisfied if the colors assigned to u and v are
different. Consider a 3-coloring that - maximizes the number of satisfied edges, and let
c denote this number. Give a - polynomial-time algorithm that produces a
3-coloring that satisfies at least 2/3c - edges. If you want, your algorithm can be
randomized in this case, the expected - number of edges it satisfies should be at least
5Hw6 problem1 --algorithm
- Algorithm
- Initialize for each vertex v ? V color v
lt- 0 - //use 0, 1, 2 represent three colors
- For each vertex v ? V
- Randomly pick one color c
- Coloring v color v lt- c
6Hw6 problem1 --efficiency
- We want the expected number of edges it
satisfies should be at least 2/3c. - For each node, there are 3 choices. So, for each
edge, there are 339 color state. Only when two
nodes have the same color, the color state is not
satisfied. So there are 3 states are not
satisfied for each edge. For each edge, the
probability that it satisfies the condition is
2/3. - For each edge e, define r.v. X(e), 1 e is
satisfied, 0 e is not satisfied - P(X(e)1)2/3.
- Define r.v. X number of edge that is satisfied,
X -
7Hw6 problem2 --description
- Let G (V, E) be an undirected graph with n
nodes and m edges. For a - subset X ? V, we use GX to denote the sub-graph
induced on Xthat is, the - graph whose node set is X and whose edge set
consists of all edges of G for - which both ends lie in X. We are given a natural
number k n and are interested in - finding a set of k nodes that induces a dense
sub-graph of G well phrase this - concretely as follows. Give a polynomial-time
algorithm that produces, for a given - natural number k n, a set X ? V of k nodes with
the property that the induced - sub-graph GX has at least mk(k-1)/n(n-1)
edges. You may give either - a deterministic algorithm, or
- a randomized algorithm that has an expected
running time that is polynomial, and that only
outputs correct answers.
8Hw6 problem2 --algorithm
- Algorithm
- Initialize X is empty
- While( GX is not satisfied) // less than
mk(k-1)/n(n-1) edges - Randomly pick k nodes
- Add these nodes into X
9Hw6 problem2 --analysis
- Step1 Prove For each GX generated by randomly
picking k nodes. The expectation of number of
edges is mk(k-1)/(n(n-1)). - For each edge e, define r. v. Y(e) e is chosen
or not. 1 yes, 0 no - e is chosen iff both ends of e lie
in X. - Define r. v. Y number of edges of GX
10Hw6 problem2 --analysis
- Step2 Prove For each randomly constructed GX,
Pr EX mk(k-1)/(n(n-1)) 1/(mn(n-1)). - Define p(i) GX has i edges
- Define
- So
11Hw6 problem2 --analysis
- Step3 After polynomial times loop, you can get
the GX which has at least mk(k-1)/(n(n-1))
edges - Pr EX mk(k-1)/(n(n-1)) 1/(mn(n-1)).
- O(mn(n-1))
- If the condition becomes GX has at least
edges - O (m) is enough
12Hw6 problem3 --description
- Suppose youre designing strategies for selling
items on a popular auction Web site. Unlike other
auction sites, this one uses a one-pass auction,
in which each bid must be immediately (and
irrevocably) accepted or refused. Specifically,
the site works as follows. - First a seller puts up an item for sale.
- Then buyers appear in sequence.
- When buyer i appears, he or she makes a bid bi gt
0. - The seller must decide immediately whether to
accept the bid or not. - If the seller accepts the bid, the item is sold
and all future buyers are turned away. If the
seller rejects the bid, buyer i departs and the
bid is withdrawn and only then does the seller
see any future buyers. Suppose an item is offered
for sale, and there are n buyers, each with a
distinct bid. Suppose further that the buyers
appear in a random order, and that the seller
knows the number n of buyers. Wed like to design
a strategy whereby the seller has a reasonable
chance of accepting the highest of the n bids. By
a strategy, we mean a rule by which the seller
decides whether to accept each presented bid,
based only on the value of n and the sequence of
bids seen so far.
13Hw6 problem3 --description
- For example, the seller could always accept the
first bid - presented. This results in the seller accepting
the highest of the n bids with - Probability only 1/n, since it requires the
highest bid to be the first one presented. - Give a strategy under which the seller accepts
the highest of the n bids with - probability at least 1/4, regardless of the value
of n. (For simplicity, you may - assume that n is an even number.) Prove that
your strategy achieves this - probabilistic guarantee.
