Title: The Association of Lithuanian State Parks and Reserves
1Interreg IIIB project EAGLE Nature Centres and
Environmental education in the Baltic Sea Region
BSR EAGLE in Lithuania
The Association of Lithuanian State Parks and
Reserves Didzioji st. 10, Plateliai, 90420
Plunges raj., Lithuania
- The Association of Lithuanian State Parks and
Reserves - Administration of Zemaitija National Park
- Administration of Curonian Spit National Park
- Administration of Kauno Marios regional Park
- Administration of Kurtuvenai regional Park
- Administration of Grazute regional park
The Association of Lithuanian State Parks and
Reserves Didzioji st. 10, Plateliai, 90420
Plunges raj., Lithuania
- The Association of Lithuanian State Parks and
Reserves (ALSPR) is NGO, in witch activities
involved all Administrations of National and
Regional Parks and Strict nature reserves of
Lithuania and Nature (Visitors) Centres too. - One of most important aim of the Association to
rise of public ecological knowledges and involve
vide public aware and active participation in
spatial planning and sustainable regional
development through changes of life style,
behaviour and production. - ALSPR is national co-ordinator of BSR EAGLE
project. - Contact person Gedas Kukanauskas (
bsreagle_at_parkai.lt )
The Association of Lithuanian State Parks and
Reserves Didzioji st. 10, Plateliai, 90420
Plunges raj., Lithuania
Main achievments of the project
- Organized national conference Protected areas
nature schools for society - Created national web site www.parkai.lt
- Organized national conference Visitor/Nature
centres today and tomorrow - Study trips to Denmark and Finland
- Study trip to Norway Sweden ( planned on 2007
may 26 june 4 ) - National conference( planned on 2007 june, still
no date) - Published 2 broshures
The Association of Lithuanian State Parks and
Reserves Didzioji st. 10, Plateliai, 90420
Plunges raj., Lithuania
LSPR conference Protected areas - Nature schools
for society in Plateliai ( 2005 april 28)
The Association of Lithuanian State Parks and
Reserves Didzioji st. 10, Plateliai, 90420
Plunges raj., Lithuania
BSR EAGLE co-ordinators and Lithuanian partners
meeting in Plateliai (Zemaitija NP, 2005 august 2)
The Association of Lithuanian State Parks and
Reserves Didzioji st. 10, Plateliai, 90420
Plunges raj., Lithuania
7Administration of Zemaitija National Park
- Administration of Zemaitija National Park is one
of the biggest organizer of events on Ecological
education in Telsiai county (territory af 4
municipalities more than 180 thousand people).
Location of the National park are situeted in the
middle of mentioned region. They have quite good
possibilities for organizing worshops, meetings,
seminars and conferences. They have possibilities
of potential specialists for Nature
interpretation and use the existing buildings for
Nature Center. - Contact person Giedrius Norvaisas (
The Association of Lithuanian State Parks and
Reserves Didzioji st. 10, Plateliai, 90420
Plunges raj., Lithuania
8Administration of Zemaitija National Park
Main achievments of the project
- Equipped nature centre classroom in Ploktine.
- Prepared ecological education programs for
national park visitors. - The ecological education nature trail is in
creational stage (will be finished in this
milestone). - Gained experience and strengthened contacts from
twining visits in Denmark, Estonia and Sweden. - Ecological education summer camps and events
organized for children and youngsters, organized
seminar for local people.
The Association of Lithuanian State Parks and
Reserves Didzioji st. 10, Plateliai, 90420
Plunges raj., Lithuania
9Administration of Zemaitija National Park
The Association of Lithuanian State Parks and
Reserves Didzioji st. 10, Plateliai, 90420
Plunges raj., Lithuania
10Curonian spit national park administration
- Ecological education are becoming one of the most
important function of the Curonian spit national
park. They staff is lack in knowledge, skills and
good practice recommendations. It is very
important for this park to add variety in
ecological education. To achieve this goal, they
need to expand existing expasition and construct
a new educational path Nature Puzzle and
publish brochure for path visitors. They park
would like to enquire useful experience and
improve work in ecological education. - Contact person Algina Vainilaviciene
The Association of Lithuanian State Parks and
Reserves Didzioji st. 10, Plateliai, 90420
Plunges raj., Lithuania
11Curonian spit national park administration
Main achievments of the project
- Organized conference Environmental Education
Ideas and Concrete Activities - Published book Games in the Nature
- Constructed new educational path Nature puzzle
- Prepared and approved strategic goals for the
Ecological Education center 2005 2010 - Study trip to Denmark
The Association of Lithuanian State Parks and
Reserves Didzioji st. 10, Plateliai, 90420
Plunges raj., Lithuania
12Curonian spit national park administration
The Association of Lithuanian State Parks and
Reserves Didzioji st. 10, Plateliai, 90420
Plunges raj., Lithuania
13Kauno marios regional park direction
- Kauno marios regional park is situated near one
of the bigest Lithuanian city Kaunas. There more
than 80 childrens education institutions, so in
the Nature schools atended more than 1000
childrens every year. There work 4 high skilled
specialists. Learning sesions take place in over
4000 Ha. The nature school is supported by Kaunas
County Administration, Kaunas City Municipality.
