Title: Legislative Breakfast
- 2007-2008
- Legislative Breakfast
2Raised Right
3CTJJA What Do We Believe?
Statewide advocacy organization working for a
safe, effective and equitable juvenile justice
system in Connecticut
- We believe in providing effective community based
services before a childs behavior escalates to
involvement in the juvenile justice system. - When a child does enter the juvenile justice
system, we support a combination of
accountability and rehabilitative services whose
effectiveness has been demonstrated time and time
4CTJJA 2008 Legislative Agenda
- Raised Right
- Raise the Age CT (RTA CT)
- Families With
- Service Needs
- (FWSN)
5Raise the Age CT
- Connecticut is one of only three states to try
all 16 and 17 year olds as adults no matter how
minor their crime
6Raise the Age CT
- Public Act 7-4 Effective January 1, 2010, 16 and
- 17 year -olds will be tried
- as juveniles
- Aside from serious and violent offenders, youth
who are up to the age of - 18 when they commit a crime will be under the
jurisdiction of the juvenile justice system.
7Why The Change?
- When youth are tried as adults, there are poor
outcomes for youth and community. Incarcerated
youth - Receive fewer rehabilitative supports including
education, treatment and vocational training - Are at risk of school of crime training, with
unhealthy adult mentors.
8Why The Change?
- Upon Reentering the community, youth
- Are subject to increased stigma and labeling
- May have weakened ties to
- family and other support systems
- Will have difficulty finding
- and keeping a job because of their criminal
9Raise the Age CT
- The 2007 legislation brings Connecticut in line
with national best practices by - Providing youth an opportunity to accept the
consequences for their actions - Improving public safety
- Provides access to services and rehabilitation
options to youth - Lowers the chances of youth reoffending.
10Currently JJPOCC
- The Juvenile Jurisdiction Planning and Oversight
Coordinating Council (JJPOCC) began meeting every
other week in early September - Bi-partisan, legislatively mandated group
- The Council is preparing for the enactment of RTA
legislation. -
11Currently - JJPOCC
- Visit the JJPOCC website at http//www.housedems.c
t.gov/jjpocc/index.html for presentations,
agendas, reports and other information.
12What Now?
- 2008 issues from JJPOCC
- Improve court diversion and pre-trial detention
practices - Phase in an effective system of services and
supports for 16- and 17-year-olds - Iron out all of the technical details of the
change as it will affect local and state agencies
13What Do We Want?
- Collaborate with JJPOCC to ensure state agencies
are accountable for policy changes - Follow recommended JJPOCC statutory changes for
successful implementation of legislation - Support legislation and policy that reduces the
number of youth in juvenile justice system
- Since 2005, Connecticut has been taking steps to
decriminalize status offenders (FWSN) - These young people arent criminals and have not
committed crimes. - Goal Help youth and families experiencing
challenges address those issues and avoid the
juvenile justice system.
15FWSN Offenses
- FWSN offenses include
- Truancy
- Running away
- Out-of-control behavior
- Immoral conduct
- Changes that went into effect October 1st 2007
Police, Parent, School
Probation Officer
Return to Referral Source
Refer to Community Based Program w/notice to
referral source
Refer to Family Support Center w/notice to
referral source
FSC No further benefit
CBP No further benefit
Probation Officer
Probation Officer
Withdraw complaint
File petition
Withdraw complaint
Part II Court Process
- New services include
- Family mediation
- Educational Advocacy
- Mentoring
- Crisis Intervention
- Full spectrum of community based services such as
IICAPS and MST. - Family Support Centers can also refer to respite
beds in the state.
Case goes to court
Judge refers to community based services or other
program prior to adjudication continues case
for 6 months
If all goes well case is dismissed and erased.
Or The child can be adjudicated FWSN There can
be a finding of imminent risk
- Dispositional options if a FWSN is adjudicated
- Refer the family for voluntary services
- Place the child on supervision (probation)
- Commit the child to DCF if found to be the
least restrictive alternative.
- Probation officer files petition ? Hearing
- Violation found ? Determine least restrictive
available alternative such as - Child to stay at home
- Under supervision of probation officer
- Last resort Staff secure CSSD facility or
committed to DCF
Petition filed alleging imminent physical harm
- Findings - Based on petition allegations and
other verified affirmations - child is in imminent risk of physical harm from
surroundings - as a result, the childs safety is endangered
and immediate removal is necessary - no less restrictive alternative is available
Child placed in staff secure CSSD facility
Hearing w/in 24 hrs exc weekends holidays
If not released, child may not be held gt45 days
w/court review every 15 days
At the end of 45 days
Release to community for services
Commit the child to DCF lt18 months
23Current FWSN
- FWSN Advisory Board
- Visit http//www.cga.ct.gov/kid/fwsn/fwsn.asp for
further information - Official recommendations coming soon
24What Do We Want?
- Broad community education about new process and
philosophy - Follow recommendations of FWSN Advisory Board
(released soon) - Truancy reduction efforts (cause of 50 FWSN
referrals) - Necessary Funding
- Authorize State Department of Education budget
request for truancy reduction programs - Fund additional DCF FWSN liaisons
- Fund 6 additional Family Support Centers
25What You Can Do
- Stay involved! Our work is far from over. Your
role is just as important and your voice just as
strong this year. - Educate yourself, your friends and your family to
use the power of your voices and votes. - Raise The Age
- Communicate with legislators regarding need for
timely and effective RTA legislation - FWSN
- Persuade legislators to fund Family Support
Centers, etc. - Join CTJJA listservs and mailing lists, attend
meetings - Advocate for prevention and early intervention
through quality, available childrens mental
health services and efforts to shut down the
school to prison pipeline