Title: Social biological organisms: Aggregation patterns and localization
1Social biological organismsAggregation patterns
and localization
2Swarm collaborators
Prof. Andrea Bertozzi (UCLA) Prof. Mark Lewis
(Alberta) Prof. Andrew Bernoff (Harvey
Mudd) Sheldon Logan (Harvey Mudd)Wyatt Toolson
(Harvey Mudd)
Give some details (thanks, Andrea!) Highlight
different modeling approaches Focus on localized
aspect of swarms(how can localized solutions
arise in continuum models?)
4Background Two swarming models Future directions
5What is an aggregation?
Large-scale coordinated movement
Parrish Keshet, Nature, 1999
6What is an aggregation?
Large-scale coordinated movement No centralized
Dorset Wildlife Trust
7What is an aggregation?
Large-scale coordinated movement No centralized
control Interaction length scale (sight, smell,
etc.) ltlt group size
8What is an aggregation?
Large-scale coordinated movement No centralized
control Interaction length scale (sight, smell,
etc.) ltlt group size Sharp boundaries and constant
population density
Sinclair, 1977
9What is an aggregation?
Large-scale coordinated movement No centralized
control Interaction length scale (sight, smell,
etc.) ltlt group size Sharp boundaries and constant
population density Observed in bacteria, insects,
fish, birds, mammals
10Are all aggregations the same?
Length scales Time scales Dimensionality Topology
9 billion/yr for pesticides (all insects)73
million/yr in crop loss (Africa)70 million/yr
for control (Africa)(EPA, UNFAO)
Economic/environmental Defense/algorithms
See Bonabeu et al., Swarm Intelligence, Oxford
University Press, New York, 1999.
Economic/environmental Defense/algorithms Sociol
Critical mass bicycle protest "The people up
front and the people in back are in
constantcommunication, by cell phone and
walkie-talkies and hand signals. Everything is
played by ear. On the fly, we can change the
direction of the swarm 230 people, a giant bike
mass. That's why the police have very little
control. They have no idea where the group is
going. (Joel Garreau, "Cell Biology," The
Washington Post , July 31, 2002)
Economic/environmental Defense/algorithms Sociol
15Modeling approaches
Discrete(individual based, Lagrangian, )
Coupled ODEs Simulations Statistics Search of
parameter space Swarm-like states
Simple particle models (1970s) Suzuki, Sakai,
Okubo, Self-driven particles (1990s) Vicsek,
Czirok, Barabasi, Brownian particles (2000s)
Schweitzer, Ebeling, Erdman, Recently Chaté,
Couzin, DOrsogna, Eckhardt, Huepe, Levine,
16Discrete model example
Levine et al. (PRE, 2001)
Newtons 2nd Law
17Discrete model example
Levine et al. (PRE, 2001)
Interorganism potential
Interorganism distance
18Discrete model example
Levine et al. (PRE, 2001)
Levines simulation results N 200 organisms
19Modeling approaches
Continuum assumption Similar approach to
fluids PDEs Analysis Clump-like solutions Role of
Degenerate diffusion equations (1980s)Hosono,
Ikeda, Kawasaki, Mimura, Nagai, Yamaguti,
Variant nonlocal equations (1990s)Edelstein-K
eshet, Grunbaum, Mogilner,
20Continuum model example
Mogilner and Keshet (JMB, 1999)
Conservation Law
21Continuum model example
Mogilner and Keshet (JMB, 1999)
22Continuum model example
Mogilner and Keshet (JMB, 1999)
23Continuum model example
Mogilner and Keshet (JMB, 1999)
Mogilner/Keshets simulation results
24Bottom-up modeling?
Fish neurobiologyFish behaviorOcean current
profilesFluid dynamicsResource distribution
25Pattern formation philosophy
Study high-level models Focus on essential
phenomena Explain cross-system similarities
26Pattern formation philosophy
Study high-level models Focus on essential
phenomena Explain cross-system similarities
27Pattern formation philosophy
Study high-level models Focus on essential
phenomena Explain cross-system similarities
Quantitative experimental data lacking Guide
bottom-up modeling efforts
28Pattern formation philosophy
Deterministic motionConserved populationAttracti
ve/repulsive social forces
Connect movement rules to macroscopic properties?
Stable groups with finite extent? Sharp
edges?Constant population density?