14Hw6 problem3 --algorithm
- Algorithm
- Auction (n)
- if n 5
- Skip first 2 bids
- i from 3 to 4
- if bid (i) is larger than all first 2 bids,
accept i-th bid - else accept the 5th bid
- else
- Skip first bids
- i from 1 to n-1
- If bid (i) is larger than all first
bids - Accept i-th bid
- If still not accept any bid, accept n-th bid
15Hw6 problem3 --analysis
- Step1 compute the probability that the accepted
bid is highest - when adopt the strategy of
skipping first k bids. - Define r. v. X the order of the highest bid
(possible outcome1, 2, 3, , n) - Define event A the accepted bid is the largest
one. - We want probability that A
occurs when skip first k bids is adopted.
16Hw6 problem3 --analysis
- So,
- Define g (x)xln(1/x) . g (x)ln(1/x)-1.
- So when x1/e, g (x)0 gtk n/e.
- That means (k/n)ln(n/k) obtains the largest
value when kn/e. - k must be integer, let k
- Verify.
- When n is large enough, right.
- n 5, consider separately
17Hw6 problem3 --analysis
- Verify
- We have proved
- ngt5
- ngt8
- 5ltn8
- n5
- 1 n 4 obviously right
18Hw7 problem1 --description
- Consider the following linear program.
- maximize 5x 3y
- 5x - 2y 0
- x y 7
- x 5
- x 0
- y 0
- Plot the feasible region and identify the optimal
19Hw7 problem1 --answer
- Draw the figure and parallel
- move the objective function
- The optimal solution is (5,2)
20Hw7 problem2
- The Canine Products company offers two dog foods,
Frisky Pup and Husky Hound, that are made from a
blend of cereal and meat. A package of Frisky Pup
requires 1 pound of cereal and 1.5 pounds of
meat, and sells for 7. A package of Husky Hound
uses 2 pounds of cereal and 1 pound of meat, and
sells for 6. Raw cereal costs 1 per pound and
raw meat costs 2 per pound. It also costs 1.40
to package the Frisky Pup and 0.60 to package
the Husky Hound. A total of 240,000 pounds of
cereal and 180,000 pounds of meat are available
each month. The only production bottleneck is
that the factory can only package 110,000 bags of
Frisky Pup per month. Needless to say, management
would like to maximize pro?t. - (a) Formulate the problem as a linear program in
two variables. - (b) Graph the feasible region, give the
coordinates of every vertex, and circle the
vertex maximizing pro?t. What is the maximum
21Hw7 problem2 --answer
- Formulate the problem as a linear program in two
variables - Define x packages of Frisk Pup. y packages of
Husky Hound - LP max 1.6x1.4y
- s. t.
- x2y240,000
- 1.5xy180,000
- x110,000
- x0 and y0
22Hw7 problem2 --answer
- The optimal solution is
- (60,000, 90,000)
- Maximum profit 222,000
23Hw7 problem2
- set cover The set cover problem is as follows
Given a set U and a collection of subsets S
S1, , Sk, and a cost function c which gives
each set Si a positive integer c(Si), find a
minimum cost subcollection of S that covers all
elements of U. That is, each element of U is
contained in at least one subset Si that you
picked. - The frequency f(u) of an element u in U is the
number of sets Si it is in. The frequency f max
f(u). - Write down an integer programming for this task,
relax it to a LP, and then find a rounding
method, and prove that it gives a polynomial
time algorithm with approximation ratio f. That
is, the algorithm outputs a value c s. t. c ? c
? f c, where c is the optimal solution of the
set cover problem.
24Hw7 problem2 --answer
- Define r. v. X(i) ?0,1 with each S(i). X(i)1
iff S(i) is in a (fixed) min set cover. - The objective
- min ?S(i)?S X(i)C(S(i)).
- Constraints
- ?u?S(i) X(i)1 ?u?U
- X(i) ?0,1 ?i
25Hw7 problem2 --answer
- IP
- min ?S(i)?S X(i)C(S(i)).
- s. t.
- ?u?S(i) X(i)1 ?u?U
- X(i) ?0,1 ?i
- Relax to LP
- min ?S(i)?S X(i)C(S(i)).
- s. t.
- ?u?S(i) X(i)1 ?u?U
- 0 X(i) 1 ?i
26Hw7 problem2 --answer
- rounding procedure if X(i) 1/f, then pick it.
- Prove denote
- S an optimal set cover
- X an solution of the LP
- R(X) the rounding solution from X
- Step1 S R(X)
- For any element u since ?u?S(i) X(i) 1, at
least one of X(i) (u ? S(i)) is 1\f, which
will be picked to join the set. - Step2R(x) fS
- ?iX(i) ?iX(i)1/f X(i) // we throw some
part away - ?iX(i)1/f 1/f //
X(i) 1/f - (1/f)R(x)