Title: Magnetic Field of Solar Active Regions
1Magnetic Field of Solar Active Regions
- Jingxiu Wang
- National Astronomical Observatories
- Chinese Academy of Sciences
20. Theme Outline
- Brief history of AR Magnetic Field Studies
- Outstanding Achievements
- Some New Tendencies
- Exploring New Physics
- How much we know about flux appearance (or
flux emergence)? - How much we know about flux disappearance?
Is there magnetic reconnection in the lower solar
atmosphere? What it implies in flare physics? - What magnetic helicity diagnoses and
constrains? -
3I. Brief history
- 1859 First observations of flare (Carrington,
Hodgson) - 1866 Spectroscopy of split lines in spot (Lockyer
et al.) - 1908 Zeeman effect observed in sunspots (Hale)
- 1947 Concept of magnetic reconnection
(Giovanelli) - 1952 Photoelectric magnetograph (Babcocks)
- 1956 Theory of line transfer in magnetic fields
(Unno, Stepanov) - 1958 High resolution magnetograms (Leighton)
- 1958 Concept of magnetic neutral line (Severny)
- 1960 Vector magnetograph (Stepanov et al.)
- 1960 Loop-loop interaction flare model (Gold
4I. Brief History (Cont.)
- 1965 Small-scale nature of magnetic field
(Sheeley) - 1966 Early concept of standard flare model
(Sturrock) - 1967- Emerging flux regions (Bruzek or earlier)
- 1971 Stokes polarimeters (Cacciani Fofi, Wiehr
) - 1971 Moving magnetic features (Vrabec)
- 1971 First observations of CMEs (Tousey,Gosling)
- 1973 Magnetic shear (Zirin, Tanaka, Hagyard)
- 1973 Radio observation of magnetic fields
(Gelfreikh) - 1976 Flux tube model (Piddington, Parker,
Vandakurov) - 1980 Space observation of magnetic fields
(Henze) - 1982 Helioseismology probe of sunspot (Thomas et
al) - 1985 Magnetic flux cancellation (Live, Wang,
5II. Outstanding Achievements
- Detection of 0. "1 magnetic elements and
structures (Talks by Berger, Carlsson et al.) - Probe of subsurface structure and dynamics by
helioseismology (ref. Kosovichevs talk) - Infrared (IR) spectro-polarimetry (Mathew et al.
2003 Khomenko et al. 2003 Penn et al. 2004
Jennings et al.2004) - Firm evidence of flare-associated B changes
(Wang, Harvey, Zharkova etc.)
6Great success of IR Spectro-polarimetry
- Spectro-polarimetric observations at strong Ti
2231 nm were made of NOAA 10008 by California
State University Northridge National Solar
Observatory (Penn et al.2003) - Solar vector (Stokes IQUV) magnetograms using the
infrared line of Mg i at 12.32 ?m (Jennings et
al.2004) - Tenerife Infrared Polarimeter (TIP) in two
infrared Fe I lines at 15 648.5 Ã… 15 652.8 Ã…
(Mathew et al.2004)
7Firm evidence of flare-associated magnetic changes
- Only very recently a few types of the definitive
and rather universal magnetic changes are
identified by Big Bear Solar Observatory and US
National Solar Observatory. For example, a new
discovery of Sudden decay of sunspot penumbrae is
found to be universal for ?-sunspot that produce
8October 28, 2003 X17 Flare(Wang et al. 2004)
Sudden decay of sunspot senumbrae
Difference Image
14 / 32
9III. New Tendencies
- Observational MHD approach
- Synthesized analysis of vector magnetograms
toward models of flare/CME prediction - Very hot studies of AR magnetic helicity
following Berger Field
10Observational MDH Approaches (Jiong Qiu et
al.2004 ApJ 565, 1335)
Macroscopic electric fields and reconnection rate
inside the reconnecting current sheet (RCS)
11 Systematic investigations to extract as much
information as possible from the time-sequence of
vector magnetograms related to occurrence of
solar energetic events (Leka et al. 2003a,b,c
Falconer et al. 2002, 2003)
- Distribution of B
- Total Flux and Flux Imbalance
- Magnetic Neutral Line
- The Field Inclination
- Gradients of B, Bh, Bz
- Vertical Current Jz
- Twist Parameter, ?
- Helicity Density, Rate Pattern
- Shear Angles
- Free Magnetic Energy
12Very hot studies of helicity
- -- Measurements (Chae, Kusano, Demoulin, Berger,
Wang, Georgoulis, Sakurai, Magara, Loncope..) - Magnitude rate in ARs --1043 Mx2, 1039
Mx2/s - -- Helicity change activity (Moon, Kim, Chou,
Zhang, Yokoyama et al.) - -- CME helicity source (ARs are incompetent? see
DeVore, Berger Ruzmaikin, Demoulin et al.,
Green et al., Moon et al. Nindos Zhang, Nindos
et al.) - -- Cyclic evolution (Seehafer, Pevtsov,
Abramenko, Bao Zhang, Benevolenskaya, Kleeorin,
Kuzanyan, Sokoloff, Tian et al. ) - -- Helicity distribution annihilation (Kusano,
13IV. Exploring New Physic
- How much we understand the flux emergence, or
more general, the flux appearance? - Emerging flux regions (EFRs) are
elementary building bricks of magnetic fields of
ARs, play a central role in explosive activity,
manifest the sub-surface dynamics and dynamo
action. - -- Simple bipolar region
- -- Complicated ?-sunspots
- -- Peculiar flux emergence in sunspot
periphery - -- Moving magnetic features (MMFs)
- -- Sympathetic emergence?
