Title: MAESTRO: The MMT Advanced Echelle Spectrograph
1MAESTROThe MMT Advanced Echelle Spectrograph
- Jill Bechtold, David Dean, Michelle Reed, Jeff
Rill, Russ Warner, Brian Cuerden, Scott Mathews,
Warren Davidson, J.T. Williams, Mike Lesser, Dave
Baxter ITL, Richard Nagy, Roland Sarlot, Jim
Burge, Angus McLeod, Gary Schmidt, Matthew Chang,
Candido Pinto, - and many many others
MMT Science SymposiumTucson, June 15, 2006
- MMT f/5 spectroscopic corrector ADC
- Optical echelle, prism cross-disperser
- 4096x4096 CCD detector (Lesser et al)
- simultaneous coverage from 3200 A-1 micron
- Funds from NSF facilities instrumentation
- NSF CCD distribution, corporate donations,
departmental funds, MMTO man-hours - R38,500 or 7.7 km/s with a 0.7 arcsec slit
- R88,000 or 3.4 km/s with 2 pixel sampling
3Spectral format on 4kx4k CCD
- MAESTRO complements Hectochelle
- Similar in design and capabilities to MIKE at
Magellan - Interest in single object optical echelle
spectroscopy is still high in 2005-2006 - HIRES on Keck I scheduled 53 of nights
- MIKE on Magellan 74 nights in last 6 months
- Potential to swap in MAESTRO if Hecto positioner
fails same corrector secondary
5Schematic layout
6CCD 4kx4k thinned and coated by Lesser et al
Excellent cosmetics and read noise (1.8 electrons
rms) Superb UV QE Custom IR Labs dewar (so
can mount 4kx8k CCD in future upgrade) Leach
electronics Gen 3 spare in hand (swap with red
channel) Will run with AZCAM, MMT Spectrograph
CCDs to be upgraded this summer
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Attach to rotator ring
Space Frame
Cart, on MMT lift
9Lens Can
Grating and Platform
10July 2005 Trip to MMTto test handling without
Bolted onto rotator with no major
problems Document of proceedure was written
11New hatch to pit
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14Back home on 5th floor
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17Carbon fiber panels donated by Hexcel for
bulkheads, grating cell and grating platform
May 3, 2006
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20Spectrograph control Few moving parts, but
some Focus by moving L1 on rails Grating
coarse tilt motion Grating fine (few pixel) tilt
(Piezos) Swing comparison mirror in and
out Focus slit viewer camera Lamp
control Temperature sensors Galil
controller Ruby GUI interface for compatability
with MMT
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- Major optics made by Brad Picirillo (460K)
- Custom ruled Echelle Grating from Richardson
Labs 60 l/mm, blaze 63 degrees, 408x208 mm - Minor optics by Joe Apples or off-the-shelf
- AR coatings by ZCR
- Precision lens cells for camera/collimator and
prism made by Pinnacle
24Throughput estimate
- Aim Compete with HIRES on Keck or UVES on VLT,
despite smaller telescope - A total end-to-end throughput of around 23
should be attained. Here we assume - 95 hit for transmission of all glasses
- 26 air/glass interfaces with 99 AR coatings
- 50 QE for the grating (conservative)
- 90 QE for the CCD
25Current Status
- All optics in hand
- CCD, dewar, electronics done
- Virtually all parts out of machine shop
- Camera/collimator lenses mounted
- (as of yesterday)
- Today mount prism
- Next week Optical tests of camera/collimator
- Major task left Mount grating and test motion
- Put it all together and make it work
- Need cash
26Mounting the CaFl on the CMM at the Instrument Lab
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28L2 to L6 Mounted and stacked
29Schedule May 2006 Schedule review Fall 2006
First light, engineering Need bright
objects for testing Jan 2007 Begin user