Title: Social Choice 2 alternatives
1Social Choice 2 alternatives
- Elections with only two alternatives
- Majority Rule each voter indicates a preference
for one of the 2 candidates, and the candidate
with the most votes wins. - Desirable Properties
- All voters treated equally
- Both candidates treated equally
- If new election held single voter changed
ballot from being a vote for loser of previous
election to being a vote for the winner of the
previous election, everyone else voted exactly
as before, the outcome of new election would be
same as previous election.
2Social Choice 2 alternatives
- Elections with only two alternatives
- Property 1 not satisfied by dictatorship i.e. all
ballots except that of dictator are ignored - Property 2 not satisfied by imposed rule i.e.
candidate X wins regardless of who votes for whom - Property 3 not satisfied by minority rule i.e.
candidate with the fewest votes wins - Mays Theorem If of voters is odd, we are
interested only in voting systems that never
result in a tie, then majority rule is the only
voting system for 2 alternatives that satisfies
the 3 properties.
3Social Choice 3 or more alternatives
- Plurality Voting
- Borda Count
- Sequential Pairwise Voting
- Hare System
- Approval Voting
- Summary of Drawbacks
4Social Choice - Plurality
- Elections with three or more alternatives
- Plurality Voting only 1st place votes
considered. Candidate with most 1st place votes
wins. - Condorcet Winner looking at all possible
pairings, it is the candidate that would have
defeated every other candidate in a head to head
race. - Condorcet Winner Criterion (CWC) for every
possible sequence of preference lists, either - a) there is no Condorcet winner
- b) there is a unique Condorcet winner
5Social Choice Plurality - Example
Preference List
Plurality winner is Friday since 12 students
voted it as 1st choice
Compare all possible pairings to find Condorcet
6Social Choice Borda Count
- Elections with three or more alternatives
- Borda Count (rank method) assigns points in a
non-increasing manner to each voters ranking and
then sums up the points to arrive at a groups
final ranking. - Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives (IIA)
an alternative B cannot move from nonwinner
status to winner status unless at least 1 voter
reverses the order in which he/she had B and the
winning alternative ranked.
7Social Choice Borda Count - Example
Preference List
Assign points to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choices 2,1,0
respectively Compute point totals. Winner has the
most points.
Friday (2)(12)(1)(0)(0)(18)240024 Wednesday
(2)(10)(1)(20)(0)(0)202040 Thursday
In-Class Exercise Thursday Friday are
nonwinners. Suppose the 12 students in the first
column of the table changed their votes by
switching the order in which they ranked Thur and
Fri . Does this change winner?
8Social Choice Borda Count - Example
Preference List
Assign points to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choices 2,1,0
respectively Compute point totals. Winner has the
most points.
Friday (2)(0)(1)(0)(0)(30)0 Wednesday
(2)(10)(1)(20)(0)(0)202040 Thursday
Note that the winner has changed from Wednesday
to Thursday
9Social Choice Sequential Pairwise Voting
- Elections with three or more alternatives
- Sequential Pairwise Voting starts with an agenda
and pits the 1st alternative against the 2nd in a
one-on-one contest. The winner (or both, if they
tie) then moves on to confront the 3rd
alternative in the list, one-on-one. Losers are
deleted. This process continues throughout the
entire agenda, and those remaining at the end are
the winners. - An agenda must be given in this voting system !
- Pareto Condition If everyone prefers one
alternative to another alternative, then the
latter alternative is not among the winners.
10Social Choice Sequential Pairwise Voting -
Preference List
Use this agenda to find the winner Thursday,
Friday, Wednesday
Thurs vs Fri Thurs 810 18 Fri 12
Thurs wins, delete Fri
Thurs vs Wed Thurs 8 Wed 1210 22 Wed
wins, delete Thurs
Wednesday is declared the winner!
11Social Choice Hare System
- Elections with three or more alternatives
- Hare System alternatives are successively
eliminated in an order based on the number of 1st
place votes. - Monotonicity if an alternative is a winner, and
a new election is held in which the only ballot
change made is for some voter to exchange that
winning alternative with the one immediately
above it on his ballot, then the original winner
should remain a winner.
12Social Choice Hare System - example
Preference List
Round 1 (1st place votes) Fri (12)
Thur (8 ) Wed (10)
Thrus has only 8 votes so Thurs is deleted. Begin
round 2 by Replacing Thurs with the entry below
it in the table.
Round 2 Wed now has 18 1st place votes while
Fri has only 12. Wed is declared the winner.
13Social Choice Hare System example cont.
Suppose in our original example, 1 of the 12
students were to exchange Wed with list. Our
new preference list would be given below
Round 1 (1st place votes) Fri (11) Thur (8)
Wed (11 )
Thur is eliminated. Wed Fri are now tied for
the winner !
14Social Choice Approval Voting
- Elections with three or more alternatives
- Approval Voting A method of electing one or
more candidates from a field of several in which
each voter submits a ballot that indicates which
candidates he or she approves of. Winning is
determined by the total number of approvals a
candidate obtains.
5 people preferred Wed
7 people preferred Thu
5 people preferred Fri
Thursday is declared the winner since it got the
most approval votes.
15Social Choice Summary of Drawbacks
- COMAP, For All Practical Purposes, 5th ed