Title: Amenities Master Plan Eagleland Reach
1Eagleland AmenitiesMaster Plan
- Bender Wells Clark Design
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- Projects in the reach
- General recommendations
- Specific recommendations
- 4 Sites
- Costs
- Priorities
4Eagleland Area Projects
5San Antonio River Improvement Projects
- The Eagleland reach of the San Antonio River has
undergone many changes since the founding of the
City of San Antonio. One of the most dramatic
alterations to the river channel was undertaken
in the late 1950s and early 1960s in the interest
of flood control, by the U. S. Army Corps of
Engineers. Below South Alamo Street the banks of
the river were straightened and re-graded and a
pilot channel was cut into the bottom of the
river channel.
6San Antonio River Improvement Projects
- Today, the citizens of San Antonio have expressed
a strong desire to re-create a beautiful and more
natural setting along the river. In July of 2001
a Concept Design for the river was prepared by
SWA Group, laying-out a vision for a more natural
southern portion of the river.
7Project Area
- The Eagleland Amenities Master Plan includes the
area within the bed and banks of the San Antonio
River from South Alamo Street to the tie-in to
The Historic Mission Trails project, near the San
Antonio River Tunnel Outfall at Lonestar
8Eagleland Projects
- A number of projects are either underway, or
planned within the Eagleland Reach of the San
Antonio River. - These include
9Pilot Channel Armoring
- A project providing for the re-shaping and
armoring of the river pilot channel. by the U.
S. Army Corps of Engineers
10Pilot Channel Re-vegetation
- A project currently underway providing for a
restoration of the channel vegetation and
regrading of the banks of the river by the U. S.
Army Corps of Engineers
11Hike Bike Connection to Historic Mission
- A system of Hike Bike paths will be constructed
as a part of the Historic Mission Trails Project
from Mission Espada at the south, to the Alamo at
the north. These will be supplemented with
additional trails along the river and on streets
within the river corridor south of downtown.
12Hike Bike (Cont.)
- Within the Eagleland reach, a Hike Bike path
will be constructed as a part of the Historic
Mission Trails Project from Mission Espada to
Eagleland Street, on the east river bank, where
the path will connect to bike lanes on the
street. As a separate project, a Hike Bike path
will cross the river to the west bank with a
pedestrian bridge at Eagleland Street, and
continue northward along the west bank to South
Alamo Street near the Bluestar Arts Complex. This
construction project will soon be under contract.
by the City of San Antonio
13Pedestrian Path Connection to Riverwalk
- The existing Riverwalk reaches its southern limit
at Guenther Street, in front of the San Antonio
River Authority Headquarters Building. Design has
been completed on a separate project to provide
the construction of a pedestrian pathway linking
the Riverwalk, near Guenther Street to South
Alamo Street and the previously mentioned
Connection to the Historic Mission Trails Hike
Bike Path.
14Pedestrian Path (Cont.)
- The connection takes place near the Bluestar Arts
Complex. This project provides a pier-supported
walkway in the river from Guenther Street along
the west bank of the river, crossing under South
Alamo Street. The removal of one gate in the
South Alamo Street Dam allows for the path to
descend below the dam, surrounded by a white
water cataract, called the Alamo Cascades. by
the City of San Antonio
15Plunge Pool Wall
- A construction project tied to the previously
mentioned project will place a wall below the
South Alamo Street dam, termed a Plunge Pool
Wall to armor the east bank in this area from
erosion, protecting the roots of a grove of large
old Cyprees trees by the San Antonio River
16Public Art Master Plan
- The creation of an overall Public Art Master Plan
for the entire river from the headwaters to
Mission Espada by the San Antonio River
17Amenities Master Plan
- Provides an overview of the Eagleland Reach
- Coordinates projects into a cohesive package of
work, and supplies additional amenities to the
River Projects from Alamo Street to Lone Star
Blvd. - Serves as a guide for future projects
- Includes funding for initial projects
18Amenities Master Plan
- Develops Site Plans for Key Sites
- Considers Overall Amenities improvements, site
furniture and materials - Considers Public Art
19Amenities Master Plan
- This plan is based on community input from a
number of public meetings, and from interviews
with stakeholders and neighborhood groups,
adjacent landowners and others.
20Amenities Master Plan
- In addition, Bender Wells Clark Design met with
- The San Antonio River Oversight Committee (SAROC)
Design Sub-Committee - The San Antonio River Oversight Committee (SAROC)
Eagleland Sub-Committee - City of San Antonio (COSA) Public Works staff
- COSA Parks Recreation Department staff
- COSA Historic Design Review Commission staff
- Mission Trails Oversight Committee representatives
21Amenities Master Plan
- Inventory of Existing Conditions
- General recommendations for Amenity Improvements
- Site Specific Plans for Amenity Improvements
22Amenities Master Plan
- Identifies 4 Key Sites for amenities and
improvements, based on Public Input - South Alamo Street Bridge
- Crofton Constance Street End
- Big Tex Grain near Blue Star Street
- End of Eagleland Street
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25Site A South Alamo Street Bridge Site
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35Site B Crofton ConstanceStreet EndSite
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47Site C Big Tex Grain Site
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57Site D EaglelandStreet EndSite
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62Plans for Key Sites
63Plan for Alamo Street Site
- Pocket Park
- Overlook
- Bridge Improvements
- River Access
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69Plan for Crofton Constance Street End
- Pocket Park
- Overlook
- River Access
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73Plan for Big Tex Site
- Picnic Area
- Shade Structure
- Overlook
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78Plan for Eagleland Street Site
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84Key Site Cost Data
- Opinions of Probable Costs
85Costs for Alamo Street Site
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87Costs for Crofton Constance Street End
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89Cost for Big Tex Site
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91Cost for Eagleland Street Site
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- Site B
- Site D
- Site C
- Site A