- -- Hot spots or active longitudes
143D MHD simulations of twisted, O-shaped tube from
convection zone by Fan (2001)
Emergence Rapid breakdown of twisted flux rope
model for strong flare (Kurokawa et al. 2002 )
16VMG AR10486
170430 UT Oct.28 2003
Current helicity density
18MMFs peculiar flux emergence in the periphery
of huge monopolar sunspots
Often flare/CME associated
19EFRs in sunspot periphery
20Are MMFs part of U-loops emanating from sunspots
magnetic canopy? (Zhang, Solanki Wang 2003
Zhang et al. 2004, see observations by Yurchyshyn)
21What are MMFs ?
- Why huge monopolar sunspots with MMFs are often
flare/CME associated?
(Zhang Wang, 2002)
22Are MMFs current carrying? (Wang et al. 2004)
23(No Transcript)
24We are far from having a basic understanding
about flux emergence
- We do not know if the model by Tanaka (1991)
about ?-sunspot is truly correct and the only
solution. Helicity diagnosis is of helps. - We have no idea about what happen in the
periphery of some monopolar sunspot. - We can not be sure what are MMFs?
- Super activity often involves a few ARs. Is their
emergence connected? - How dynamo theories can be of helps in predicting
the hot spots ?
25IV. Exploring New Physic (cont.)
- What we know about flux disappearance? What are
the fate of new EFRs? What is the flux
cancellation? Is there magnetic reconnection in
the lower solar atmosphere? What this
reconnection implies in flare/CME process? - -- Observed flux cancellation between EFRs
pre-existing flux, inseparable elementary process - -- Correlation of flux cancellation to
activity - -- Vector magnetogram diagnosis
- -- Coupling of photosphere to corona
26Early Work on Flux Cancellation
- First detailed descriptions
- On the quiet Sun Livi, Wang, Martin, 1985
In an active region Martin, Livi, Wang, 1985 - Magnetic flux cancellation is described as the
mutual flux disappearance in closely-spaced
magnetic fields of opposite polarities. It takes
place everywhere on the Sun, on quiet Sun, in
active regions, and in coronal holes.
27Note While active searching for evidence of
reconnection in the corona to meet the so-called
standard flare model has been making without
success, careful measurements of the rate of
inflow flux and flux disappearing are available
in the photosphere. Moreover vector field
structure and flux evolution history reveal the
field connectivity clearly in most cases.
- Inflow velocity -- 0.3 0.5 km/s
- Flux change rate -- -1018 Mx/h (quiet)
- -- -1019 Mx/h
(ARs) - Transverse fields -- Discontinuous sheared
28Need more considerations about conductivity in
photosphere (even in corona see Gary 2003)
(Wang, 1993)
29The reconnection in the lower atmosphere should
be ubiquitous. This has been proved by
theoretical consideration, seen by TRACE, by IR
polarimeter observations.
- At the flare trigger site, opposite polarity
fields of 2700 and 1000 G occurred within a
single 2" resolution element, implying an
extremely high field strength gradient ,5 G/km,
prior to the flare. This is the largest gradient
ever observed suggests reconnection at or near
the temperature-minimum height. Vector (Stokes
IQUV) magnetograms by the infrared line of MgI at
12.32 ?m (Jennings et al.2002 ApJ 568 1043)
30Reconnection can take place even below the
photosphere, resulting peculiar flux appearance,
say an EFR with hidden positive pole, but
enhanced transverse field (Wang Shi, 93)
31- Why a new EFR could appear as having no positive
polarity, but only an enhanced bundle of
transverse field and continuous increase of
negative flux? Flare activity was seen to
correlate with this EFR.
Magnetic neutral line
32Before Flare After Flare
A finding by Haimin Wang et al. 2004
33Correlation with Activities
34B vector evolution of AR8100
35Evolution of two EFRs
Magnetic Interface
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38Helicity pattern of CME-associated ARs
- For 9 sampling ARs, contrary to the helicity
charging picture, we find evidence that the new
emerging flux often brings up the helicity with
sign opposite to the dominant helicity of the
ARs. Moreover the flare/CME initiation site was
characterized by the close contacting of magnetic
flux with opposite sign helicity in coincidence
with observed flux cancellation. This support the
paradigm that interaction of topology-independent
flux systems is a key ingredient in flare/CME
magnetism (Wang, Zhou Zhang, 2004)
39Concluding Remark
- Trying hard to not widen but narrow the gaps
between theories and observations. Without the
knowledge of photospheric magnetic fields, we
have no way to understand the physics of solar
activity. - Trying hard to see new physics. When the
mathematics becomes too much complicated it seems
time to stop to finding new physics when the
observation goes into too many details it seems
time to stop to thinking whats the physics we
are working for. - Thanks to Harvey, Haimin Wang, Sakurai, Shibata
for providing materials and suggestions for this