Title: Clustered Principal Components for Precomputed Radiance Transfer
1Clustered Principal Components for Precomputed
Radiance Transfer
- Peter-Pike Sloan
- Microsoft Corporation
- Jesse Hall, John Hart
- John Snyder
- Microsoft Research
3PRT Terminology
4PRT Terminology
5PRT Terminology
6PRT Terminology
7PRT as a Linear Operator
- l light vector (in source basis)
- Mp source-to-exit transfer matrix
- ep exit radiance vector (in exit basis)
- y(vp) exit basis evaluated in direction vp
- ep(vp) exit radiance in direction vp
8PRT Special Case Diffuse Objects
transfer vector rather than matrix
PRT02 SH Xi03 Directional Ng03 Haar Ash
ikhmin02 Steerable
- independent of view (constant exit basis)
- matrix is row vector
- previous work uses different light bases
- image relighting
9PRT Special Case Surface Light Fields
transfer vector rather than matrix
Miller98 Nishino99 Wood00 Chen02 Matusik0
- frozen lighting environment
- matrix is column vector
10Factoring PRT (BRDFs)
- Tp source ? transferred incident radiance
- Rp rotate to local frame
- B integrate against BRDF Westin92
- y(vp) ep evaluate exit radiance at vp
11Hemispherical Projection
- exit radiance is defined over hemisphere, not
sphere - spherical harmonics not orthogonal over
hemisphere - how to project hemispherical functions using SH?
- naïve projection assumes underside is zero
- least squares projection minimizes approximation
error - see appendix
12Factoring PRT (BRDFs)
13Extending PRT to BSSRDFs
- already handled by original equation
- use Jensen02, only multiple scattering (matrix
with only 1 row) - mix with conventional BRDF
14Problems With PRT
- Big matrices at each surface point
- 25-vectors for diffuse, x3 for spectral
- 25x25-matrices for glossy
- at 50,000 vertices
- Slows glossy rendering (4hz)
- Frozen View/Light can increase performance
- Not as GPU friendly
- Limits diffuse lighting order
- Only very soft shadows
15Compression Goals
- Decode efficiently
- As much on the GPU as possible
- Render compressed representation directly
- Increase rendering performance
- Make non-diffuse case practical
- Reduce memory consumption
- Not just on disk
16Compression Example
Surface is curve, signal is normal
17Compression Example
Signal Space
Cluster normals
Replace samples with cluster mean
Replace samples with mean linear combination
Compute a linear subspace in each cluster
- Clusters with low dimensional affine models
- How should clustering be done?
- Static PCA
- VQ, followed by one-time per-cluster PCA
- optimizes for piecewise-constant reconstruction
- Iterative PCA
- PCA in the inner loop, slower to compute
- optimizes for piecewise-affine reconstruction
23Static vs. Iterative
24Related Work
- VQPCA Kambhatla94 (static)
- VQPCA Khambhatla97 (iterative)
- Mixture PC Dony95 (iterative)
- More sophisticated models exist
- Brand03, Roweis02
- Mapping to current GPUs is challenging
- Variable storage per vertex
- Partitioning is more difficult (or requires more
25Equal Rendering Cost
26Rendering with CPCA
27Rendering with CPCA
Constant per cluster precompute on the
CPU Rendering is a dot product Compute linear
combination of vectors Only depends on rows of
28Non-Local Viewer
- Assume
- vp constant across object (distant viewer)
Rendering independent of view light orders -
linear combination of colors
- faces belong to 1-3 clusters
- OD 1 ? face drawn once
- OD 2 ? face drawn 2x
- OD 3 ? face drawn 3x
- coherence optimization
- reclassification
- superclustering
31GPU Dataflow
Vertex Shader
All examples have 25x25 matrices, 256 clusters,
8 PCA vectors
- works in signal space, not surface space
- uses affine subspace per-cluster
- compresses PRT well
- is used directly without blowing out signal
- requires small, uniform state storage
- provides
- faster rendering
- higher-frequency lighting
35Future Work
- time-dependent and parameterized geometry
- higher-frequency lighting
- combination with bi-scale rendering
- better signal continuity
- DirectX SDK for PRT available soon.
- Jason Mitchell, Hugues Hoppe, Jason Sandlin,
David Kirk - Stanford, MPI for models