The Kauko Marios regional park Nature school will
help to expand the enviromental protection
educations ideas in Kaunas region, taked ones
cue from the project partners. - Contact person Reda Kairiene (r.kairiene_at_kaunoma
The Association of Lithuanian State Parks and
Reserves Didzioji st. 10, Plateliai, 90420
Plunges raj., Lithuania
14Kauno marios regional park direction
Main achievments of the project
- Increased an ecological knowledge and published
methodological material and some worksheets. Made
seven portable information boards and three
brochures. - Organized working seminar Education in nature on
sustainable development for Kaunas region
pedagogues. Weve spread sustainable development
education ideas. - Prepared exposition Foots in Kaunas sea bottom,
it composed by manual model, visualization and
photo exhibition Old valley by young eyes.
The Association of Lithuanian State Parks and
Reserves Didzioji st. 10, Plateliai, 90420
Plunges raj., Lithuania
15Kauno marios regional park direction
Collected more than 20 diversiform fossils,
cartographical material and more than 200 old
Pazaislis Abbey
The Association of Lithuanian State Parks and
Reserves Didzioji st. 10, Plateliai, 90420
Plunges raj., Lithuania
16Kauno marios regional park direction
The Association of Lithuanian State Parks and
Reserves Didzioji st. 10, Plateliai, 90420
Plunges raj., Lithuania
17Administration of Kurtuvenai regional park
- Since 1997 in Kurtuvenai Regional park organizing
Kurtuva green school. It is assigned for
childrens from region. Lectures, practical work,
summer camps of green school are organized in
Jautmalke NC. Having a big experience in
organising educational, recreational programs and
cooperation with NGOs, other organisations,
local authorities Administration of Kurtuvenai RP
can exchange the practical experience with the
nature centres from BSR. Specific role
preparation and implementation the program
Enviromental interpretation based on Baltic
culturel heritage in LT NC. - Contact person Laimonas Bartkus
The Association of Lithuanian State Parks and
Reserves Didzioji st. 10, Plateliai, 90420
Plunges raj., Lithuania
18Administration of Kurtuvenai Regional Park
Main achievments of the project
- Prepared educational program ,,Environmental
interpretation based on Baltic cultural heritage
- Study trips to Denmark and Belarus
- Organized summer camp for childrens
- Bought traditional music instruments and
equipment for Kurtuva green school
The Association of Lithuanian State Parks and
Reserves Didzioji st. 10, Plateliai, 90420
Plunges raj., Lithuania
19Administration of Kurtuvenai Regional Park
The Association of Lithuanian State Parks and
Reserves Didzioji st. 10, Plateliai, 90420
Plunges raj., Lithuania
20Grazute regional park
- Grazute regional park in cooperation with local
NGOs, Zarasai municipality, forest enterprise,
local people naturetrails and traces were
created. Its need improvement and could be use
for nature camp activities. Main task in this
project organiation of the nature camp
improvement of the nature tracks quality
spreading an ideas of the project proceed the
tradition of nature camp strenghtening the
skills and competence of NGO members funds and
partnership raising participate in creation of
education program support nature camp organize
a conference and prepare the leaflet. - Contact person Gedas Kukanauskas (
The Association of Lithuanian State Parks and
Reserves Didzioji st. 10, Plateliai, 90420
Plunges raj., Lithuania
21Grazute regional park
Main achievments of the project
- Organized 2 ecological camp for childrens
- Prepared educational program Water. Stone. Wood
- Improved infrastructure of 3 nature trails
- Bought field equipment for nature education.
- Made contracts of cooperation with formal and
non-formal education institutions, NGOs and
local municipality.
The Association of Lithuanian State Parks and
Reserves Didzioji st. 10, Plateliai, 90420
Plunges raj., Lithuania
22Photos from project activities in Grazute
regional park
Grazute regional park
The Association of Lithuanian State Parks and
Reserves Didzioji st. 10, Plateliai, 90420
Plunges raj., Lithuania
23thank you!!!
The Association of Lithuanian State Parks and
Reserves Didzioji st. 10, Plateliai, 90420
Plunges raj., Lithuania