Title: Poetry Quiz
1Poetry Quiz
- Number your paper 1-8 and identify the type poem
for each slide. Find at least 1 example of
figurative language in each poem and record the
device on your paper. The next slide shows an
- Snow
- Gently drifting down
- Winter flurries are coming
- Tickling my cold face
- Sean Klabough
- 5th grade student
- Wisconsin, USA
- Answer
- This is a Haiku
- It shows personification
- because snow is tickling
- the authors face as a human would
- tickle.
Begin your quiz with
the next slide.
The Turtle
is a giant hurdle
Lewis, J. Patrick, Doodle Dandies Poems That
Take Shape. Atheneum books for Young Readers New
York. 1998.
Friendship UnderstandingTalking, caring,
sharingTaking and giving all at onceBest pals
Hickory, Dickory, DockThe mouse ran up the
clockThe clock struck oneAnd down he
ranHickory, Dickory, Dock!
Lightning flashes bright Heron's cry loud, loud,
louder Stabs the dark quiet
Love Makes the World Go round.
The Carpenter and the Walrus
Beetles, butterflies Under rocks, under leaves,
Green grasshoppers in the garden Spring
critters! by Grade 4 and 5 students of South
Brook Academy,
Shark Smooth, Vertical Swimming, Eating,
Tearing Furiously Mean Friendly
Intelligence Jumping , Spinning, Guiding Gray,
Horizontal Dolphin
11Thank you for taking the poetry quiz.
Turn in your paper to the teacher.