Title: Geoffrey Chaucer
1Geoffrey Chaucer
2Welcome, my knight, my pees, my suffisance.
- All consonants are sounded.
- Vowels
- a a father
- e a they
- i, y e machine
- o o note
- u, ou, oo goose
- ow
- III. Sometimes a final e is sounded when needed
for the meter.
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5Major Events of the Late Middle Ages
--The Hundred Years War (1337-1453)
--The Black Death (began in 1348)
--The Peasants Revolt (1381)
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8Westminster Abbey
9Poets Corner
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11Canterbury Cathedral
12St. Thomas a Becket
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16The Knight
17The Nun
18The Monk
19The Clerk
21The Doctor
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23Humor Excess of . . . Characteristics
Melancholic black bile
depressed (cold, dry) (from
Choleric yellow bile irritable,
angry, (hot, dry) (from liver) hot
tempered Sanguine blood
generous, kind, (hot, moist)
good appetite Phlegmatic
phlegm sluggishness, (cold, moist)
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25The Parson
26The Plowman
27The Pardoner
28The Wife of Bath
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30 Extra Credit (five points)
Attend the presentation by Arun Gandhi, grandson
of Mohandas Gandhi, Wednesday, February 11, at
130 p.m. in Powers Auditorium in Eoff Hall.
Afterwards, write at least 100 words giving your
impressions of Mr. Gandhi.
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