Title: Writing
1Chapter 9
2In this chapter
- Three phased writing strategy
- Non-sexist writing
- Using the Internet
- Writing and delivering speeches
- Plagiarism
- Power process-
- Be a fool
3Quote for discussion
- You do not know what is in you - an inexhaustible
fountain of ideas. - BRENDA UELAND
- Is a marketable skill
- Is a powerful way to learn
- Is an essential skill in the age of information
- Turns data into insight
5Phase 1 Creating something from nothing
Getting ready to write
- Step 1 List and schedule writing tasks
6Phase 1 Creating something from nothing
Getting ready to write
- Step 2 Generate ideas
- Brainstorm with a group
- Speak it
- Use free writing
7Phase 1 Creating something from nothing
- Step 3 Refine initial ideas
- Select a topic and a working title
- Write a thesis statement
- Make an assertion
- Describe an action
- Use a complete sentence
8Phase 1 Creating something from nothing
Getting ready to write
- Step 4 Consider audience, purpose, and content
- Do you want her to think differently?
- Do you want her to feel differently?
- Do you want her to take a certain action?
9Phase 1 Creating something from nothing
Getting ready to write
- Step 5 Do initial research
- Overview of the subject
- Major divisions
- Major issues
- Major branches
10Phase 1 Creating something from nothing
Getting ready to write
- Step 6 Outline
- Plot your plan
- Use 3x5 cards
- Brainstorm
11Phase 1 Creating something from nothing
Getting ready to write
- Step 7 Research
- Use 3x5 cards
- Sense the time to begin writing
12Phase 2 Getting down to it
Writing the first draft
- First draft is not for keeps
- Write freely
- Be yourself
- Let your inner writer take over
- Ease into it
13Phase 2 Getting down to it
Writing the first draft
- Make writing a habit
- Respect your deep mind
- Get physical
- Use affirmations and visualizations
- Hide it in your drawer for a while
14Phase 3 Polishing your creation
- Step 1 Cut
- Cut passages or paragraphs that dont contribute
to your purposes - Eliminate unnecessary words
- Avoid being redundant
- Create a file of deleted words and phrases for
future papers
15Phase 3 Polishing your creation
- Step 2 Paste
- Are concepts in logical order?
- Does one point flow into the next?
- Will it hang together for the reader?
- Will the reader feel points are in random order?
- Do the paragraphs maintain consistency?
- Have you used logical transitions?
16Phase 3 Polishing your creation
- Step 3 Fix
- Write in active rather than passive voice
- Avoid writing verbosely
- Write specifically rather than vaguely
17Phase 3 Polishing your creation
- Step 4 Prepare
- Know the required format for the paper
- Use quality paper
- Bind your paper with a paper or plastic cover
18Phase 3 Polishing your creation
- Step 5 Proof
- Read it out loud
- Ask a friend to read it
195 elements of effective writing
- Clear thesis statement
- Sentences or paragraphs orient the reader
- Details support your conclusion
- Sentences purged of needless words
- Plenty of action verbs and concrete specific nouns
20Seven steps to non-sexist writing
- Use gender-neutral terms
- Use examples that include genders
- Alternate pronoun gender
- Switch to plural
- Avoid words that imply stereotypes
- Use parallel names
- Visualize a world of sexual equality
21Give credit where credit is due
Plagiarism is-- Using another persons words
without giving proper credit or obtaining
22Avoid plagiarism
- Use quotation marks for direct quotes and
document the source
. . . .
- Paraphrase the authors words and document the
23Supercharge your computer with the Internet
What is the Internet?
- Network of computer networks
- No one person owns or operates it
- The Information Superhighway
24Features of the Internet
- FAQs
- Electronic Mail
- Telnet
- Chat rooms
- Bulletin boards and newsgroups
- Transferring files
25Accessing the Internet
- Direct connection
- SLIP/PPP account
- Online services
- Shell account from companies
26Using online tools
- Archie
- Gopher
- WAIS searches
- World Wide Web
27Avoid wasting time with your computer
- time-wasters
- Trial/error learning
- Playing
- Endless revising
- Losing data
- Aches and pains
- Slow speed hardware/software
28Power process-Be a fool
29Master students
- Jerry Yang and David Filo
- Yahoo inventors
30Add to society--