29Background Two swarming models Future directions
Modeling goals 2 spatial dimensions Nonlocal,
spatially-decaying interactions Mathematical
goals Characterize 2-d dynamics Find
biologically realistic aggregation
solutions Connect macroscopic properties to
movement rules
312-d continuum model
Topaz and Bertozzi (SIAP, 2004)
Assumptions Conserved population Deterministic
motion Velocity due to nonlocal social
interactions Velocity is linear functional of
population density Dependence weakens with
32Hodge decomposition theorem
Organize 2-d dynamics via Helmholtz-Hodge
Decomposition Theorem. Let ? be a region in the
plane with smooth boundary ??. A vector field
on ? can be uniquely decomposed in the form
(See, e.g., A Mathematical
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics by Chorin and
33Hodge decomposition theorem
Organize 2-d dynamics via Helmholtz-Hodge
Decomposition Theorem. Let ? be a region in the
plane with smooth boundary ??. A vector field
on ? can be uniquely decomposed in the form
(See, e.g., A Mathematical
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics by Chorin and
34Incompressible velocity
Assume initial condition
r r0
r 0
Reduce dimension/Greens Theorem
35Incompressible velocity
Lagrangian viewpoint ? self-deforming curve
36Example numerical simulation
(N Gaussian, )
37Overview of dynamics
Incompressible case Swarm-like for all
time Rotational motion, spiral arms, complex
boundary Vortex-like asymptotic states Fish,
slime molds, zooplankton, bacteria,
38Overview of dynamics
Incompressible case Swarm-like for all
time Rotational motion, spiral arms, complex
boundary Vortex-like asymptotic states Fish,
slime molds, zooplankton, bacteria,
Potential case Expansion or contraction of
population Model not rich enough to describe
39Previous results on clumping
nonlocal attraction
local dispersal
Mimura and Yamaguti (1982)
Kawasaki (1978)Grunbaum Okubo (1994) Mimura
Yamaguti (1982)Nagai Mimura (1983) Ikeda
(1985)Ikeda Nagai (1987)Hosono Mimura (1989)
Issues Unbiological attraction Restriction to 1-d
40Clumping model
Topaz, Bertozzi and Lewis (Bull. Math. Bio., 2006)
Social attraction Sense averaged nearby
pop. Climb gradients K spatially decaying,
isotropic Weight 1, length scale 1
41Clumping model
Topaz, Bertozzi and Lewis (Bull. Math. Bio., 2006)
Social repulsion Descend pop. gradients Short
length scale (local) Strength density Speed
ratio r
Social attraction Sense averaged nearby
pop. Climb gradients K spatially decaying,
isotropic Weight 1, length scale 1
421-d steady states
Set flux to 0ChooseTransform to local
431-d steady states
Ex. velocity ratio r 1, integration constant C
slope f 0
density r 0
Clump existence2 param. family of clumps (for
fixed r)
44Coarsening dynamics (example)
Box length L 8p, velocity ratio r 1, mass M
Social behaviors that on short time and space
scales lead to the formation and maintenance of
groups,and at intermediate scales lead to size
and state distributions of groups, lead at larger
time and space scales to differences in spatial
distributions of populations and rates of
encounter and interaction with populations of
predators, prey, competitors and pathogens, and
with the physical environment. At the largest
time and space scales, aggregation has profound
consequences for ecosystem dynamics and for
evolution of behavioral, morphological, and life
history traits.
-- Okubo, Keshet, Grunbaum, The dynamics of
animal groupingin Diffusion and Ecological
Problems, Springer (2001)
Slepcev, Topaz and Bertozzi (in progress)
Previous work on split and amalgamation of
herds Stochastic models (e.g. Holgate, 1967)
L 2000, M 750, avg.over 10 runs
log10(number of clumps)
47Energy selection
Box length L 2p, velocity ratio r 1, mass M
Steady-statedensity profiles
48Large aggregation limit
Example velocity ratio r 1
Peak density
Density profiles
49Large aggregation limit
How to understand?Minimize energy over all
possible rectangular density profiles
Results Energetically preferred swarm has density
1.5r Preferred size is M/(1.5r) Independent of
particular choice of K Generalizes to 2d
502-d simulation
Box length L 40, velocity ratio r 1, mass M
Goals Minimal, realistic models Compact support,
steep edges, constant density Model
1 Incompressible dynamics preserve swarm-like
solution Asymptotic vortex states Model
2 Long-range attraction, short range dispersal
nucleate swarm Analytical results for group size
and density
52Background Two swarming models Future directions
53Locust swarms
Keshet, Watmough, Grunbaum (J. Math. Bio., 1998)
Nonexistence of traveling band solutions (no
54Locust swarms
Topaz, Bernoff, Logan and Toolson (in progress)
Model framework Discrete framework, N locusts 2-d
space,xxxxxxx Swarm motion aligned locally with
windUvarov (1977), Rainey (1989)
x (downwind)
55Locust swarms
Topaz, Bernoff, Logan and Toolson (in progress)
Social interactions Pairwise Attractive/repulsive
x (downwind)
56Locust swarms
Topaz, Bernoff, Logan and Toolson (in progress)
Gravity Terminal velocity G
x (downwind)
57Locust swarms
Topaz, Bernoff, Logan and Toolson (in progress)
Advection Aligned with windSpeed UPassive or
active (Kennedy, 1951)
x (downwind)
58Locust swarms
Topaz, Bernoff, Logan and Toolson (in progress)
Boundary condition Impenetrable groundLocust
motion on ground is minimalLocusts only move if
vertical velocity is positive (takeoff)
x (downwind)
59Locust swarms
Topaz, Bernoff, Logan and Toolson (in progress)
60Locust swarms
Topaz, Bernoff, Logan and Toolson (in progress)
N 100
N 1000
61Locust swarms
Topaz, Bernoff, Logan and Toolson (in progress)
social interactions (catastrophic)wind vertical
structure boundary gravity
62Locust swarms
Topaz, Bernoff, Logan and Toolson (in progress)
Are catastrophic interactions a reasonable
model? Conventional wisdom Species have a
preferred inter-organism spacing independent of
group size(more or less) Nature
saysBiological observations of migratory locust
swarms vary over three orders of magnitude
(Uvarov, 1977)